mirror of
synced 2024-12-12 02:54:20 +00:00
* docs: describe crd mode * docs: fix links * docs: fix commands and crdb resources * feat: add configure command * chore: use latest ORBOS * chore: use latest ORBOS * docs: start gitops docs * fix: compile * chore: fix build script path * chore: remove redundant prebuild * chore: add configure.go * docs: describe gitops mode * docs: point template links to main branch * docs: fix versions * feat: initialize empty keys * feat: reconfigure running ZITADEL * docs: describe crd mode * docs: fix links * docs: fix commands and crdb resources * feat: add configure command * chore: use latest ORBOS * chore: use latest ORBOS * docs: start gitops docs * fix: compile * chore: fix build script path * chore: remove redundant prebuild * chore: add configure.go * docs: describe gitops mode * docs: point template links to main branch * docs: fix versions * feat: initialize empty keys * feat: reconfigure running ZITADEL * test: fix * docs: keys are generated with configure * docs: remove keys from template * chore: pass compile time data * chore: use latest ORBOS * fix: when in-cluster, use in-cluster k8s client * fix: try in-cluster config if kubeconfig is empty * fix: reduce unneeded side effects for configure command * docs: boom version * chore: use latest ORBOS * chore: use latest ORBOS * initial commit * inital changes * commit WIP Information Architecture * commit a working state * add static assets and project * add org and fix img names * add plausible * remove img * change sidebar to easier mgmt * add openid oauth and domains * lint md * quickstarts * add auth flow * identity brokering * remove site * fix broken links * extend footer * extend readme * fix: styling * fix: zitadel logo on index * styling * border * fix: nav * fix: nav * fix: index * fix: corrected zitadelctl examples * fix: rename architecture to concepts * fix: introductions * fix: introductions * fix: introductions * docs: cli r/w secrets examples * docs: finish ZITADEL Enterprise Cloud * docs: mention ZITADEL Enterprise Cloud tier * docs: comment configuration options * docs: fix broken links * docs: move some introduction texts around * docs: twilio and email are mandatory * docs: download latest binaries Co-authored-by: Florian Forster <florian@caos.ch> Co-authored-by: fabi <fabienne.gerschwiler@gmail.com> Co-authored-by: Livio Amstutz <livio.a@gmail.com> Co-authored-by: Stefan Benz <stefan@caos.ch>
85 lines
3.6 KiB
85 lines
3.6 KiB
module github.com/caos/zitadel
go 1.15
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github.com/stretchr/testify v1.7.0
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