package crdb import ( "database/sql" "database/sql/driver" "log" "strings" "time" "" "" ) type mockExpectation func(sqlmock.Sqlmock) func expectFailureCount(tableName string, projectionName, instanceID string, failedSeq, failureCount uint64) func(sqlmock.Sqlmock) { return func(m sqlmock.Sqlmock) { m.ExpectQuery(`WITH failures AS \(SELECT failure_count FROM `+tableName+` WHERE projection_name = \$1 AND failed_sequence = \$2\ AND instance_id = \$3\) SELECT IF\(EXISTS\(SELECT failure_count FROM failures\), \(SELECT failure_count FROM failures\), 0\) AS failure_count`). WithArgs(projectionName, failedSeq, instanceID). WillReturnRows( sqlmock.NewRows([]string{"failure_count"}). AddRow(failureCount), ) } } func expectUpdateFailureCount(tableName string, projectionName, instanceID string, seq, failureCount uint64) func(sqlmock.Sqlmock) { return func(m sqlmock.Sqlmock) { m.ExpectExec(`UPSERT INTO `+tableName+` \(projection_name, failed_sequence, failure_count, error, instance_id\) VALUES \(\$1, \$2, \$3, \$4\, \$5\)`). WithArgs(projectionName, seq, failureCount, sqlmock.AnyArg(), instanceID).WillReturnResult(sqlmock.NewResult(1, 1)) } } func expectCreate(projectionName string, columnNames, placeholders []string) func(sqlmock.Sqlmock) { return func(m sqlmock.Sqlmock) { args := make([]driver.Value, len(columnNames)) for i := 0; i < len(columnNames); i++ { args[i] = sqlmock.AnyArg() placeholders[i] = `\` + placeholders[i] } m.ExpectExec("INSERT INTO " + projectionName + ` \(` + strings.Join(columnNames, ", ") + `\) VALUES \(` + strings.Join(placeholders, ", ") + `\)`). WithArgs(args...). WillReturnResult(sqlmock.NewResult(1, 1)) } } func expectCreateErr(projectionName string, columnNames, placeholders []string, err error) func(sqlmock.Sqlmock) { return func(m sqlmock.Sqlmock) { args := make([]driver.Value, len(columnNames)) for i := 0; i < len(columnNames); i++ { args[i] = sqlmock.AnyArg() placeholders[i] = `\` + placeholders[i] } m.ExpectExec("INSERT INTO " + projectionName + ` \(` + strings.Join(columnNames, ", ") + `\) VALUES \(` + strings.Join(placeholders, ", ") + `\)`). WithArgs(args...). WillReturnError(err) } } func expectBegin() func(sqlmock.Sqlmock) { return func(m sqlmock.Sqlmock) { m.ExpectBegin() } } func expectBeginErr(err error) func(sqlmock.Sqlmock) { return func(m sqlmock.Sqlmock) { m.ExpectBegin().WillReturnError(err) } } func expectCommit() func(sqlmock.Sqlmock) { return func(m sqlmock.Sqlmock) { m.ExpectCommit() } } func expectCommitErr(err error) func(sqlmock.Sqlmock) { return func(m sqlmock.Sqlmock) { m.ExpectCommit().WillReturnError(err) } } func expectRollback() func(sqlmock.Sqlmock) { return func(m sqlmock.Sqlmock) { m.ExpectRollback() } } func expectSavePoint() func(sqlmock.Sqlmock) { return func(m sqlmock.Sqlmock) { m.ExpectExec("SAVEPOINT push_stmt"). WillReturnResult(sqlmock.NewResult(1, 1)) } } func expectSavePointErr(err error) func(sqlmock.Sqlmock) { return func(m sqlmock.Sqlmock) { m.ExpectExec("SAVEPOINT push_stmt"). WillReturnError(err) } } func expectSavePointRollback() func(sqlmock.Sqlmock) { return func(m sqlmock.Sqlmock) { m.ExpectExec("ROLLBACK TO SAVEPOINT push_stmt"). WillReturnResult(sqlmock.NewResult(1, 1)) } } func expectSavePointRollbackErr(err error) func(sqlmock.Sqlmock) { return func(m sqlmock.Sqlmock) { m.ExpectExec("ROLLBACK TO SAVEPOINT push_stmt"). WillReturnError(err) } } func expectSavePointRelease() func(sqlmock.Sqlmock) { return func(m sqlmock.Sqlmock) { m.ExpectExec("RELEASE push_stmt"). WillReturnResult(sqlmock.NewResult(1, 1)) } } func expectCurrentSequence(tableName, projection string, seq uint64, aggregateType string) func(sqlmock.Sqlmock) { return func(m sqlmock.Sqlmock) { m.ExpectQuery(`SELECT current_sequence, aggregate_type FROM ` + tableName + ` WHERE projection_name = \$1 FOR UPDATE`). WithArgs( projection, ). WillReturnRows( sqlmock.NewRows([]string{"current_sequence", "aggregate_type"}). AddRow(seq, aggregateType), ) } } func expectCurrentSequenceErr(tableName, projection string, err error) func(sqlmock.Sqlmock) { return func(m sqlmock.Sqlmock) { m.ExpectQuery(`SELECT current_sequence, aggregate_type FROM ` + tableName + ` WHERE projection_name = \$1 FOR UPDATE`). WithArgs( projection, ). WillReturnError(err) } } func expectCurrentSequenceNoRows(tableName, projection string) func(sqlmock.Sqlmock) { return func(m sqlmock.Sqlmock) { m.ExpectQuery(`SELECT current_sequence, aggregate_type FROM ` + tableName + ` WHERE projection_name = \$1 FOR UPDATE`). WithArgs( projection, ). WillReturnRows( sqlmock.NewRows([]string{"current_sequence", "aggregate_type"}), ) } } func expectCurrentSequenceScanErr(tableName, projection string) func(sqlmock.Sqlmock) { return func(m sqlmock.Sqlmock) { m.ExpectQuery(`SELECT current_sequence, aggregate_type FROM ` + tableName + ` WHERE projection_name = \$1 FOR UPDATE`). WithArgs( projection, ). WillReturnRows( sqlmock.NewRows([]string{"current_sequence", "aggregate_type"}). RowError(0, sql.ErrTxDone). AddRow(0, "agg"), ) } } func expectUpdateCurrentSequence(tableName, projection string, seq uint64, aggregateType string) func(sqlmock.Sqlmock) { return func(m sqlmock.Sqlmock) { m.ExpectExec("UPSERT INTO "+tableName+` \(projection_name, aggregate_type, current_sequence, timestamp\) VALUES \(\$1, \$2, \$3, NOW\(\)\)`). WithArgs( projection, aggregateType, seq, ). WillReturnResult( sqlmock.NewResult(1, 1), ) } } func expectUpdateTwoCurrentSequence(tableName, projection string, sequences currentSequences) func(sqlmock.Sqlmock) { return func(m sqlmock.Sqlmock) { matcher := ¤tSequenceMatcher{seq: sequences} m.ExpectExec("UPSERT INTO "+tableName+` \(projection_name, aggregate_type, current_sequence, timestamp\) VALUES \(\$1, \$2, \$3, NOW\(\)\), \(\$4, \$5, \$6, NOW\(\)\)`). WithArgs( projection, matcher, matcher, projection, matcher, matcher, ). WillReturnResult( sqlmock.NewResult(1, 1), ) } } type currentSequenceMatcher struct { seq currentSequences currentAggregate eventstore.AggregateType } func (m *currentSequenceMatcher) Match(value driver.Value) bool { switch v := value.(type) { case string: if m.currentAggregate != "" { log.Printf("expected sequence of %s but got next aggregate type %s", m.currentAggregate, value) return false } _, ok := m.seq[eventstore.AggregateType(v)] if !ok { return false } m.currentAggregate = eventstore.AggregateType(v) return true default: seq := m.seq[m.currentAggregate] m.currentAggregate = "" delete(m.seq, m.currentAggregate) return int64(seq) == value.(int64) } } func expectUpdateCurrentSequenceErr(tableName, projection string, seq uint64, err error, aggregateType string) func(sqlmock.Sqlmock) { return func(m sqlmock.Sqlmock) { m.ExpectExec("UPSERT INTO "+tableName+` \(projection_name, aggregate_type, current_sequence, timestamp\) VALUES \(\$1, \$2, \$3, NOW\(\)\)`). WithArgs( projection, aggregateType, seq, ). WillReturnError(err) } } func expectUpdateCurrentSequenceNoRows(tableName, projection string, seq uint64, aggregateType string) func(sqlmock.Sqlmock) { return func(m sqlmock.Sqlmock) { m.ExpectExec("UPSERT INTO "+tableName+` \(projection_name, aggregate_type, current_sequence, timestamp\) VALUES \(\$1, \$2, \$3, NOW\(\)\)`). WithArgs( projection, aggregateType, seq, ). WillReturnResult( sqlmock.NewResult(0, 0), ) } } func expectLock(lockTable, workerName string, d time.Duration) func(sqlmock.Sqlmock) { return func(m sqlmock.Sqlmock) { m.ExpectExec(`INSERT INTO `+lockTable+ ` \(locker_id, locked_until, projection_name\) VALUES \(\$1, now\(\)\+\$2::INTERVAL, \$3\)`+ ` ON CONFLICT \(projection_name\)`+ ` DO UPDATE SET locker_id = \$1, locked_until = now\(\)\+\$2::INTERVAL`+ ` WHERE `+lockTable+`\.projection_name = \$3 AND \(`+lockTable+`\.locker_id = \$1 OR `+lockTable+`\.locked_until < now\(\)\)`). WithArgs( workerName, float64(d), projectionName, ). WillReturnResult( sqlmock.NewResult(1, 1), ) } } func expectLockNoRows(lockTable, workerName string, d time.Duration) func(sqlmock.Sqlmock) { return func(m sqlmock.Sqlmock) { m.ExpectExec(`INSERT INTO `+lockTable+ ` \(locker_id, locked_until, projection_name\) VALUES \(\$1, now\(\)\+\$2::INTERVAL, \$3\)`+ ` ON CONFLICT \(projection_name\)`+ ` DO UPDATE SET locker_id = \$1, locked_until = now\(\)\+\$2::INTERVAL`+ ` WHERE `+lockTable+`\.projection_name = \$3 AND \(`+lockTable+`\.locker_id = \$1 OR `+lockTable+`\.locked_until < now\(\)\)`). WithArgs( workerName, float64(d), projectionName, ). WillReturnResult(driver.ResultNoRows) } } func expectLockErr(lockTable, workerName string, d time.Duration, err error) func(sqlmock.Sqlmock) { return func(m sqlmock.Sqlmock) { m.ExpectExec(`INSERT INTO `+lockTable+ ` \(locker_id, locked_until, projection_name\) VALUES \(\$1, now\(\)\+\$2::INTERVAL, \$3\)`+ ` ON CONFLICT \(projection_name\)`+ ` DO UPDATE SET locker_id = \$1, locked_until = now\(\)\+\$2::INTERVAL`+ ` WHERE `+lockTable+`\.projection_name = \$3 AND \(`+lockTable+`\.locker_id = \$1 OR `+lockTable+`\.locked_until < now\(\)\)`). WithArgs( workerName, float64(d), projectionName, ). WillReturnError(err) } }