--deallocate q; --prepare q(text, text, boolean) as with client as ( select c.instance_id, c.app_id, c.client_id, c.client_secret, c.redirect_uris, c.response_types, c.grant_types, c.application_type, c.auth_method_type, c.post_logout_redirect_uris, c.is_dev_mode, c.access_token_type, c.access_token_role_assertion, c.id_token_role_assertion, c.id_token_userinfo_assertion, c.clock_skew, c.additional_origins, a.project_id, a.state from projections.apps6_oidc_configs c join projections.apps6 a on a.id = c.app_id and a.instance_id = c.instance_id where c.instance_id = $1 and c.client_id = $2 ), roles as ( select p.project_id, json_agg(p.role_key) as project_role_keys from projections.project_roles4 p join client c on c.project_id = p.project_id and p.instance_id = c.instance_id group by p.project_id ), keys as ( select identifier as client_id, json_object_agg(id, encode(public_key, 'base64')) as public_keys from projections.authn_keys2 where $3 = true -- when argument is false, don't waste time on trying to query for keys. and instance_id = $1 and identifier = $2 and expiration > current_timestamp group by identifier ), settings as ( select instance_id, access_token_lifetime, id_token_lifetime from projections.oidc_settings2 where aggregate_id = $1 and instance_id = $1 ) select row_to_json(r) as client from ( select c.*, r.project_role_keys, k.public_keys, s.access_token_lifetime, s.id_token_lifetime from client c left join roles r on r.project_id = c.project_id left join keys k on k.client_id = c.client_id join settings s on s.instance_id = s.instance_id ) r; --execute q('230690539048009730', '236647088211951618@tests', true);