mirror of
synced 2025-03-28 16:12:21 +00:00

This change updates all go modules, including oidc, a major version of go-jose and the go 1.22 release.
1063 lines
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1063 lines
34 KiB
package oidc
import (
api_http "github.com/zitadel/zitadel/internal/api/http"
const (
ClaimPrefix = "urn:zitadel:iam"
ScopeProjectRolePrefix = "urn:zitadel:iam:org:project:role:"
ScopeProjectsRoles = "urn:zitadel:iam:org:projects:roles"
ClaimProjectRoles = "urn:zitadel:iam:org:project:roles"
ClaimProjectRolesFormat = "urn:zitadel:iam:org:project:%s:roles"
ScopeUserMetaData = "urn:zitadel:iam:user:metadata"
ClaimUserMetaData = ScopeUserMetaData
ScopeResourceOwner = "urn:zitadel:iam:user:resourceowner"
ClaimResourceOwnerID = ScopeResourceOwner + ":id"
ClaimResourceOwnerName = ScopeResourceOwner + ":name"
ClaimResourceOwnerPrimaryDomain = ScopeResourceOwner + ":primary_domain"
ClaimActionLogFormat = "urn:zitadel:iam:action:%s:log"
oidcCtx = "oidc"
func (o *OPStorage) GetClientByClientID(ctx context.Context, id string) (_ op.Client, err error) {
ctx, span := tracing.NewSpan(ctx)
defer func() {
err = oidcError(err)
client, err := o.query.GetOIDCClientByID(ctx, id, false)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
if client.State != domain.AppStateActive {
return nil, zerrors.ThrowPreconditionFailed(nil, "OIDC-sdaGg", "client is not active")
return ClientFromBusiness(client, o.defaultLoginURL, o.defaultLoginURLV2), nil
func (o *OPStorage) GetKeyByIDAndClientID(ctx context.Context, keyID, userID string) (_ *jose.JSONWebKey, err error) {
return o.GetKeyByIDAndIssuer(ctx, keyID, userID)
func (o *OPStorage) GetKeyByIDAndIssuer(ctx context.Context, keyID, issuer string) (_ *jose.JSONWebKey, err error) {
ctx, span := tracing.NewSpan(ctx)
defer func() {
err = oidcError(err)
publicKeyData, err := o.query.GetAuthNKeyPublicKeyByIDAndIdentifier(ctx, keyID, issuer, false)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
publicKey, err := crypto.BytesToPublicKey(publicKeyData)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return &jose.JSONWebKey{
KeyID: keyID,
Use: "sig",
Key: publicKey,
}, nil
func (o *OPStorage) ValidateJWTProfileScopes(ctx context.Context, subject string, scopes []string) (_ []string, err error) {
ctx, span := tracing.NewSpan(ctx)
defer func() {
err = oidcError(err)
user, err := o.query.GetUserByID(ctx, true, subject)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return o.checkOrgScopes(ctx, user, scopes)
func (o *OPStorage) AuthorizeClientIDSecret(ctx context.Context, id string, secret string) (err error) {
ctx, span := tracing.NewSpan(ctx)
defer func() {
err = oidcError(err)
ctx = authz.SetCtxData(ctx, authz.CtxData{
UserID: oidcCtx,
OrgID: oidcCtx,
app, err := o.query.AppByClientID(ctx, id)
if err != nil {
return err
if app.OIDCConfig != nil {
return o.command.VerifyOIDCClientSecret(ctx, app.ProjectID, app.ID, secret)
return o.command.VerifyAPIClientSecret(ctx, app.ProjectID, app.ID, secret)
func (o *OPStorage) SetUserinfoFromToken(ctx context.Context, userInfo *oidc.UserInfo, tokenID, subject, origin string) (err error) {
ctx, span := tracing.NewSpan(ctx)
defer func() {
err = oidcError(err)
if strings.HasPrefix(tokenID, command.IDPrefixV2) {
token, err := o.query.ActiveAccessTokenByToken(ctx, tokenID)
if err != nil {
return err
if err = o.isOriginAllowed(ctx, token.ClientID, origin); err != nil {
return err
return o.setUserinfo(ctx, userInfo, token.UserID, token.ClientID, token.Scope, nil)
token, err := o.repo.TokenByIDs(ctx, subject, tokenID)
if err != nil {
return zerrors.ThrowPermissionDenied(nil, "OIDC-Dsfb2", "token is not valid or has expired")
if token.ApplicationID != "" {
if err = o.isOriginAllowed(ctx, token.ApplicationID, origin); err != nil {
return err
return o.setUserinfo(ctx, userInfo, token.UserID, token.ApplicationID, token.Scopes, nil)
func (o *OPStorage) SetUserinfoFromScopes(ctx context.Context, userInfo *oidc.UserInfo, userID, applicationID string, scopes []string) (err error) {
ctx, span := tracing.NewSpan(ctx)
defer func() {
err = oidcError(err)
if applicationID != "" {
app, err := o.query.AppByOIDCClientID(ctx, applicationID)
if err != nil {
return err
if app.OIDCConfig.AssertIDTokenRole {
scopes, err = o.assertProjectRoleScopes(ctx, applicationID, scopes)
if err != nil {
return zerrors.ThrowPreconditionFailed(err, "OIDC-Dfe2s", "Errors.Internal")
return o.setUserinfo(ctx, userInfo, userID, applicationID, scopes, nil)
// SetUserinfoFromRequest extends the SetUserinfoFromScopes during the id_token generation.
// This is required for V2 tokens to be able to set the sessionID (`sid`) claim.
func (o *OPStorage) SetUserinfoFromRequest(ctx context.Context, userinfo *oidc.UserInfo, request op.IDTokenRequest, _ []string) error {
switch t := request.(type) {
case *AuthRequestV2:
userinfo.AppendClaims("sid", t.SessionID)
case *RefreshTokenRequestV2:
userinfo.AppendClaims("sid", t.SessionID)
return nil
func (o *OPStorage) SetIntrospectionFromToken(ctx context.Context, introspection *oidc.IntrospectionResponse, tokenID, subject, clientID string) (err error) {
ctx, span := tracing.NewSpan(ctx)
defer func() {
err = oidcError(err)
if strings.HasPrefix(tokenID, command.IDPrefixV2) {
token, err := o.query.ActiveAccessTokenByToken(ctx, tokenID)
if err != nil {
return err
projectID, err := o.query.ProjectIDFromClientID(ctx, clientID)
if err != nil {
return zerrors.ThrowPermissionDenied(nil, "OIDC-Adfg5", "client not found")
return o.introspect(ctx, introspection,
tokenID, token.UserID, token.ClientID, clientID, projectID,
token.Audience, token.Scope,
token.AccessTokenCreation, token.AccessTokenExpiration)
token, err := o.repo.TokenByIDs(ctx, subject, tokenID)
if err != nil {
return zerrors.ThrowPermissionDenied(nil, "OIDC-Dsfb2", "token is not valid or has expired")
projectID, err := o.query.ProjectIDFromClientID(ctx, clientID)
if err != nil {
return zerrors.ThrowPermissionDenied(nil, "OIDC-Adfg5", "client not found")
if token.IsPAT {
err = o.assertClientScopesForPAT(ctx, token, clientID, projectID)
if err != nil {
return zerrors.ThrowPreconditionFailed(err, "OIDC-AGefw", "Errors.Internal")
return o.introspect(ctx, introspection,
token.ID, token.UserID, token.ApplicationID, clientID, projectID,
token.Audience, token.Scopes,
token.CreationDate, token.Expiration)
func (o *OPStorage) ClientCredentialsTokenRequest(ctx context.Context, clientID string, scope []string) (_ op.TokenRequest, err error) {
ctx, span := tracing.NewSpan(ctx)
defer func() {
err = oidcError(err)
user, err := o.query.GetUserByLoginName(ctx, false, clientID)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
scope, err = o.checkOrgScopes(ctx, user, scope)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
audience := domain.AddAudScopeToAudience(ctx, nil, scope)
return &clientCredentialsRequest{
sub: user.ID,
scopes: scope,
audience: audience,
}, nil
// ClientCredentials method is kept to keep the storage interface implemented.
// However, it should never be called as the VerifyClient method on the Server is overridden.
func (o *OPStorage) ClientCredentials(context.Context, string, string) (op.Client, error) {
return nil, zerrors.ThrowInternal(nil, "OIDC-Su8So", "Errors.Internal")
// isOriginAllowed checks whether a call by the client to the endpoint is allowed from the provided origin
// if no origin is provided, no error will be returned
func (o *OPStorage) isOriginAllowed(ctx context.Context, clientID, origin string) error {
if origin == "" {
return nil
app, err := o.query.AppByOIDCClientID(ctx, clientID)
if err != nil {
return err
if api_http.IsOriginAllowed(app.OIDCConfig.AllowedOrigins, origin) {
return nil
return zerrors.ThrowPermissionDenied(nil, "OIDC-da1f3", "origin is not allowed")
func (o *OPStorage) introspect(
ctx context.Context,
introspection *oidc.IntrospectionResponse,
tokenID, subject, tokenClientID, introspectionClientID, introspectionProjectID string,
audience, scope []string,
tokenCreation, tokenExpiration time.Time,
) (err error) {
ctx, span := tracing.NewSpan(ctx)
defer func() { span.EndWithError(err) }()
for _, aud := range audience {
if aud == introspectionClientID || aud == introspectionProjectID {
userInfo := new(oidc.UserInfo)
err = o.setUserinfo(ctx, userInfo, subject, introspectionClientID, scope, []string{introspectionProjectID})
if err != nil {
return err
introspection.Scope = scope
introspection.ClientID = tokenClientID
introspection.TokenType = oidc.BearerToken
introspection.Expiration = oidc.FromTime(tokenExpiration)
introspection.IssuedAt = oidc.FromTime(tokenCreation)
introspection.NotBefore = oidc.FromTime(tokenCreation)
introspection.Audience = audience
introspection.Issuer = op.IssuerFromContext(ctx)
introspection.JWTID = tokenID
return nil
return zerrors.ThrowPermissionDenied(nil, "OIDC-sdg3G", "token is not valid for this client")
func (o *OPStorage) checkOrgScopes(ctx context.Context, user *query.User, scopes []string) ([]string, error) {
for i := len(scopes) - 1; i >= 0; i-- {
scope := scopes[i]
if strings.HasPrefix(scope, domain.OrgDomainPrimaryScope) {
var orgID string
org, err := o.query.OrgByPrimaryDomain(ctx, strings.TrimPrefix(scope, domain.OrgDomainPrimaryScope))
if err == nil {
orgID = org.ID
if orgID != user.ResourceOwner {
scopes[i] = scopes[len(scopes)-1]
scopes[len(scopes)-1] = ""
scopes = scopes[:len(scopes)-1]
if strings.HasPrefix(scope, domain.OrgIDScope) {
if strings.TrimPrefix(scope, domain.OrgIDScope) != user.ResourceOwner {
scopes[i] = scopes[len(scopes)-1]
scopes[len(scopes)-1] = ""
scopes = scopes[:len(scopes)-1]
return scopes, nil
func (o *OPStorage) setUserinfo(ctx context.Context, userInfo *oidc.UserInfo, userID, applicationID string, scopes []string, roleAudience []string) (err error) {
ctx, span := tracing.NewSpan(ctx)
defer func() { span.EndWithError(err) }()
user, err := o.query.GetUserByID(ctx, true, userID)
if err != nil {
return err
var allRoles bool
roles := make([]string, 0)
for _, scope := range scopes {
switch scope {
case oidc.ScopeOpenID:
userInfo.Subject = user.ID
case oidc.ScopeEmail:
setUserInfoEmail(userInfo, user)
case oidc.ScopeProfile:
o.setUserInfoProfile(ctx, userInfo, user)
case oidc.ScopePhone:
setUserInfoPhone(userInfo, user)
case oidc.ScopeAddress:
//TODO: handle address for human users as soon as implemented
case ScopeUserMetaData:
if err := o.setUserInfoMetadata(ctx, userInfo, userID); err != nil {
return err
case ScopeResourceOwner:
if err := o.setUserInfoResourceOwner(ctx, userInfo, userID); err != nil {
return err
case ScopeProjectsRoles:
allRoles = true
if strings.HasPrefix(scope, ScopeProjectRolePrefix) {
roles = append(roles, strings.TrimPrefix(scope, ScopeProjectRolePrefix))
if strings.HasPrefix(scope, domain.OrgDomainPrimaryScope) {
userInfo.AppendClaims(domain.OrgDomainPrimaryClaim, strings.TrimPrefix(scope, domain.OrgDomainPrimaryScope))
if strings.HasPrefix(scope, domain.OrgIDScope) {
userInfo.AppendClaims(domain.OrgIDClaim, strings.TrimPrefix(scope, domain.OrgIDScope))
if err := o.setUserInfoResourceOwner(ctx, userInfo, userID); err != nil {
return err
// if all roles are requested take the audience for those from the scopes
if allRoles && len(roleAudience) == 0 {
roleAudience = domain.AddAudScopeToAudience(ctx, roleAudience, scopes)
userGrants, projectRoles, err := o.assertRoles(ctx, userID, applicationID, roles, roleAudience)
if err != nil {
return err
o.setUserInfoRoleClaims(userInfo, projectRoles)
return o.userinfoFlows(ctx, user, userGrants, userInfo)
func (o *OPStorage) setUserInfoProfile(ctx context.Context, userInfo *oidc.UserInfo, user *query.User) {
userInfo.PreferredUsername = user.PreferredLoginName
userInfo.UpdatedAt = oidc.FromTime(user.ChangeDate)
if user.Machine != nil {
userInfo.Name = user.Machine.Name
userInfo.Name = user.Human.DisplayName
userInfo.FamilyName = user.Human.LastName
userInfo.GivenName = user.Human.FirstName
userInfo.Nickname = user.Human.NickName
userInfo.Gender = getGender(user.Human.Gender)
userInfo.Locale = oidc.NewLocale(user.Human.PreferredLanguage)
userInfo.Picture = domain.AvatarURL(o.assetAPIPrefix(ctx), user.ResourceOwner, user.Human.AvatarKey)
func setUserInfoEmail(userInfo *oidc.UserInfo, user *query.User) {
if user.Human == nil {
userInfo.UserInfoEmail = oidc.UserInfoEmail{
Email: string(user.Human.Email),
EmailVerified: oidc.Bool(user.Human.IsEmailVerified)}
func setUserInfoPhone(userInfo *oidc.UserInfo, user *query.User) {
if user.Human == nil {
userInfo.UserInfoPhone = oidc.UserInfoPhone{
PhoneNumber: string(user.Human.Phone),
PhoneNumberVerified: user.Human.IsPhoneVerified,
func (o *OPStorage) setUserInfoMetadata(ctx context.Context, userInfo *oidc.UserInfo, userID string) error {
userMetaData, err := o.assertUserMetaData(ctx, userID)
if err != nil {
return err
if len(userMetaData) > 0 {
userInfo.AppendClaims(ClaimUserMetaData, userMetaData)
return nil
func (o *OPStorage) setUserInfoResourceOwner(ctx context.Context, userInfo *oidc.UserInfo, userID string) error {
resourceOwnerClaims, err := o.assertUserResourceOwner(ctx, userID)
if err != nil {
return err
for claim, value := range resourceOwnerClaims {
userInfo.AppendClaims(claim, value)
return nil
func (o *OPStorage) setUserInfoRoleClaims(userInfo *oidc.UserInfo, roles *projectsRoles) {
if roles != nil && len(roles.projects) > 0 {
if roles, ok := roles.projects[roles.requestProjectID]; ok {
userInfo.AppendClaims(ClaimProjectRoles, roles)
for projectID, roles := range roles.projects {
userInfo.AppendClaims(fmt.Sprintf(ClaimProjectRolesFormat, projectID), roles)
func (o *OPStorage) userinfoFlows(ctx context.Context, user *query.User, userGrants *query.UserGrants, userInfo *oidc.UserInfo) error {
queriedActions, err := o.query.GetActiveActionsByFlowAndTriggerType(ctx, domain.FlowTypeCustomiseToken, domain.TriggerTypePreUserinfoCreation, user.ResourceOwner)
if err != nil {
return err
ctxFields := actions.SetContextFields(
actions.SetFields("claims", userinfoClaims(userInfo)),
actions.SetFields("getUser", func(c *actions.FieldConfig) interface{} {
return func(call goja.FunctionCall) goja.Value {
return object.UserFromQuery(c, user)
actions.SetFields("getMetadata", func(c *actions.FieldConfig) interface{} {
return func(goja.FunctionCall) goja.Value {
resourceOwnerQuery, err := query.NewUserMetadataResourceOwnerSearchQuery(user.ResourceOwner)
if err != nil {
logging.WithError(err).Debug("unable to create search query")
metadata, err := o.query.SearchUserMetadata(
&query.UserMetadataSearchQueries{Queries: []query.SearchQuery{resourceOwnerQuery}},
if err != nil {
logging.WithError(err).Info("unable to get md in action")
return object.UserMetadataListFromQuery(c, metadata)
actions.SetFields("grants", func(c *actions.FieldConfig) interface{} {
return object.UserGrantsFromQuery(c, userGrants)
actions.SetFields("getMetadata", func(c *actions.FieldConfig) interface{} {
return func(goja.FunctionCall) goja.Value {
metadata, err := o.query.SearchOrgMetadata(
if err != nil {
logging.WithError(err).Info("unable to get org metadata in action")
return object.OrgMetadataListFromQuery(c, metadata)
for _, action := range queriedActions {
actionCtx, cancel := context.WithTimeout(ctx, action.Timeout())
claimLogs := []string{}
apiFields := actions.WithAPIFields(
actions.SetFields("setClaim", func(key string, value interface{}) {
if strings.HasPrefix(key, ClaimPrefix) {
if userInfo.Claims[key] == nil {
userInfo.AppendClaims(key, value)
claimLogs = append(claimLogs, fmt.Sprintf("key %q already exists", key))
actions.SetFields("appendLogIntoClaims", func(entry string) {
claimLogs = append(claimLogs, entry)
actions.SetFields("setClaim", func(key string, value interface{}) {
if strings.HasPrefix(key, ClaimPrefix) {
if userInfo.Claims[key] == nil {
userInfo.AppendClaims(key, value)
claimLogs = append(claimLogs, fmt.Sprintf("key %q already exists", key))
actions.SetFields("appendLogIntoClaims", func(entry string) {
claimLogs = append(claimLogs, entry)
actions.SetFields("setMetadata", func(call goja.FunctionCall) goja.Value {
if len(call.Arguments) != 2 {
panic("exactly 2 (key, value) arguments expected")
key := call.Arguments[0].Export().(string)
val := call.Arguments[1].Export()
value, err := json.Marshal(val)
if err != nil {
logging.WithError(err).Debug("unable to marshal")
metadata := &domain.Metadata{
Key: key,
Value: value,
if _, err = o.command.SetUserMetadata(ctx, metadata, userInfo.Subject, user.ResourceOwner); err != nil {
logging.WithError(err).Info("unable to set md in action")
return nil
err = actions.Run(
append(actions.ActionToOptions(action), actions.WithHTTP(actionCtx), actions.WithUUID(actionCtx))...,
if err != nil {
return err
if len(claimLogs) > 0 {
userInfo.AppendClaims(fmt.Sprintf(ClaimActionLogFormat, action.Name), claimLogs)
return nil
func (o *OPStorage) GetPrivateClaimsFromScopes(ctx context.Context, userID, clientID string, scopes []string) (claims map[string]interface{}, err error) {
ctx, span := tracing.NewSpan(ctx)
defer func() {
err = oidcError(err)
roles := make([]string, 0)
var allRoles bool
for _, scope := range scopes {
switch scope {
case ScopeUserMetaData:
userMetaData, err := o.assertUserMetaData(ctx, userID)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
if len(userMetaData) > 0 {
claims = appendClaim(claims, ClaimUserMetaData, userMetaData)
case ScopeResourceOwner:
resourceOwnerClaims, err := o.assertUserResourceOwner(ctx, userID)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
for claim, value := range resourceOwnerClaims {
claims = appendClaim(claims, claim, value)
case ScopeProjectsRoles:
allRoles = true
if strings.HasPrefix(scope, ScopeProjectRolePrefix) {
roles = append(roles, strings.TrimPrefix(scope, ScopeProjectRolePrefix))
if strings.HasPrefix(scope, domain.OrgDomainPrimaryScope) {
claims = appendClaim(claims, domain.OrgDomainPrimaryClaim, strings.TrimPrefix(scope, domain.OrgDomainPrimaryScope))
if strings.HasPrefix(scope, domain.OrgIDScope) {
claims = appendClaim(claims, domain.OrgIDClaim, strings.TrimPrefix(scope, domain.OrgIDScope))
resourceOwnerClaims, err := o.assertUserResourceOwner(ctx, userID)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
for claim, value := range resourceOwnerClaims {
claims = appendClaim(claims, claim, value)
// If requested, use the audience as context for the roles,
// otherwise the project itself will be used
var roleAudience []string
if allRoles {
roleAudience = domain.AddAudScopeToAudience(ctx, roleAudience, scopes)
userGrants, projectRoles, err := o.assertRoles(ctx, userID, clientID, roles, roleAudience)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
if projectRoles != nil && len(projectRoles.projects) > 0 {
if roles, ok := projectRoles.projects[projectRoles.requestProjectID]; ok {
claims = appendClaim(claims, ClaimProjectRoles, roles)
for projectID, roles := range projectRoles.projects {
claims = appendClaim(claims, fmt.Sprintf(ClaimProjectRolesFormat, projectID), roles)
return o.privateClaimsFlows(ctx, userID, userGrants, claims)
func (o *OPStorage) privateClaimsFlows(ctx context.Context, userID string, userGrants *query.UserGrants, claims map[string]interface{}) (map[string]interface{}, error) {
user, err := o.query.GetUserByID(ctx, true, userID)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
queriedActions, err := o.query.GetActiveActionsByFlowAndTriggerType(ctx, domain.FlowTypeCustomiseToken, domain.TriggerTypePreAccessTokenCreation, user.ResourceOwner)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
ctxFields := actions.SetContextFields(
actions.SetFields("claims", func(c *actions.FieldConfig) interface{} {
return c.Runtime.ToValue(claims)
actions.SetFields("getUser", func(c *actions.FieldConfig) interface{} {
return func(call goja.FunctionCall) goja.Value {
return object.UserFromQuery(c, user)
actions.SetFields("getMetadata", func(c *actions.FieldConfig) interface{} {
return func(goja.FunctionCall) goja.Value {
resourceOwnerQuery, err := query.NewUserMetadataResourceOwnerSearchQuery(user.ResourceOwner)
if err != nil {
logging.WithError(err).Debug("unable to create search query")
metadata, err := o.query.SearchUserMetadata(
&query.UserMetadataSearchQueries{Queries: []query.SearchQuery{resourceOwnerQuery}},
if err != nil {
logging.WithError(err).Info("unable to get md in action")
return object.UserMetadataListFromQuery(c, metadata)
actions.SetFields("grants", func(c *actions.FieldConfig) interface{} {
return object.UserGrantsFromQuery(c, userGrants)
actions.SetFields("getMetadata", func(c *actions.FieldConfig) interface{} {
return func(goja.FunctionCall) goja.Value {
metadata, err := o.query.SearchOrgMetadata(
if err != nil {
logging.WithError(err).Info("unable to get org metadata in action")
return object.OrgMetadataListFromQuery(c, metadata)
for _, action := range queriedActions {
claimLogs := []string{}
actionCtx, cancel := context.WithTimeout(ctx, action.Timeout())
apiFields := actions.WithAPIFields(
actions.SetFields("setClaim", func(key string, value interface{}) {
if strings.HasPrefix(key, ClaimPrefix) {
if _, ok := claims[key]; !ok {
claims = appendClaim(claims, key, value)
claimLogs = append(claimLogs, fmt.Sprintf("key %q already exists", key))
actions.SetFields("appendLogIntoClaims", func(entry string) {
claimLogs = append(claimLogs, entry)
actions.SetFields("setMetadata", func(call goja.FunctionCall) goja.Value {
if len(call.Arguments) != 2 {
panic("exactly 2 (key, value) arguments expected")
key := call.Arguments[0].Export().(string)
val := call.Arguments[1].Export()
value, err := json.Marshal(val)
if err != nil {
logging.WithError(err).Debug("unable to marshal")
metadata := &domain.Metadata{
Key: key,
Value: value,
if _, err = o.command.SetUserMetadata(ctx, metadata, userID, user.ResourceOwner); err != nil {
logging.WithError(err).Info("unable to set md in action")
return nil
err = actions.Run(
append(actions.ActionToOptions(action), actions.WithHTTP(actionCtx), actions.WithUUID(actionCtx))...,
if err != nil {
return nil, err
if len(claimLogs) > 0 {
claims = appendClaim(claims, fmt.Sprintf(ClaimActionLogFormat, action.Name), claimLogs)
claimLogs = nil
return claims, nil
func (o *OPStorage) assertRoles(ctx context.Context, userID, applicationID string, requestedRoles, roleAudience []string) (*query.UserGrants, *projectsRoles, error) {
if (applicationID == "" || len(requestedRoles) == 0) && len(roleAudience) == 0 {
return nil, nil, nil
projectID, err := o.query.ProjectIDFromClientID(ctx, applicationID)
// applicationID might contain a username (e.g. client credentials) -> ignore the not found
if err != nil && !zerrors.IsNotFound(err) {
return nil, nil, err
// ensure the projectID of the requesting is part of the roleAudience
if projectID != "" {
roleAudience = append(roleAudience, projectID)
queries := make([]query.SearchQuery, 0, 2)
projectQuery, err := query.NewUserGrantProjectIDsSearchQuery(roleAudience)
if err != nil {
return nil, nil, err
queries = append(queries, projectQuery)
userIDQuery, err := query.NewUserGrantUserIDSearchQuery(userID)
if err != nil {
return nil, nil, err
queries = append(queries, userIDQuery)
grants, err := o.query.UserGrants(ctx, &query.UserGrantsQueries{
Queries: queries,
}, true)
if err != nil {
return nil, nil, err
roles := new(projectsRoles)
// if specific roles where requested, check if they are granted and append them in the roles list
if len(requestedRoles) > 0 {
for _, requestedRole := range requestedRoles {
for _, grant := range grants.UserGrants {
checkGrantedRoles(roles, *grant, requestedRole, grant.ProjectID == projectID)
return grants, roles, nil
// no specific roles were requested, so convert any grants into roles
for _, grant := range grants.UserGrants {
for _, role := range grant.Roles {
roles.Add(grant.ProjectID, role, grant.ResourceOwner, grant.OrgPrimaryDomain, grant.ProjectID == projectID)
return grants, roles, nil
func (o *OPStorage) assertUserMetaData(ctx context.Context, userID string) (map[string]string, error) {
metaData, err := o.query.SearchUserMetadata(ctx, true, userID, &query.UserMetadataSearchQueries{}, false)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
userMetaData := make(map[string]string)
for _, md := range metaData.Metadata {
userMetaData[md.Key] = base64.RawURLEncoding.EncodeToString(md.Value)
return userMetaData, nil
func (o *OPStorage) assertUserResourceOwner(ctx context.Context, userID string) (map[string]string, error) {
user, err := o.query.GetUserByID(ctx, true, userID)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
resourceOwner, err := o.query.OrgByID(ctx, true, user.ResourceOwner)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return map[string]string{
ClaimResourceOwnerID: resourceOwner.ID,
ClaimResourceOwnerName: resourceOwner.Name,
ClaimResourceOwnerPrimaryDomain: resourceOwner.Domain,
}, nil
func checkGrantedRoles(roles *projectsRoles, grant query.UserGrant, requestedRole string, isRequested bool) {
for _, grantedRole := range grant.Roles {
if requestedRole == grantedRole {
roles.Add(grant.ProjectID, grantedRole, grant.ResourceOwner, grant.OrgPrimaryDomain, isRequested)
// projectsRoles contains all projects with all their roles for a user
type projectsRoles struct {
// key is projectID
projects map[string]projectRoles
requestProjectID string
func newProjectRoles(projectID string, grants []query.UserGrant, requestedRoles []string) *projectsRoles {
roles := new(projectsRoles)
// if specific roles where requested, check if they are granted and append them in the roles list
if len(requestedRoles) > 0 {
for _, requestedRole := range requestedRoles {
for _, grant := range grants {
checkGrantedRoles(roles, grant, requestedRole, grant.ProjectID == projectID)
return roles
// no specific roles were requested, so convert any grants into roles
for _, grant := range grants {
for _, role := range grant.Roles {
roles.Add(grant.ProjectID, role, grant.ResourceOwner, grant.OrgPrimaryDomain, grant.ProjectID == projectID)
return roles
func (p *projectsRoles) Add(projectID, roleKey, orgID, domain string, isRequested bool) {
if p.projects == nil {
p.projects = make(map[string]projectRoles, 1)
if p.projects[projectID] == nil {
p.projects[projectID] = make(projectRoles)
if isRequested {
p.requestProjectID = projectID
p.projects[projectID].Add(roleKey, orgID, domain)
// projectRoles contains the roles of a project of multiple organisations
// key of the first map is the role key,
// key of the second map is the org id, value the org domain
type projectRoles map[string]map[string]string
func (p projectRoles) Add(roleKey, orgID, domain string) {
if p[roleKey] == nil {
p[roleKey] = make(map[string]string, 1)
p[roleKey][orgID] = domain
func getGender(gender domain.Gender) oidc.Gender {
switch gender {
case domain.GenderFemale:
return "female"
case domain.GenderMale:
return "male"
case domain.GenderDiverse:
return "diverse"
return ""
func appendClaim(claims map[string]interface{}, claim string, value interface{}) map[string]interface{} {
if claims == nil {
claims = make(map[string]interface{})
claims[claim] = value
return claims
func userinfoClaims(userInfo *oidc.UserInfo) func(c *actions.FieldConfig) interface{} {
return func(c *actions.FieldConfig) interface{} {
marshalled, err := json.Marshal(userInfo)
if err != nil {
claims := make(map[string]interface{}, 10)
if err = json.Unmarshal(marshalled, &claims); err != nil {
return c.Runtime.ToValue(claims)
func (s *Server) VerifyClient(ctx context.Context, r *op.Request[op.ClientCredentials]) (_ op.Client, err error) {
ctx, span := tracing.NewSpan(ctx)
defer func() {
err = oidcError(err)
if oidc.GrantType(r.Form.Get("grant_type")) == oidc.GrantTypeClientCredentials {
return s.clientCredentialsAuth(ctx, r.Data.ClientID, r.Data.ClientSecret)
clientID, assertion, err := clientIDFromCredentials(r.Data)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
client, err := s.query.GetOIDCClientByID(ctx, clientID, assertion)
if zerrors.IsNotFound(err) {
return nil, oidc.ErrInvalidClient().WithParent(err).WithDescription("client not found")
if err != nil {
return nil, err // defaults to server error
if client.State != domain.AppStateActive {
return nil, oidc.ErrInvalidClient().WithDescription("client is not active")
if client.Settings == nil {
client.Settings = &query.OIDCSettings{
AccessTokenLifetime: s.defaultAccessTokenLifetime,
IdTokenLifetime: s.defaultIdTokenLifetime,
switch client.AuthMethodType {
case domain.OIDCAuthMethodTypeBasic, domain.OIDCAuthMethodTypePost:
err = s.verifyClientSecret(ctx, client, r.Data.ClientSecret)
case domain.OIDCAuthMethodTypePrivateKeyJWT:
err = s.verifyClientAssertion(ctx, client, r.Data.ClientAssertion)
case domain.OIDCAuthMethodTypeNone:
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return ClientFromBusiness(client, s.defaultLoginURL, s.defaultLoginURLV2), nil
func (s *Server) verifyClientAssertion(ctx context.Context, client *query.OIDCClient, assertion string) (err error) {
ctx, span := tracing.NewSpan(ctx)
defer func() { span.EndWithError(err) }()
if assertion == "" {
return oidc.ErrInvalidClient().WithDescription("empty client assertion")
verifier := op.NewJWTProfileVerifierKeySet(keySetMap(client.PublicKeys), op.IssuerFromContext(ctx), time.Hour, client.ClockSkew)
if _, err := op.VerifyJWTAssertion(ctx, assertion, verifier); err != nil {
return oidc.ErrInvalidClient().WithParent(err).WithDescription("invalid assertion")
return nil
func (s *Server) verifyClientSecret(ctx context.Context, client *query.OIDCClient, secret string) (err error) {
_, span := tracing.NewSpan(ctx)
defer func() { span.EndWithError(err) }()
if secret == "" {
return oidc.ErrInvalidClient().WithDescription("empty client secret")
ctx, spanPasswordComparison := tracing.NewNamedSpan(ctx, "passwap.Verify")
updated, err := s.hasher.Verify(client.HashedSecret, secret)
if err != nil {
s.command.OIDCSecretCheckFailed(ctx, client.AppID, client.ProjectID, client.Settings.ResourceOwner)
return oidc.ErrInvalidClient().WithParent(err).WithDescription("invalid secret")
s.command.OIDCSecretCheckSucceeded(ctx, client.AppID, client.ProjectID, client.Settings.ResourceOwner, updated)
return nil