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synced 2025-01-09 05:43:38 +00:00
# Which Problems Are Solved ZITADEL currently selects the instance context based on a HTTP header (see https://github.com/zitadel/zitadel/issues/8279#issue-2399959845 and checks it against the list of instance domains. Let's call it instance or API domain. For any context based URL (e.g. OAuth, OIDC, SAML endpoints, links in emails, ...) the requested domain (instance domain) will be used. Let's call it the public domain. In cases of proxied setups, all exposed domains (public domains) require the domain to be managed as instance domain. This can either be done using the "ExternalDomain" in the runtime config or via system API, which requires a validation through CustomerPortal on zitadel.cloud. # How the Problems Are Solved - Two new headers / header list are added: - `InstanceHostHeaders`: an ordered list (first sent wins), which will be used to match the instance. (For backward compatibility: the `HTTP1HostHeader`, `HTTP2HostHeader` and `forwarded`, `x-forwarded-for`, `x-forwarded-host` are checked afterwards as well) - `PublicHostHeaders`: an ordered list (first sent wins), which will be used as public host / domain. This will be checked against a list of trusted domains on the instance. - The middleware intercepts all requests to the API and passes a `DomainCtx` object with the hosts and protocol into the context (previously only a computed `origin` was passed) - HTTP / GRPC server do not longer try to match the headers to instances themself, but use the passed `http.DomainContext` in their interceptors. - The `RequestedHost` and `RequestedDomain` from authz.Instance are removed in favor of the `http.DomainContext` - When authenticating to or signing out from Console UI, the current `http.DomainContext(ctx).Origin` (already checked by instance interceptor for validity) is used to compute and dynamically add a `redirect_uri` and `post_logout_redirect_uri`. - Gateway passes all configured host headers (previously only did `x-zitadel-*`) - Admin API allows to manage trusted domain # Additional Changes None # Additional Context - part of #8279 - open topics: - "single-instance" mode - Console UI
430 lines
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// Package integration provides helpers for integration testing.
package integration
import (
_ "embed"
http_util "github.com/zitadel/zitadel/internal/api/http"
z_oidc "github.com/zitadel/zitadel/internal/api/oidc"
var (
//go:embed config/zitadel.yaml
zitadelYAML []byte
//go:embed config/cockroach.yaml
cockroachYAML []byte
//go:embed config/postgres.yaml
postgresYAML []byte
//go:embed config/system-user-key.pem
systemUserKey []byte
// NotEmpty can be used as placeholder, when the returned values is unknown.
// It can be used in tests to assert whether a value should be empty or not.
const NotEmpty = "not empty"
// UserType provides constants that give
// a short explinanation with the purpose
// a serverice user.
// This allows to pre-create users with
// different permissions and reuse them.
type UserType int
//go:generate stringer -type=UserType
const (
Unspecified UserType = iota
SystemUser // SystemUser is a user with access to the system service.
const (
FirstInstanceUsersKey = "first"
UserPassword = "VeryS3cret!"
const (
PortMilestoneServer = "8081"
PortQuotaServer = "8082"
// User information with a Personal Access Token.
type User struct {
Token string
type InstanceUserMap map[string]map[UserType]*User
func (m InstanceUserMap) Set(instanceID string, typ UserType, user *User) {
if m[instanceID] == nil {
m[instanceID] = make(map[UserType]*User)
m[instanceID][typ] = user
func (m InstanceUserMap) Get(instanceID string, typ UserType) *User {
if users, ok := m[instanceID]; ok {
return users[typ]
return nil
// Tester is a Zitadel server and client with all resources available for testing.
type Tester struct {
Instance authz.Instance
Organisation *query.Org
Users InstanceUserMap
MilestoneChan chan []byte
milestoneServer *httptest.Server
QuotaNotificationChan chan []byte
quotaNotificationServer *httptest.Server
Client Client
WebAuthN *webauthn.Client
wg sync.WaitGroup // used for shutdown
const commandLine = `start --masterkeyFromEnv`
func (s *Tester) Host() string {
return fmt.Sprintf("%s:%d", s.Config.ExternalDomain, s.Config.Port)
func (s *Tester) createClientConn(ctx context.Context, target string) {
cc, err := grpc.DialContext(ctx, target,
if err != nil {
s.Shutdown <- os.Interrupt
logging.OnError(err).Fatal("integration tester client dial")
logging.New().WithField("target", target).Info("finished dialing grpc client conn")
s.Client = newClient(cc)
err = s.pollHealth(ctx)
logging.OnError(err).Fatal("integration tester health")
// pollHealth waits until a healthy status is reported.
// TODO: remove when we make the setup blocking on all
// projections completed.
func (s *Tester) pollHealth(ctx context.Context) (err error) {
for {
err = func(ctx context.Context) error {
ctx, cancel := context.WithTimeout(ctx, 5*time.Second)
defer cancel()
_, err := s.Client.Admin.Healthz(ctx, &admin.HealthzRequest{})
return err
if err == nil {
return nil
logging.WithError(err).Info("poll healthz")
select {
case <-ctx.Done():
return ctx.Err()
case <-time.After(time.Second):
const (
LoginUser = "loginClient"
MachineUserOrgOwner = "integrationOrgOwner"
MachineUserInstanceOwner = "integrationInstanceOwner"
func (s *Tester) createMachineUserOrgOwner(ctx context.Context) {
var err error
ctx, user := s.createMachineUser(ctx, MachineUserOrgOwner, OrgOwner)
_, err = s.Commands.AddOrgMember(ctx, user.ResourceOwner, user.ID, "ORG_OWNER")
target := new(zerrors.AlreadyExistsError)
if !errors.As(err, &target) {
logging.OnError(err).Fatal("add org member")
func (s *Tester) createMachineUserInstanceOwner(ctx context.Context) {
var err error
ctx, user := s.createMachineUser(ctx, MachineUserInstanceOwner, IAMOwner)
_, err = s.Commands.AddInstanceMember(ctx, user.ID, "IAM_OWNER")
target := new(zerrors.AlreadyExistsError)
if !errors.As(err, &target) {
logging.OnError(err).Fatal("add instance member")
func (s *Tester) createLoginClient(ctx context.Context) {
s.createMachineUser(ctx, LoginUser, Login)
func (s *Tester) createMachineUser(ctx context.Context, username string, userType UserType) (context.Context, *query.User) {
var err error
s.Instance, err = s.Queries.InstanceByHost(ctx, s.Host(), "")
logging.OnError(err).Fatal("query instance")
ctx = authz.WithInstance(ctx, s.Instance)
s.Organisation, err = s.Queries.OrgByID(ctx, true, s.Instance.DefaultOrganisationID())
logging.OnError(err).Fatal("query organisation")
usernameQuery, err := query.NewUserUsernameSearchQuery(username, query.TextEquals)
logging.OnError(err).Fatal("user query")
user, err := s.Queries.GetUser(ctx, true, usernameQuery)
if errors.Is(err, sql.ErrNoRows) {
_, err = s.Commands.AddMachine(ctx, &command.Machine{
ObjectRoot: models.ObjectRoot{
ResourceOwner: s.Organisation.ID,
Username: username,
Name: username,
Description: "who cares?",
AccessTokenType: domain.OIDCTokenTypeJWT,
logging.WithFields("username", username).OnError(err).Fatal("add machine user")
user, err = s.Queries.GetUser(ctx, true, usernameQuery)
logging.WithFields("username", username).OnError(err).Fatal("get user")
scopes := []string{oidc.ScopeOpenID, oidc.ScopeProfile, z_oidc.ScopeUserMetaData, z_oidc.ScopeResourceOwner}
pat := command.NewPersonalAccessToken(user.ResourceOwner, user.ID, time.Now().Add(time.Hour), scopes, domain.UserTypeMachine)
_, err = s.Commands.AddPersonalAccessToken(ctx, pat)
logging.WithFields("username", SystemUser).OnError(err).Fatal("add pat")
s.Users.Set(FirstInstanceUsersKey, userType, &User{
User: user,
Token: pat.Token,
return ctx, user
func (s *Tester) WithAuthorization(ctx context.Context, u UserType) context.Context {
return s.WithInstanceAuthorization(ctx, u, FirstInstanceUsersKey)
func (s *Tester) WithInstanceAuthorization(ctx context.Context, u UserType, instanceID string) context.Context {
if u == SystemUser {
return s.WithAuthorizationToken(ctx, s.Users.Get(instanceID, u).Token)
func (s *Tester) GetUserID(u UserType) string {
if u == SystemUser {
return s.Users.Get(FirstInstanceUsersKey, u).ID
func (s *Tester) WithAuthorizationToken(ctx context.Context, token string) context.Context {
md, ok := metadata.FromOutgoingContext(ctx)
if !ok {
md = make(metadata.MD)
md.Set("Authorization", fmt.Sprintf("Bearer %s", token))
return metadata.NewOutgoingContext(ctx, md)
func (s *Tester) BearerToken(ctx context.Context) string {
md, ok := metadata.FromOutgoingContext(ctx)
if !ok {
return ""
return md.Get("Authorization")[0]
func (s *Tester) ensureSystemUser() {
const ISSUER = "tester"
if s.Users.Get(FirstInstanceUsersKey, SystemUser) != nil {
audience := http_util.BuildOrigin(s.Host(), s.Server.Config.ExternalSecure)
signer, err := client.NewSignerFromPrivateKeyByte(systemUserKey, "")
logging.OnError(err).Fatal("system key signer")
jwt, err := client.SignedJWTProfileAssertion(ISSUER, []string{audience}, time.Hour, signer)
logging.OnError(err).Fatal("system key jwt")
s.Users.Set(FirstInstanceUsersKey, SystemUser, &User{Token: jwt})
func (s *Tester) WithSystemAuthorizationHTTP(u UserType) map[string]string {
return map[string]string{"Authorization": fmt.Sprintf("Bearer %s", s.Users.Get(FirstInstanceUsersKey, u).Token)}
// Done send an interrupt signal to cleanly shutdown the server.
func (s *Tester) Done() {
err := s.Client.CC.Close()
logging.OnError(err).Error("integration tester client close")
s.Shutdown <- os.Interrupt
// NewTester start a new Zitadel server by passing the default commandline.
// The server will listen on the configured port.
// The database configuration that will be used can be set by the
// INTEGRATION_DB_FLAVOR environment variable and can have the values "cockroach"
// or "postgres". Defaults to "cockroach".
// The default Instance and Organisation are read from the DB and system
// users are created as needed.
// After the server is started, a [grpc.ClientConn] will be created and
// the server is polled for it's health status.
// Note: the database must already be setup and initialized before
// using NewTester. See the CONTRIBUTING.md document for details.
func NewTester(ctx context.Context, zitadelConfigYAML ...string) *Tester {
args := strings.Split(commandLine, " ")
sc := make(chan *start.Server)
cmd := cmd.New(os.Stdout, os.Stdin, args, sc)
for _, yaml := range append([]string{string(zitadelYAML)}, zitadelConfigYAML...) {
err := viper.MergeConfig(bytes.NewBuffer([]byte(yaml)))
var err error
flavor := os.Getenv("INTEGRATION_DB_FLAVOR")
switch flavor {
case "cockroach", "":
err = viper.MergeConfig(bytes.NewBuffer(cockroachYAML))
case "postgres":
err = viper.MergeConfig(bytes.NewBuffer(postgresYAML))
logging.New().WithField("flavor", flavor).Fatal("unknown db flavor set in INTEGRATION_DB_FLAVOR")
tester := Tester{
Users: make(InstanceUserMap),
tester.MilestoneChan = make(chan []byte, 100)
tester.milestoneServer, err = runMilestoneServer(ctx, tester.MilestoneChan)
tester.QuotaNotificationChan = make(chan []byte, 100)
tester.quotaNotificationServer, err = runQuotaServer(ctx, tester.QuotaNotificationChan)
go func(wg *sync.WaitGroup) {
select {
case tester.Server = <-sc:
case <-ctx.Done():
logging.OnError(ctx.Err()).Fatal("waiting for integration tester server")
host := tester.Host()
tester.createClientConn(ctx, host)
tester.WebAuthN = webauthn.NewClient(tester.Config.WebAuthNName, tester.Config.ExternalDomain, http_util.BuildOrigin(host, tester.Config.ExternalSecure))
tester.WebAuthN = webauthn.NewClient(tester.Config.WebAuthNName, tester.Config.ExternalDomain, "https://"+tester.Host())
return &tester
func Contexts(timeout time.Duration) (ctx, errCtx context.Context, cancel context.CancelFunc) {
errCtx, cancel = context.WithCancel(context.Background())
ctx, cancel = context.WithTimeout(context.Background(), timeout)
return ctx, errCtx, cancel
func runMilestoneServer(ctx context.Context, bodies chan []byte) (*httptest.Server, error) {
mockServer := httptest.NewUnstartedServer(http.HandlerFunc(func(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
body, err := io.ReadAll(r.Body)
if err != nil {
http.Error(w, err.Error(), http.StatusInternalServerError)
if r.Header.Get("single-value") != "single-value" {
http.Error(w, "single-value header not set", http.StatusInternalServerError)
if reflect.DeepEqual(r.Header.Get("multi-value"), "multi-value-1,multi-value-2") {
http.Error(w, "single-value header not set", http.StatusInternalServerError)
bodies <- body
config := net.ListenConfig()
listener, err := config.Listen(ctx, "tcp", ":"+PortMilestoneServer)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
mockServer.Listener = listener
return mockServer, nil
func runQuotaServer(ctx context.Context, bodies chan []byte) (*httptest.Server, error) {
mockServer := httptest.NewUnstartedServer(http.HandlerFunc(func(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
body, err := io.ReadAll(r.Body)
if err != nil {
http.Error(w, err.Error(), http.StatusInternalServerError)
bodies <- body
config := net.ListenConfig()
listener, err := config.Listen(ctx, "tcp", ":"+PortQuotaServer)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
mockServer.Listener = listener
return mockServer, nil