Roman Kolokhanin 8f929c5fec
fix(oidc): prompts slice conversion function returns slice which contains unexpected empty strings (#8997)
# Which Problems Are Solved

Slice initialized with a fixed length instead of capacity, this leads to
unexpected results when calling the append function.

# How the Problems Are Solved

fixed slice initialization, slice is initialized with zero length and
with capacity of function's argument

# Additional Changes

test case added

# Additional Context

Co-authored-by: Kolokhanin Roman <zuzmic@gmail.com>
Co-authored-by: Tim Möhlmann <tim+github@zitadel.com>
(cherry picked from commit d0c23546ec34722b98fb1ade26b56f34d55d8c99)
2024-12-17 10:48:23 +01:00

339 lines
9.0 KiB

package oidc
import (
http_utils "github.com/zitadel/zitadel/internal/api/http"
type AuthRequest struct {
func (a *AuthRequest) GetID() string {
return a.ID
func (a *AuthRequest) GetACR() string {
// return a.
return "" //PLANNED: impl
func (a *AuthRequest) GetAMR() []string {
list := make([]string, 0)
if a.PasswordVerified {
list = append(list, Password, PWD)
if len(a.MFAsVerified) > 0 {
list = append(list, MFA)
for _, mfa := range a.MFAsVerified {
if amrMFA := AMRFromMFAType(mfa); amrMFA != "" {
list = append(list, amrMFA)
return list
func (a *AuthRequest) GetAudience() []string {
return a.Audience
func (a *AuthRequest) GetAuthTime() time.Time {
return a.AuthTime
func (a *AuthRequest) GetClientID() string {
return a.ApplicationID
func (a *AuthRequest) GetCodeChallenge() *oidc.CodeChallenge {
return CodeChallengeToOIDC(a.oidc().CodeChallenge)
func (a *AuthRequest) GetNonce() string {
return a.oidc().Nonce
func (a *AuthRequest) GetRedirectURI() string {
return a.CallbackURI
func (a *AuthRequest) GetResponseType() oidc.ResponseType {
return ResponseTypeToOIDC(a.oidc().ResponseType)
func (a *AuthRequest) GetResponseMode() oidc.ResponseMode {
return ResponseModeToOIDC(a.oidc().ResponseMode)
func (a *AuthRequest) GetScopes() []string {
return a.oidc().Scopes
func (a *AuthRequest) GetState() string {
return a.TransferState
func (a *AuthRequest) GetSubject() string {
return a.UserID
func (a *AuthRequest) oidc() *domain.AuthRequestOIDC {
return a.Request.(*domain.AuthRequestOIDC)
func AuthRequestFromBusiness(authReq *domain.AuthRequest) (_ *AuthRequest, err error) {
if _, ok := authReq.Request.(*domain.AuthRequestOIDC); !ok {
return nil, zerrors.ThrowInvalidArgument(nil, "OIDC-Haz7A", "auth request is not of type oidc")
return &AuthRequest{authReq}, nil
func CreateAuthRequestToBusiness(ctx context.Context, authReq *oidc.AuthRequest, userAgentID, userID string, audience []string) *domain.AuthRequest {
return &domain.AuthRequest{
CreationDate: time.Now(),
AgentID: userAgentID,
BrowserInfo: ParseBrowserInfoFromContext(ctx),
ApplicationID: authReq.ClientID,
CallbackURI: authReq.RedirectURI,
TransferState: authReq.State,
Prompt: PromptToBusiness(authReq.Prompt),
PossibleLOAs: ACRValuesToBusiness(authReq.ACRValues),
UiLocales: UILocalesToBusiness(authReq.UILocales),
LoginHint: authReq.LoginHint,
SelectedIDPConfigID: GetSelectedIDPIDFromScopes(authReq.Scopes),
MaxAuthAge: MaxAgeToBusiness(authReq.MaxAge),
UserID: userID,
InstanceID: authz.GetInstance(ctx).InstanceID(),
Audience: audience,
Request: &domain.AuthRequestOIDC{
Scopes: authReq.Scopes,
ResponseType: ResponseTypeToBusiness(authReq.ResponseType),
ResponseMode: ResponseModeToBusiness(authReq.ResponseMode),
Nonce: authReq.Nonce,
CodeChallenge: CodeChallengeToBusiness(authReq.CodeChallenge, authReq.CodeChallengeMethod),
func ParseBrowserInfoFromContext(ctx context.Context) *domain.BrowserInfo {
userAgent, acceptLang := HttpHeadersFromContext(ctx)
ip := IpFromContext(ctx)
return &domain.BrowserInfo{RemoteIP: ip, UserAgent: userAgent, AcceptLanguage: acceptLang}
func HttpHeadersFromContext(ctx context.Context) (userAgent, acceptLang string) {
ctxHeaders, ok := http_utils.HeadersFromCtx(ctx)
if !ok {
if agents, ok := ctxHeaders[http_utils.UserAgentHeader]; ok {
userAgent = agents[0]
if langs, ok := ctxHeaders[http_utils.AcceptLanguage]; ok {
acceptLang = langs[0]
return userAgent, acceptLang
func IpFromContext(ctx context.Context) net.IP {
ipString := http_utils.RemoteIPFromCtx(ctx)
if ipString == "" {
return nil
return net.ParseIP(ipString)
func PromptToBusiness(oidcPrompt []string) []domain.Prompt {
prompts := make([]domain.Prompt, 0, len(oidcPrompt))
for _, oidcPrompt := range oidcPrompt {
switch oidcPrompt {
case oidc.PromptNone:
prompts = append(prompts, domain.PromptNone)
case oidc.PromptLogin:
prompts = append(prompts, domain.PromptLogin)
case oidc.PromptConsent:
prompts = append(prompts, domain.PromptConsent)
case oidc.PromptSelectAccount:
prompts = append(prompts, domain.PromptSelectAccount)
case "create": //this prompt is not final yet, so not implemented in oidc lib
prompts = append(prompts, domain.PromptCreate)
return prompts
func ACRValuesToBusiness(values []string) []domain.LevelOfAssurance {
return nil
func UILocalesToBusiness(tags []language.Tag) []string {
if tags == nil {
return nil
locales := make([]string, len(tags))
for i, tag := range tags {
locales[i] = tag.String()
return locales
func GetSelectedIDPIDFromScopes(scopes oidc.SpaceDelimitedArray) string {
for _, scope := range scopes {
if strings.HasPrefix(scope, domain.SelectIDPScope) {
return strings.TrimPrefix(scope, domain.SelectIDPScope)
return ""
func MaxAgeToBusiness(maxAge *uint) *time.Duration {
if maxAge == nil {
return nil
dur := time.Duration(*maxAge) * time.Second
return &dur
func ResponseTypeToBusiness(responseType oidc.ResponseType) domain.OIDCResponseType {
switch responseType {
case oidc.ResponseTypeCode:
return domain.OIDCResponseTypeCode
case oidc.ResponseTypeIDTokenOnly:
return domain.OIDCResponseTypeIDToken
case oidc.ResponseTypeIDToken:
return domain.OIDCResponseTypeIDTokenToken
return domain.OIDCResponseTypeCode
func ResponseTypeToOIDC(responseType domain.OIDCResponseType) oidc.ResponseType {
switch responseType {
case domain.OIDCResponseTypeCode:
return oidc.ResponseTypeCode
case domain.OIDCResponseTypeIDTokenToken:
return oidc.ResponseTypeIDToken
case domain.OIDCResponseTypeIDToken:
return oidc.ResponseTypeIDTokenOnly
return oidc.ResponseTypeCode
// ResponseModeToBusiness returns the OIDCResponseMode enum value from the domain package.
// An empty or invalid value defaults to unspecified.
func ResponseModeToBusiness(responseMode oidc.ResponseMode) domain.OIDCResponseMode {
if responseMode == "" {
return domain.OIDCResponseModeUnspecified
out, err := domain.OIDCResponseModeString(string(responseMode))
logging.OnError(err).Debugln("invalid oidc response_mode, using default")
return out
// ResponseModeToOIDC return the oidc string representation of the enum value from the domain package.
// When responseMode is `0 - unspecified`, an empty string is returned.
// This allows the oidc package to pick the appropriate response mode based on the response type.
func ResponseModeToOIDC(responseMode domain.OIDCResponseMode) oidc.ResponseMode {
if responseMode == domain.OIDCResponseModeUnspecified || !responseMode.IsAOIDCResponseMode() {
return ""
return oidc.ResponseMode(responseMode.String())
func CodeChallengeToBusiness(challenge string, method oidc.CodeChallengeMethod) *domain.OIDCCodeChallenge {
if challenge == "" {
return nil
challengeMethod := domain.CodeChallengeMethodPlain
if method == oidc.CodeChallengeMethodS256 {
challengeMethod = domain.CodeChallengeMethodS256
return &domain.OIDCCodeChallenge{
Challenge: challenge,
Method: challengeMethod,
func CodeChallengeToOIDC(challenge *domain.OIDCCodeChallenge) *oidc.CodeChallenge {
if challenge == nil {
return nil
challengeMethod := oidc.CodeChallengeMethodPlain
if challenge.Method == domain.CodeChallengeMethodS256 {
challengeMethod = oidc.CodeChallengeMethodS256
return &oidc.CodeChallenge{
Challenge: challenge.Challenge,
Method: challengeMethod,
func AMRFromMFAType(mfaType domain.MFAType) string {
switch mfaType {
case domain.MFATypeTOTP,
return OTP
case domain.MFATypeU2F,
return UserPresence
return ""
func RefreshTokenRequestFromBusiness(tokenView *model.RefreshTokenView) op.RefreshTokenRequest {
return &RefreshTokenRequest{tokenView}
type RefreshTokenRequest struct {
func (r *RefreshTokenRequest) GetAMR() []string {
return r.AuthMethodsReferences
func (r *RefreshTokenRequest) GetAudience() []string {
return r.Audience
func (r *RefreshTokenRequest) GetAuthTime() time.Time {
return r.AuthTime
func (r *RefreshTokenRequest) GetClientID() string {
return r.ClientID
func (r *RefreshTokenRequest) GetScopes() []string {
return r.Scopes
func (r *RefreshTokenRequest) GetSubject() string {
return r.UserID
func (r *RefreshTokenRequest) SetCurrentScopes(scopes []string) {
r.Scopes = scopes
func (r *RefreshTokenRequest) GetActor() *oidc.ActorClaims {
return actorDomainToClaims(r.Actor)