Tim Möhlmann e670b9126c
fix(permissions): chunked synchronization of role permission events (#9403)
# Which Problems Are Solved

Setup fails to push all role permission events when running Zitadel with
CockroachDB. `TransactionRetryError`s were visible in logs which finally
times out the setup job with `timeout: context deadline exceeded`

# How the Problems Are Solved

As suggested in the [Cockroach documentation](timeout: context deadline
exceeded), _"break down larger transactions"_. The commands to be pushed
for the role permissions are chunked in 50 events per push. This
chunking is only done with CockroachDB.

# Additional Changes

- gci run fixed some unrelated imports
- access to `command.Commands` for the setup job, so we can reuse the
sync logic.

# Additional Context

Closes #9293


Co-authored-by: Silvan <27845747+adlerhurst@users.noreply.github.com>
2025-02-26 16:06:50 +00:00

378 lines
14 KiB

package command
import (
api_http "github.com/zitadel/zitadel/internal/api/http"
sd "github.com/zitadel/zitadel/internal/config/systemdefaults"
webauthn_helper "github.com/zitadel/zitadel/internal/webauthn"
type Commands struct {
httpClient *http.Client
jobs sync.WaitGroup
checkPermission domain.PermissionCheck
newEncryptedCode encrypedCodeFunc
newEncryptedCodeWithDefault encryptedCodeWithDefaultFunc
newHashedSecret hashedSecretFunc
eventstore *eventstore.Eventstore
static static.Storage
idGenerator id.Generator
zitadelRoles []authz.RoleMapping
externalDomain string
externalSecure bool
externalPort uint16
idpConfigEncryption crypto.EncryptionAlgorithm
smtpEncryption crypto.EncryptionAlgorithm
smsEncryption crypto.EncryptionAlgorithm
userEncryption crypto.EncryptionAlgorithm
targetEncryption crypto.EncryptionAlgorithm
userPasswordHasher *crypto.Hasher
secretHasher *crypto.Hasher
machineKeySize int
applicationKeySize int
domainVerificationAlg crypto.EncryptionAlgorithm
domainVerificationGenerator crypto.Generator
domainVerificationValidator func(domain, token, verifier string, checkType api_http.CheckType) error
sessionTokenCreator func(sessionID string) (id string, token string, err error)
sessionTokenVerifier func(ctx context.Context, sessionToken, sessionID, tokenID string) (err error)
defaultAccessTokenLifetime time.Duration
defaultRefreshTokenLifetime time.Duration
defaultRefreshTokenIdleLifetime time.Duration
phoneCodeVerifier func(ctx context.Context, id string) (senders.CodeGenerator, error)
multifactors domain.MultifactorConfigs
webauthnConfig *webauthn_helper.Config
keySize int
keyAlgorithm crypto.EncryptionAlgorithm
certificateAlgorithm crypto.EncryptionAlgorithm
certKeySize int
privateKeyLifetime time.Duration
publicKeyLifetime time.Duration
certificateLifetime time.Duration
defaultSecretGenerators *SecretGenerators
samlCertificateAndKeyGenerator func(id string) ([]byte, []byte, error)
webKeyGenerator func(keyID string, alg crypto.EncryptionAlgorithm, genConfig crypto.WebKeyConfig) (encryptedPrivate *crypto.CryptoValue, public *jose.JSONWebKey, err error)
GrpcMethodExisting func(method string) bool
GrpcServiceExisting func(method string) bool
ActionFunctionExisting func(function string) bool
EventExisting func(event string) bool
EventGroupExisting func(group string) bool
GenerateDomain func(instanceName, domain string) (string, error)
caches *Caches
// Store instance IDs where all milestones are reached (except InstanceDeleted).
// These instance's milestones never need to be invalidated,
// so the query and cache overhead can completely eliminated.
milestonesCompleted sync.Map
func StartCommands(
ctx context.Context,
es *eventstore.Eventstore,
cacheConnectors connector.Connectors,
defaults sd.SystemDefaults,
zitadelRoles []authz.RoleMapping,
staticStore static.Storage,
webAuthN *webauthn_helper.Config,
externalDomain string,
externalSecure bool,
externalPort uint16,
idpConfigEncryption, otpEncryption, smtpEncryption, smsEncryption, userEncryption, domainVerificationEncryption, oidcEncryption, samlEncryption, targetEncryption crypto.EncryptionAlgorithm,
httpClient *http.Client,
permissionCheck domain.PermissionCheck,
sessionTokenVerifier func(ctx context.Context, sessionToken string, sessionID string, tokenID string) (err error),
defaultRefreshTokenIdleLifetime time.Duration,
defaultSecretGenerators *SecretGenerators,
) (repo *Commands, err error) {
if externalDomain == "" {
return nil, zerrors.ThrowInvalidArgument(nil, "COMMAND-Df21s", "no external domain specified")
idGenerator := id.SonyFlakeGenerator()
// reuse the oidcEncryption to be able to handle both tokens in the interceptor later on
sessionAlg := oidcEncryption
secretHasher, err := defaults.SecretHasher.NewHasher()
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("secret hasher: %w", err)
userPasswordHasher, err := defaults.PasswordHasher.NewHasher()
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("password hasher: %w", err)
caches, err := startCaches(ctx, cacheConnectors)
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("caches: %w", err)
repo = &Commands{
eventstore: es,
static: staticStore,
idGenerator: idGenerator,
zitadelRoles: zitadelRoles,
externalDomain: externalDomain,
externalSecure: externalSecure,
externalPort: externalPort,
keySize: defaults.KeyConfig.Size,
certKeySize: defaults.KeyConfig.CertificateSize,
privateKeyLifetime: defaults.KeyConfig.PrivateKeyLifetime,
publicKeyLifetime: defaults.KeyConfig.PublicKeyLifetime,
certificateLifetime: defaults.KeyConfig.CertificateLifetime,
idpConfigEncryption: idpConfigEncryption,
smtpEncryption: smtpEncryption,
smsEncryption: smsEncryption,
userEncryption: userEncryption,
targetEncryption: targetEncryption,
userPasswordHasher: userPasswordHasher,
secretHasher: secretHasher,
machineKeySize: int(defaults.SecretGenerators.MachineKeySize),
applicationKeySize: int(defaults.SecretGenerators.ApplicationKeySize),
domainVerificationAlg: domainVerificationEncryption,
domainVerificationGenerator: crypto.NewEncryptionGenerator(defaults.DomainVerification.VerificationGenerator, domainVerificationEncryption),
domainVerificationValidator: api_http.ValidateDomain,
keyAlgorithm: oidcEncryption,
certificateAlgorithm: samlEncryption,
webauthnConfig: webAuthN,
httpClient: httpClient,
checkPermission: permissionCheck,
newEncryptedCode: newEncryptedCode,
newEncryptedCodeWithDefault: newEncryptedCodeWithDefaultConfig,
sessionTokenCreator: sessionTokenCreator(idGenerator, sessionAlg),
sessionTokenVerifier: sessionTokenVerifier,
defaultAccessTokenLifetime: defaultAccessTokenLifetime,
defaultRefreshTokenLifetime: defaultRefreshTokenLifetime,
defaultRefreshTokenIdleLifetime: defaultRefreshTokenIdleLifetime,
defaultSecretGenerators: defaultSecretGenerators,
samlCertificateAndKeyGenerator: samlCertificateAndKeyGenerator(defaults.KeyConfig.CertificateSize, defaults.KeyConfig.CertificateLifetime),
webKeyGenerator: crypto.GenerateEncryptedWebKey,
// always true for now until we can check with an eventlist
EventExisting: func(event string) bool { return true },
// always true for now until we can check with an eventlist
EventGroupExisting: func(group string) bool { return true },
GrpcServiceExisting: func(service string) bool { return false },
GrpcMethodExisting: func(method string) bool { return false },
ActionFunctionExisting: domain.FunctionExists(),
multifactors: domain.MultifactorConfigs{
OTP: domain.OTPConfig{
CryptoMFA: otpEncryption,
Issuer: defaults.Multifactors.OTP.Issuer,
GenerateDomain: domain.NewGeneratedInstanceDomain,
caches: caches,
if defaultSecretGenerators != nil && defaultSecretGenerators.ClientSecret != nil {
repo.newHashedSecret = newHashedSecretWithDefault(secretHasher, defaultSecretGenerators.ClientSecret)
repo.phoneCodeVerifier = repo.phoneCodeVerifierFromConfig
return repo, nil
type AppendReducer interface {
// TODO: Why is it allowed to return an error here?
Reduce() error
func (c *Commands) pushAppendAndReduce(ctx context.Context, object AppendReducer, cmds ...eventstore.Command) error {
if len(cmds) == 0 {
return nil
events, err := c.eventstore.Push(ctx, cmds...)
if err != nil {
return err
return AppendAndReduce(object, events...)
// pushChunked pushes the commands in chunks of size to the eventstore.
// This can be used to reduce the amount of events in a single transaction.
// When an error occurs, the events that have been pushed so far will be returned.
// Warning: chunks are pushed in separate transactions.
// Successful pushes will not be rolled back if a later chunk fails.
// Only use this function when the caller is able to handle partial success
// and is able to consolidate the state on errors.
func (c *Commands) pushChunked(ctx context.Context, size uint16, cmds ...eventstore.Command) (_ []eventstore.Event, err error) {
ctx, span := tracing.NewSpan(ctx)
defer func() { span.EndWithError(err) }()
events := make([]eventstore.Event, 0, len(cmds))
for i := 0; i < len(cmds); i += int(size) {
end := i + int(size)
if end > len(cmds) {
end = len(cmds)
chunk, err := c.eventstore.Push(ctx, cmds[i:end]...)
if err != nil {
return events, err
events = append(events, chunk...)
return events, nil
type AppendReducerDetails interface {
// TODO: Why is it allowed to return an error here?
Reduce() error
GetWriteModel() *eventstore.WriteModel
func (c *Commands) pushAppendAndReduceDetails(ctx context.Context, object AppendReducerDetails, cmds ...eventstore.Command) (*domain.ObjectDetails, error) {
if err := c.pushAppendAndReduce(ctx, object, cmds...); err != nil {
return nil, err
return writeModelToObjectDetails(object.GetWriteModel()), nil
func AppendAndReduce(object AppendReducer, events ...eventstore.Event) error {
return object.Reduce()
func queryAndReduce(ctx context.Context, filter preparation.FilterToQueryReducer, wm eventstore.QueryReducer) error {
events, err := filter(ctx, wm.Query())
if err != nil {
return err
if len(events) == 0 {
return nil
return wm.Reduce()
type existsWriteModel interface {
Exists() bool
func exists(ctx context.Context, filter preparation.FilterToQueryReducer, wm existsWriteModel) (bool, error) {
err := queryAndReduce(ctx, filter, wm)
if err != nil {
return false, err
return wm.Exists(), nil
func samlCertificateAndKeyGenerator(keySize int, lifetime time.Duration) func(id string) ([]byte, []byte, error) {
return func(id string) ([]byte, []byte, error) {
priv, pub, err := crypto.GenerateKeyPair(keySize)
if err != nil {
return nil, nil, err
serial, err := strconv.Atoi(id)
if err != nil {
return nil, nil, err
now := time.Now()
template := x509.Certificate{
SerialNumber: big.NewInt(int64(serial)),
Subject: pkix.Name{
Organization: []string{"ZITADEL"},
SerialNumber: id,
NotBefore: now,
NotAfter: now.Add(lifetime),
KeyUsage: x509.KeyUsageKeyEncipherment | x509.KeyUsageDigitalSignature,
ExtKeyUsage: []x509.ExtKeyUsage{x509.ExtKeyUsageServerAuth},
BasicConstraintsValid: true,
derBytes, err := x509.CreateCertificate(rand.Reader, &template, &template, pub, priv)
if err != nil {
return nil, nil, zerrors.ThrowInternalf(err, "COMMAND-x92u101j", "failed to create certificate")
keyBlock := &pem.Block{Type: "RSA PRIVATE KEY", Bytes: x509.MarshalPKCS1PrivateKey(priv)}
certBlock := &pem.Block{Type: "CERTIFICATE", Bytes: derBytes}
return pem.EncodeToMemory(keyBlock), pem.EncodeToMemory(certBlock), nil
// Close blocks until all async jobs are finished,
// the context expires or after eventstore.PushTimeout.
func (c *Commands) Close(ctx context.Context) error {
if c.eventstore.PushTimeout != 0 {
var cancel context.CancelFunc
ctx, cancel = context.WithTimeout(ctx, c.eventstore.PushTimeout)
defer cancel()
done := make(chan struct{})
go func() {
select {
case <-done:
return nil
case <-ctx.Done():
return ctx.Err()
// asyncPush attempts to push events to the eventstore in a separate Go routine.
// This can be used to speed up request times when the outcome of the push is
// not important for business logic but have a pure logging function.
// For example this can be used for Secret Check Success and Failed events.
// On push error, a log line describing the error will be emitted.
func (c *Commands) asyncPush(ctx context.Context, cmds ...eventstore.Command) {
// Create a new context, as the request scoped context might get
// canceled before we where able to push.
// The eventstore has its own PushTimeout setting,
// so we don't need to have a context with timeout here.
ctx = context.WithoutCancel(ctx)
go func() {
defer c.jobs.Done()
localCtx, span := tracing.NewSpan(ctx)
_, err := c.eventstore.Push(localCtx, cmds...)
if err != nil {
for _, cmd := range cmds {
logging.WithError(err).Warnf("could not push event %q", cmd.Type())