Silvan 9e32740eb8
feat: org command sides (#96)
* start org

* refactor(eventstore): filter in sql for querier

* feat(eventstore): Aggregate precondition

preconditions are checked right before insert. Insert is still transaction save

* feat(eventstore): check preconditions in repository

* test(eventstore): test precondition in models

* test(eventstore): precondition-tests

* start org

* refactor(eventstore): filter in sql for querier

* feat(eventstore): Aggregate precondition

preconditions are checked right before insert. Insert is still transaction save

* feat(admin): start implement org

* feat(eventstore): check preconditions in repository

* fix(eventstore): data as NULL if empty
refactor(eventstore): naming in sequence methods

* feat(admin): org command side

* feat(management): start org-repo

* feat(org): member

* fix: replace ObjectRoot.ID with ObjectRoot.AggregateID

* aggregateID

* add remove,change member

* refactor(org): namings

* refactor(eventstore): querier as type

* fix(precondition): rename validation from precondition to validation

* test(eventstore): isErr func instead of wantErr bool

* fix(tests): Data

* fix(eventstore): correct check for existing events in push,
simplify insert statement

* fix(eventstore): aggregate id public

* test(org): eventsourcing

* test(org): eventstore

* test(org): deactivate, reactivate, orgbyid

* test(org): getMemberByIDs

* tests

* running tests

* add user repo to admin

* thorw not found if no org found

* eventstore tests done

* lauft

* validate if user is already member of org

* modules

* delete unused file

* add member validation test

* return error if unable to validat member

* generate org id once,
set resourceowner of org

* Update internal/admin/repository/eventsourcing/eventstore/org.go

* Update internal/admin/repository/eventsourcing/eventstore/org.go

* Update internal/org/repository/eventsourcing/member_model.go

* Update internal/org/repository/eventsourcing/org.go

* Update internal/org/repository/eventsourcing/org.go

* Update internal/org/repository/eventsourcing/org_member.go

* Update internal/org/repository/eventsourcing/org_member.go

* Update internal/org/repository/eventsourcing/org_model.go

* Update internal/org/repository/eventsourcing/org.go

* Update internal/org/repository/eventsourcing/org_model.go

* Update internal/org/repository/eventsourcing/org_model.go

* typo

* correct user events

* usercreate for setuporg instead of userregister

* set data

* mod

* mod

* tests

* cleanup code

* code styling

* return member on add and change

* change username in startup

* girignore

* orgID as parameter in re-/deactive org

* startup config

* migration for admin_api-user

* probes fro admin

* move unique org

Co-authored-by: Fabiennne <fabienne.gerschwiler@gmail.com>
2020-05-13 14:22:29 +02:00

52 lines
2.0 KiB

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