Silvan 41e1a7cc7b
fix(spooler): correct workers (#508)
* one concurrent task

* disable spooler

* fix: improve concurrency in spooler

* fix: dont block lock

* fix: break if lock failed

* fix: check if handler is working

* fix: worker id

* fix: test

* fix: use limit for spoolers configured in startup.yaml

* fix test

* fix: factory

* fix(key): only reduce if not expired

* fix(searchQueryFactory): check for string-slice in aggregateID

* fix(migrations): combine migrations

* fix: allow saving multiple objects in one request

* fix(eventstore): logging

* fix(eventstore): rethink insert i locks table

* fix: ignore failed tests for the moment

* fix: tuubel

* fix: for tests in io

* fix: ignore tests for io

* fix: rename concurrent tasks to workers

* fix: incomment tests and remove some tests

* fix: refert changes for io

* refactor(eventstore): combine types of sql in one file

* refactor(eventstore): logs, TODO's, tests

* fix(eventstore): sql package

* test(eventstore): add tests for search query factory

* chore: logs

* fix(spooler): optimize lock query
chore(migrations): rename locks.object_type to view_name
chore(migrations): refactor migrations

* test: incomment tests

* fix: rename PrepareSaves to PrepareBulkSave

* chore: go dependencies

* fix(migrations): add id in events table

* refactor(lock): less magic numbers

Co-authored-by: Livio Amstutz <livio.a@gmail.com>
2020-07-28 09:42:21 +02:00

65 lines
2.7 KiB

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github.com/ttacon/libphonenumber v1.1.0
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