--- title: Proxy / WAF description: ... --- ### Proxy Protocol and Flow recommendation ### Ambassador Example According to [https://www.getambassador.io/docs/latest/](https://www.getambassador.io/docs/latest/) Ambassador is a: >The Ambassador Edge Stack is a comprehensive, self-service edge stack and API Gateway for Kubernetes built on Envoy Proxy. The shift to Kubernetes and microservices has profound consequences for the capabilities you need at the edge, as well as how you manage the edge. The Ambassador Edge Stack has been engineered with this world in mind. You can use **ZITADEL** for Authentication and Authorization with **Ambassador**. > The redirect URI is `https://{AMBASSADOR_URL}/.ambassador/oauth2/redirection-endpoint` #### Use Ambassador to Authenticate with ZITADEL With this you can use Ambassador to initiate the Authorization Code Flow. ```yaml apiVersion: getambassador.io/v2 kind: Filter metadata: name: zitadel-filter namespace: default spec: OAuth2: authorizationURL: https://accounts.zitadel.ch/oauth/v2/authorize clientID: {ZITADEL_GENERATED_CLIENT_ID} secret: {ZITADEL_GENERATED_CLIENT_SECRET} protectedOrigins: - origin: https://{PROTECTED_URL} ``` ```yaml apiVersion: getambassador.io/v2 kind: FilterPolicy metadata: name: zitadel-policy namespace: default spec: rules: - host: "*" path: /backend/get-quote/ filters: - name: zitadel-filter ``` #### Use Ambassador to check JWT Bearer Tokens If you would like **Ambassador** to verify a JWT token from the authorization header you can do so by configuring **ZITADEL's** endpoints. > Make sure that in your client settings of **ZITADEL** the "AuthToken Options" is **JWT** by default **ZITADEL** will use opaque tokens! ```yaml apiVersion: getambassador.io/v2 kind: Filter metadata: name: zitadel-filter namespace: default spec: JWT: jwksURI: "https://api.zitadel.ch/oauth/v2/keys" validAlgorithms: - "RS256" issuer: "https://issuer.zitadel.ch" requireIssuer: true ``` ```yaml apiVersion: getambassador.io/v2 kind: FilterPolicy metadata: name: zitadel-policy namespace: default spec: rules: - host: "*" path: /backend/get-quote/ filters: - name: zitadel-filter ``` > Additional Infos can be found with [Ambassadors Documentation](https://www.getambassador.io/docs/latest/howtos/oauth-oidc-auth/) ### OAuth2 Proxy Example [OAuth2-proxy](https://github.com/oauth2-proxy/oauth2-proxy) is a project which allows services to delegate the authentication flow to a IDP, for example **ZITADEL** #### OAuth2 Proxy Authentication Example ```toml provider = "oidc" user_id_claim = "sub" #uses the subject as ID instead of the email provider_display_name = "ZITADEL" redirect_url = "" oidc_issuer_url = "https://issuer.zitadel.ch" upstreams = [ "https://example.corp.com" ] email_domains = [ "*" ] client_id = "{ZITADEL_GENERATED_CLIENT_ID}" client_secret = "{ZITADEL_GENERATED_CLIENT_SECRET}" pass_access_token = true cookie_secret = "{SUPPLY_SOME_SECRET_HERE}" skip_provider_button = true cookie_secure = false #localdev only false http_address = "" #localdev only ``` > This was tested with version `oauth2-proxy v6.1.1 (built with go1.14.2)` #### OAuth2 Proxy Authorization Example > Not yet supported but with the work of [https://github.com/oauth2-proxy/oauth2-proxy/pull/797](https://github.com/oauth2-proxy/oauth2-proxy/pull/797) it should be possible in the future ### Cloudflare Access Example > TODO ### NGINX Example > TODO