Tim Möhlmann 2f91679623
chore(Makefile): add go generate target (#6944)
This change adds a core_generate_all make target.
It installs the required tools and runs generate on the complete project.

`golang/mock` is no longer maintained and a fork is available
from the Uber folks. So the latter is used as tool.
All the mock files have been regenerated and are part of the PR.

The obsolete `tools` directory has been removed,
as all the tools are now part of specific make targets.

Co-authored-by: Silvan <silvan.reusser@gmail.com>
2023-11-22 10:56:43 +00:00

54 lines
1.8 KiB

// Code generated by MockGen. DO NOT EDIT.
// Source: github.com/zitadel/zitadel/internal/notification/channels (interfaces: NotificationChannel)
// Generated by this command:
// mockgen -package mock -destination ./mock/channel.mock.go github.com/zitadel/zitadel/internal/notification/channels NotificationChannel
// Package mock is a generated GoMock package.
package mock
import (
reflect "reflect"
channels "github.com/zitadel/zitadel/internal/notification/channels"
gomock "go.uber.org/mock/gomock"
// MockNotificationChannel is a mock of NotificationChannel interface.
type MockNotificationChannel struct {
ctrl *gomock.Controller
recorder *MockNotificationChannelMockRecorder
// MockNotificationChannelMockRecorder is the mock recorder for MockNotificationChannel.
type MockNotificationChannelMockRecorder struct {
mock *MockNotificationChannel
// NewMockNotificationChannel creates a new mock instance.
func NewMockNotificationChannel(ctrl *gomock.Controller) *MockNotificationChannel {
mock := &MockNotificationChannel{ctrl: ctrl}
mock.recorder = &MockNotificationChannelMockRecorder{mock}
return mock
// EXPECT returns an object that allows the caller to indicate expected use.
func (m *MockNotificationChannel) EXPECT() *MockNotificationChannelMockRecorder {
return m.recorder
// HandleMessage mocks base method.
func (m *MockNotificationChannel) HandleMessage(arg0 channels.Message) error {
ret := m.ctrl.Call(m, "HandleMessage", arg0)
ret0, _ := ret[0].(error)
return ret0
// HandleMessage indicates an expected call of HandleMessage.
func (mr *MockNotificationChannelMockRecorder) HandleMessage(arg0 any) *gomock.Call {
return mr.mock.ctrl.RecordCallWithMethodType(mr.mock, "HandleMessage", reflect.TypeOf((*MockNotificationChannel)(nil).HandleMessage), arg0)