CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION eventstore.commands_to_events(commands eventstore.command[]) RETURNS SETOF eventstore.events2 VOLATILE AS $$ SELECT c.instance_id , c.aggregate_type , c.aggregate_id , c.command_type AS event_type , cs.sequence + ROW_NUMBER() OVER (PARTITION BY c.instance_id, c.aggregate_type, c.aggregate_id ORDER BY c.in_tx_order) AS sequence , c.revision , NOW() AS created_at , c.payload , c.creator , cs.owner , EXTRACT(EPOCH FROM NOW()) AS position , c.in_tx_order FROM ( SELECT c.instance_id , c.aggregate_type , c.aggregate_id , c.command_type , c.revision , c.payload , c.creator , c.owner , ROW_NUMBER() OVER () AS in_tx_order FROM UNNEST(commands) AS c ) AS c JOIN ( SELECT cmds.instance_id , cmds.aggregate_type , cmds.aggregate_id , CASE WHEN (e.owner IS NOT NULL OR e.owner <> '') THEN e.owner ELSE command_owners.owner END AS owner , COALESCE(MAX(e.sequence), 0) AS sequence FROM ( SELECT DISTINCT instance_id , aggregate_type , aggregate_id , owner FROM UNNEST(commands) ) AS cmds LEFT JOIN eventstore.events2 AS e ON cmds.instance_id = e.instance_id AND cmds.aggregate_type = e.aggregate_type AND cmds.aggregate_id = e.aggregate_id JOIN ( SELECT DISTINCT ON ( instance_id , aggregate_type , aggregate_id ) instance_id , aggregate_type , aggregate_id , owner FROM UNNEST(commands) ) AS command_owners ON cmds.instance_id = command_owners.instance_id AND cmds.aggregate_type = command_owners.aggregate_type AND cmds.aggregate_id = command_owners.aggregate_id GROUP BY cmds.instance_id , cmds.aggregate_type , cmds.aggregate_id , 4 -- owner ) AS cs ON c.instance_id = cs.instance_id AND c.aggregate_type = cs.aggregate_type AND c.aggregate_id = cs.aggregate_id ORDER BY in_tx_order; $$ LANGUAGE SQL; CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION eventstore.push(commands eventstore.command[]) RETURNS SETOF eventstore.events2 VOLATILE AS $$ INSERT INTO eventstore.events2 SELECT * FROM eventstore.commands_to_events(commands) RETURNING * $$ LANGUAGE SQL;