package integration import ( "reflect" "testing" "time" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" resources_object "" ) // Details is the interface that covers both v1 and v2 proto generated object details. type Details interface { comparable GetSequence() uint64 GetChangeDate() *timestamppb.Timestamp GetResourceOwner() string } // DetailsMsg is the interface that covers all proto messages which contain v1 or v2 object details. type DetailsMsg[D Details] interface { GetDetails() D } type ListDetails interface { comparable GetTotalResult() uint64 GetTimestamp() *timestamppb.Timestamp } type ListDetailsMsg[L ListDetails] interface { GetDetails() L } type ResourceListDetailsMsg interface { GetDetails() *resources_object.ListDetails } // AssertDetails asserts values in a message's object Details, // if the object Details in expected is a non-nil value. // It targets API v2 messages that have the `GetDetails()` method. // // Dynamically generated values are not compared with expected. // Instead a sanity check is performed. // For the sequence a non-zero value is expected. // If the change date is populated, it is checked with a tolerance of 1 minute around Now. // // The resource owner is compared with expected. func AssertDetails[D Details, M DetailsMsg[D]](t assert.TestingT, expected, actual M) { wantDetails, gotDetails := expected.GetDetails(), actual.GetDetails() var nilDetails D if wantDetails == nilDetails { assert.Nil(t, gotDetails) return } assert.NotZero(t, gotDetails.GetSequence()) if wantDetails.GetChangeDate() != nil { wantChangeDate := time.Now() gotChangeDate := gotDetails.GetChangeDate().AsTime() assert.WithinRange(t, gotChangeDate, wantChangeDate.Add(-time.Minute), wantChangeDate.Add(time.Minute)) } assert.Equal(t, wantDetails.GetResourceOwner(), gotDetails.GetResourceOwner()) } func AssertResourceDetails(t assert.TestingT, expected *resources_object.Details, actual *resources_object.Details) { if expected.GetChanged() != nil { wantChangeDate := time.Now() gotChangeDate := actual.GetChanged().AsTime() assert.WithinRange(t, gotChangeDate, wantChangeDate.Add(-time.Minute), wantChangeDate.Add(time.Minute)) } if expected.GetCreated() != nil { wantCreatedDate := time.Now() gotCreatedDate := actual.GetCreated().AsTime() assert.WithinRange(t, gotCreatedDate, wantCreatedDate.Add(-time.Minute), wantCreatedDate.Add(time.Minute)) } if expected.GetOwner() != nil { expectedOwner := expected.GetOwner() actualOwner := actual.GetOwner() if !assert.NotNil(t, actualOwner) { return } assert.Equal(t, expectedOwner.GetId(), actualOwner.GetId()) assert.Equal(t, expectedOwner.GetType(), actualOwner.GetType()) } assert.NotEmpty(t, actual.GetId()) if expected.GetId() != "" { assert.Equal(t, expected.GetId(), actual.GetId()) } } func AssertListDetails[L ListDetails, D ListDetailsMsg[L]](t assert.TestingT, expected, actual D) { wantDetails, gotDetails := expected.GetDetails(), actual.GetDetails() var nilDetails L if wantDetails == nilDetails { assert.Nil(t, gotDetails) return } assert.Equal(t, wantDetails.GetTotalResult(), gotDetails.GetTotalResult()) if wantDetails.GetTimestamp() != nil { gotCD := gotDetails.GetTimestamp().AsTime() wantCD := time.Now() assert.WithinRange(t, gotCD, wantCD.Add(-10*time.Minute), wantCD.Add(time.Minute)) } } func AssertResourceListDetails[D ResourceListDetailsMsg](t assert.TestingT, expected, actual D) { wantDetails, gotDetails := expected.GetDetails(), actual.GetDetails() if wantDetails == nil { assert.Nil(t, gotDetails) return } assert.Equal(t, wantDetails.GetTotalResult(), gotDetails.GetTotalResult()) assert.Equal(t, wantDetails.GetAppliedLimit(), gotDetails.GetAppliedLimit()) if wantDetails.GetTimestamp() != nil { gotCD := gotDetails.GetTimestamp().AsTime() wantCD := time.Now() assert.WithinRange(t, gotCD, wantCD.Add(-10*time.Minute), wantCD.Add(time.Minute)) } } func AssertGrpcStatus(t assert.TestingT, expected codes.Code, err error) { assert.Error(t, err) statusErr, ok := status.FromError(err) assert.True(t, ok) assert.Equal(t, expected, statusErr.Code()) } // EqualProto is inspired by [assert.Equal], only that it tests equality of a proto message. // A message diff is printed on the error test log if the messages are not equal. // // As [assert.Equal] is based on reflection, comparing 2 proto messages sometimes fails, // due to their internal state. // Expected messages are usually with a vanilla state, eg only exported fields contain data. // Actual messages obtained from the gRPC client had unexported fields with data. // This makes them hard to compare. func EqualProto(t testing.TB, expected, actual proto.Message) bool { t.Helper() if proto.Equal(expected, actual) { return true } t.Errorf("Proto messages not equal: %s", diffProto(expected, actual)) return false } func diffProto(expected, actual proto.Message) string { diff, err := difflib.GetUnifiedDiffString(difflib.UnifiedDiff{ A: difflib.SplitLines(protojson.Format(expected)), B: difflib.SplitLines(protojson.Format(actual)), FromFile: "Expected", FromDate: "", ToFile: "Actual", ToDate: "", Context: 1, }) if err != nil { panic(err) } return "\n\nDiff:\n" + diff } func AssertMapContains[M ~map[K]V, K comparable, V any](t *testing.T, m M, key K, expectedValue V) { val, exists := m[key] assert.True(t, exists, "Key '%s' should exist in the map", key) assert.Equal(t, expectedValue, val, "Key '%s' should have value '%d'", key, expectedValue) } // PartiallyDeepEqual is similar to reflect.DeepEqual, // but only compares exported non-zero fields of the expectedValue func PartiallyDeepEqual(expected, actual interface{}) bool { if expected == nil { return actual == nil } if actual == nil { return false } return partiallyDeepEqual(reflect.ValueOf(expected), reflect.ValueOf(actual)) } func partiallyDeepEqual(expected, actual reflect.Value) bool { // Dereference pointers if needed if expected.Kind() == reflect.Ptr { if expected.IsNil() { return actual.IsNil() } expected = expected.Elem() } if actual.Kind() == reflect.Ptr { if actual.IsNil() { return false } actual = actual.Elem() } if expected.Type() != actual.Type() { return false } switch expected.Kind() { //nolint:exhaustive case reflect.Struct: for i := 0; i < expected.NumField(); i++ { field := expected.Type().Field(i) if field.PkgPath != "" { // Skip unexported fields continue } expectedField := expected.Field(i) actualField := actual.Field(i) // Skip zero-value fields in expected if reflect.DeepEqual(expectedField.Interface(), reflect.Zero(expectedField.Type()).Interface()) { continue } // Compare fields recursively if !partiallyDeepEqual(expectedField, actualField) { return false } } return true case reflect.Slice, reflect.Array: if expected.Len() > actual.Len() { return false } for i := 0; i < expected.Len(); i++ { if !partiallyDeepEqual(expected.Index(i), actual.Index(i)) { return false } } return true default: // Compare primitive types return reflect.DeepEqual(expected.Interface(), actual.Interface()) } } func Must[T any](result T, error error) T { if error != nil { panic(error) } return result }