--- title: Management roles --- ### ZITADEL's management roles ZITADEL's own role model is built around the IAM resource. The roles have some hierarchies to them. For example a IAM_OWNER can view and edit every resource of the system. ORG_OWNERS can only manage their resources included within their organization. This includes projects, clients, users, and so on. #### How to give a user ZITADEL roles > Screenshots ##### System roles IAM_OWNER IAM_OWNER_VIEWER ##### Organisation roles ORG_OWNER ORG_OWNER_VIEWER ORG_USER_PERMISSION_EDITOR ORG_PROJECT_PERMISSION_EDITOR ORG_PROJECT_CREATOR ##### Owned Project roles PROJECT_OWNER PROJECT_OWNER_VIEWER PROJECT_OWNER_GLOBAL PROJECT_OWNER_VIEWER_GLOBAL ##### Granted Project roles PROJECT_GRANT_OWNER PROJECT_GRANT_OWNER_VIEWER ##### Project roles management > Explain Project Authorization