mirror of
synced 2025-01-07 14:57:41 +00:00
* fix: improve startup times by initializing projections table during setup * add missing file
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344 lines
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package handler
import (
const (
schedulerSucceeded = eventstore.EventType("system.projections.scheduler.succeeded")
aggregateType = eventstore.AggregateType("system")
aggregateID = "SYSTEM"
type ProjectionHandlerConfig struct {
ProjectionName string
RequeueEvery time.Duration
RetryFailedAfter time.Duration
Retries uint
ConcurrentInstances uint
// Update updates the projection with the given statements
type Update func(context.Context, []*Statement, Reduce) (index int, err error)
// Reduce reduces the given event to a statement
// which is used to update the projection
type Reduce func(eventstore.Event) (*Statement, error)
// SearchQuery generates the search query to lookup for events
type SearchQuery func(ctx context.Context, instanceIDs []string) (query *eventstore.SearchQueryBuilder, queryLimit uint64, err error)
// Lock is used for mutex handling if needed on the projection
type Lock func(context.Context, time.Duration, ...string) <-chan error
// Unlock releases the mutex of the projection
type Unlock func(...string) error
type ProjectionHandler struct {
ProjectionName string
reduce Reduce
update Update
searchQuery SearchQuery
triggerProjection *time.Timer
lock Lock
unlock Unlock
requeueAfter time.Duration
retryFailedAfter time.Duration
retries int
concurrentInstances int
func NewProjectionHandler(
ctx context.Context,
config ProjectionHandlerConfig,
reduce Reduce,
update Update,
query SearchQuery,
lock Lock,
unlock Unlock,
initialized <-chan bool,
) *ProjectionHandler {
concurrentInstances := int(config.ConcurrentInstances)
if concurrentInstances < 1 {
concurrentInstances = 1
h := &ProjectionHandler{
Handler: NewHandler(config.HandlerConfig),
ProjectionName: config.ProjectionName,
reduce: reduce,
update: update,
searchQuery: query,
lock: lock,
unlock: unlock,
requeueAfter: config.RequeueEvery,
triggerProjection: time.NewTimer(0), // first trigger is instant on startup
retryFailedAfter: config.RetryFailedAfter,
retries: int(config.Retries),
concurrentInstances: concurrentInstances,
go func() {
go h.subscribe(ctx)
go h.schedule(ctx)
return h
// Trigger handles all events for the provided instances (or current instance from context if non specified)
// by calling FetchEvents and Process until the amount of events is smaller than the BulkLimit
func (h *ProjectionHandler) Trigger(ctx context.Context, instances ...string) error {
ids := []string{authz.GetInstance(ctx).InstanceID()}
if len(instances) > 0 {
ids = instances
for {
events, hasLimitExceeded, err := h.FetchEvents(ctx, ids...)
if err != nil {
return err
if len(events) == 0 {
return nil
_, err = h.Process(ctx, events...)
if err != nil {
return err
if !hasLimitExceeded {
return nil
// Process handles multiple events by reducing them to statements and updating the projection
func (h *ProjectionHandler) Process(ctx context.Context, events ...eventstore.Event) (index int, err error) {
if len(events) == 0 {
return 0, nil
index = -1
statements := make([]*Statement, len(events))
for i, event := range events {
statements[i], err = h.reduce(event)
if err != nil {
return index, err
for retry := 0; retry <= h.retries; retry++ {
index, err = h.update(ctx, statements[index+1:], h.reduce)
if err != nil && !errors.Is(err, ErrSomeStmtsFailed) {
return index, err
if err == nil {
return index, nil
return index, err
// FetchEvents checks the current sequences and filters for newer events
func (h *ProjectionHandler) FetchEvents(ctx context.Context, instances ...string) ([]eventstore.Event, bool, error) {
eventQuery, eventsLimit, err := h.searchQuery(ctx, instances)
if err != nil {
return nil, false, err
events, err := h.Eventstore.Filter(ctx, eventQuery)
if err != nil {
return nil, false, err
return events, int(eventsLimit) == len(events), err
func (h *ProjectionHandler) subscribe(ctx context.Context) {
ctx, cancel := context.WithCancel(ctx)
defer func() {
err := recover()
if err != nil {
logging.WithFields("projection", h.ProjectionName).Errorf("subscription panicked: %v", err)
for firstEvent := range h.EventQueue {
events := checkAdditionalEvents(h.EventQueue, firstEvent)
index, err := h.Process(ctx, events...)
if err != nil || index < len(events)-1 {
logging.WithFields("projection", h.ProjectionName).WithError(err).Warn("unable to process all events from subscription")
func (h *ProjectionHandler) schedule(ctx context.Context) {
ctx, cancel := context.WithCancel(ctx)
defer func() {
err := recover()
if err != nil {
logging.WithFields("projection", h.ProjectionName, "cause", err, "stack", string(debug.Stack())).Error("schedule panicked")
// flag if projection has been successfully executed at least once since start
var succeededOnce bool
var err error
// get every instance id except empty (system)
query := eventstore.NewSearchQueryBuilder(eventstore.ColumnsInstanceIDs).AddQuery().ExcludedInstanceID("")
for range h.triggerProjection.C {
if !succeededOnce {
// (re)check if it has succeeded in the meantime
succeededOnce, err = h.hasSucceededOnce(ctx)
if err != nil {
logging.WithFields("projection", h.ProjectionName, "err", err).
Error("schedule could not check if projection has already succeeded once")
lockCtx := ctx
var cancelLock context.CancelFunc
// if it still has not succeeded, lock the projection for the system
// so that only a single scheduler does a first schedule (of every instance)
if !succeededOnce {
lockCtx, cancelLock = context.WithCancel(ctx)
errs := h.lock(lockCtx, h.requeueAfter, "system")
if err, ok := <-errs; err != nil || !ok {
logging.WithFields("projection", h.ProjectionName).OnError(err).Warn("initial lock failed for first schedule")
go h.cancelOnErr(lockCtx, errs, cancelLock)
if succeededOnce {
// since we have at least one successful run, we can restrict it to events not older than
// twice the requeue time (just to be sure not to miss an event)
query = query.CreationDateAfter(time.Now().Add(-2 * h.requeueAfter))
ids, err := h.Eventstore.InstanceIDs(ctx, query.Builder())
if err != nil {
logging.WithFields("projection", h.ProjectionName).WithError(err).Error("instance ids")
var failed bool
for i := 0; i < len(ids); i = i + h.concurrentInstances {
max := i + h.concurrentInstances
if max > len(ids) {
max = len(ids)
instances := ids[i:max]
lockInstanceCtx, cancelInstanceLock := context.WithCancel(lockCtx)
errs := h.lock(lockInstanceCtx, h.requeueAfter, instances...)
//wait until projection is locked
if err, ok := <-errs; err != nil || !ok {
logging.WithFields("projection", h.ProjectionName).OnError(err).Warn("initial lock failed")
failed = true
go h.cancelOnErr(lockInstanceCtx, errs, cancelInstanceLock)
err = h.Trigger(lockInstanceCtx, instances...)
if err != nil {
logging.WithFields("projection", h.ProjectionName, "instanceIDs", instances).WithError(err).Error("trigger failed")
failed = true
unlockErr := h.unlock(instances...)
logging.WithFields("projection", h.ProjectionName).OnError(unlockErr).Warn("unable to unlock")
// if the first schedule did not fail, store that in the eventstore, so we can check on later starts
if !succeededOnce {
if !failed {
err = h.setSucceededOnce(ctx)
logging.WithFields("projection", h.ProjectionName).OnError(err).Warn("unable to push first schedule succeeded")
unlockErr := h.unlock("system")
logging.WithFields("projection", h.ProjectionName).OnError(unlockErr).Warn("unable to unlock first schedule")
// it succeeded at least once if it has succeeded before or if it has succeeded now - not failed ;-)
succeededOnce = succeededOnce || !failed
func (h *ProjectionHandler) hasSucceededOnce(ctx context.Context) (bool, error) {
events, err := h.Eventstore.Filter(ctx, eventstore.NewSearchQueryBuilder(eventstore.ColumnsEvent).
"name": h.ProjectionName,
return len(events) > 0 && err == nil, err
func (h *ProjectionHandler) setSucceededOnce(ctx context.Context) error {
_, err := h.Eventstore.Push(ctx, &ProjectionSucceededEvent{
BaseEvent: *eventstore.NewBaseEventForPush(ctx,
eventstore.NewAggregate(ctx, aggregateID, aggregateType, "v1"),
Name: h.ProjectionName,
return err
type ProjectionSucceededEvent struct {
eventstore.BaseEvent `json:"-"`
Name string `json:"name"`
func (p *ProjectionSucceededEvent) Data() interface{} {
return p
func (p *ProjectionSucceededEvent) UniqueConstraints() []*eventstore.EventUniqueConstraint {
return nil
func (h *ProjectionHandler) cancelOnErr(ctx context.Context, errs <-chan error, cancel func()) {
for {
select {
case err := <-errs:
if err != nil {
logging.WithFields("projection", h.ProjectionName).WithError(err).Warn("bulk canceled")
case <-ctx.Done():
func checkAdditionalEvents(eventQueue chan eventstore.Event, event eventstore.Event) []eventstore.Event {
events := make([]eventstore.Event, 1)
events[0] = event
for {
select {
case event := <-eventQueue:
events = append(events, event)
return events