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synced 2025-03-28 02:22:18 +00:00
Removed overcomplicated updates loading
The mechanism was replaced by loading updated directly by id to the initial list. There are two factors why yesterday-me was dumb: 1) By asynchronously loading update state, you have no control over it - hence no search 2) It's incredibly wasteful; running that hardcore search on every query? Not cool ...and from UX stand-point having updates inlined right under installed modules is by far better than nitpicking it from the list or in the search
This commit is contained in:
@ -11,6 +11,9 @@ interface RepoBase {
fun getRepos(offset: Int, limit: Int = LIMIT): List<Repo>
fun searchRepos(query: String, offset: Int, limit: Int = LIMIT): List<Repo>
@Query("SELECT * FROM repos WHERE id = :id AND versionCode > :versionCode LIMIT 1")
fun getUpdatableRepoById(id: String, versionCode: Int): Repo?
companion object {
const val LIMIT = 10
@ -95,20 +95,24 @@ class SectionTitle(
) : ObservableItem<SectionTitle>() {
override val layoutRes = R.layout.item_section_md2
var button = _button
@Bindable get
set(value) {
field = value
var icon = _icon
@Bindable get
set(value) {
field = value
val hasButton = KObservableField(button != 0 || icon != 0)
var hasButton = button != 0 || icon != 0
@Bindable get
set(value) {
field = value
override fun onBindingBound(binding: ViewDataBinding) {
@ -120,14 +124,27 @@ class SectionTitle(
override fun contentSameAs(other: SectionTitle): Boolean = this === other
class RepoItem(val item: Repo) : ComparableRvItem<RepoItem>() {
sealed class RepoItem(val item: Repo) : ObservableItem<RepoItem>() {
override val layoutRes: Int = R.layout.item_repo_md2
val progress = KObservableField(0)
val isUpdate = KObservableField(false)
var isUpdate = false
@Bindable get
protected set(value) {
field = value
override fun contentSameAs(other: RepoItem): Boolean = item == other.item
override fun itemSameAs(other: RepoItem): Boolean = item.id == other.item.id
class Update(item: Repo) : RepoItem(item) {
init {
isUpdate = true
class Remote(item: Repo) : RepoItem(item)
class ModuleItem(val item: Module) : ObservableItem<ModuleItem>(), Observable {
@ -158,7 +175,7 @@ class ModuleItem(val item: Module) : ObservableItem<ModuleItem>(), Observable {
fun delete(viewModel: ModuleViewModel) {
isRemoved = !isRemoved
override fun contentSameAs(other: ModuleItem): Boolean = item.version == other.item.version
@ -33,7 +33,6 @@ import io.reactivex.Single
import io.reactivex.android.schedulers.AndroidSchedulers
import io.reactivex.disposables.Disposable
import me.tatarka.bindingcollectionadapter2.BindingRecyclerViewAdapter
import org.jetbrains.annotations.NotNull
import timber.log.Timber
import kotlin.math.roundToInt
@ -70,13 +69,23 @@ class ModuleViewModel(
companion object {
private val sectionRemote =
SectionTitle(R.string.module_section_remote, R.string.sorting_order)
private val sectionRemote = SectionTitle(
private val sectionUpdate = SectionTitle(
// enable with implementation of https://github.com/topjohnwu/Magisk/issues/2036
).also { it.hasButton = false }
private val sectionActive = SectionTitle(
).also { it.hasButton.value = false }
).also { it.hasButton = false }
init {
@ -94,11 +103,13 @@ class ModuleViewModel(
// ---
private val itemsInstalled
@WorkerThread get() = items.asSequence()
@WorkerThread get() = items.filterIsInstance<ModuleItem>()
private val itemsUpdatable: List<RepoItem>
@WorkerThread get() = items.filterIsInstance<RepoItem.Update>()
private val itemsRemote
@WorkerThread get() = items.filterIsInstance<RepoItem>()
@WorkerThread get() = items.filterIsInstance<RepoItem.Remote>()
private var remoteJob: Disposable? = null
private val dao
@ -126,19 +137,15 @@ class ModuleViewModel(
override fun refresh() = Single.fromCallable { Module.loadModules() }
.map { it.map { ModuleItem(it) } }
.map { it.order() }
.map { build(active = it) }
.map { build(active = it, updatable = loadUpdates(it)) }
.map { it to items.calculateDiff(it) }
.subscribeK {
items.update(it.first, it.second)
if (!items.contains(sectionRemote)) {
} else {
Single.fromCallable { itemsRemote }
.subscribeK { it.ensureUpdateState() }
fun loadRemoteImplicit() = let { items.clear(); itemsSearch.clear() }
@ -181,8 +188,7 @@ class ModuleViewModel(
return Single.fromCallable { dao.searchRepos(query, offset) }
.map { it.map { RepoItem(it) } }
.doOnSuccess { it.ensureUpdateState() }
.map { it.map { RepoItem.Remote(it) } }
private fun query(query: String = this.query, offset: Int = 0) {
@ -207,7 +213,7 @@ class ModuleViewModel(
offset: Int = 0,
downloadRepos: Boolean = offset == 0
): Single<List<RepoItem>> = Single.fromCallable { dao.getRepos(offset) }
.map { it.map { RepoItem(it) } }
.map { it.map { RepoItem.Remote(it) } }
.flatMap {
when {
// in case we find result empty and offset is initial we need to refresh the repos.
@ -216,7 +222,6 @@ class ModuleViewModel(
else -> Single.just(it)
.doOnSuccess { it.ensureUpdateState() }
private fun downloadRepos() = Single.just(Unit)
.flatMap { repoUpdater() }
@ -237,56 +242,15 @@ class ModuleViewModel(
// ---
* Dynamically allocated list of [itemsInstalled]. It might be invalidated any time on any
* thread hence it needs to be volatile.
* There might be a state where this field gets assigned `null` whilst being used by another
* instance of any job, so the list will be immediately reinstated back.
* ### Note:
* It is caller's responsibility to invalidate this variable at the end of every job to save
* memory.
* */
private var cachedItemsInstalled: List<ModuleItem>? = null
@WorkerThread @NotNull get() = field ?: itemsInstalled.also { field = it }
private val Repo.isUpdatable: Boolean
@WorkerThread get() {
val installed = cachedItemsInstalled!!
.firstOrNull { it.item.id == id }
?: return false
return installed.item.versionCode < versionCode
* Asynchronously updates state of all repo items so the loading speed is not impaired by this
* seemingly unnecessary operation. Because of the nature of this operation, the "update" status
* is not guaranteed for all items and can change any time.
* It is permitted running this function in parallel; it will also attempt to run in parallel
* by itself to finish the job as quickly as possible.
* No list manipulations should be done in this method whatsoever! By being heavily parallelized
* is will inevitably throw exceptions by simultaneously accessing the same list.
* In order to save time it uses helper [cachedItemsInstalled].
* */
private fun List<RepoItem>.ensureUpdateState() = Single.just(this)
.flattenAsFlowable { it }
.map { it to it.item.isUpdatable }
.doOnComplete { cachedItemsInstalled = null }
.subscribeK { it.first.isUpdate.value = it.second }
private fun loadUpdates(installed: List<ModuleItem>) = installed
.mapNotNull { dao.getUpdatableRepoById(it.item.id, it.item.versionCode) }
.map { RepoItem.Update(it) }
// ---
fun moveToState() = Single.fromCallable { itemsInstalled.any { it.isModified } }
.subscribeK { sectionActive.hasButton.value = it }
fun updateActiveState() = Single.fromCallable { itemsInstalled.any { it.isModified } }
.subscribeK { sectionActive.hasButton = it }
fun sectionPressed(item: SectionTitle) = when (item) {
@ -318,8 +282,10 @@ class ModuleViewModel(
private fun build(
active: List<ModuleItem> = itemsInstalled,
updatable: List<RepoItem> = itemsUpdatable,
remote: List<RepoItem> = itemsRemote
) = (active + InstallModule).prependIfNotEmpty { sectionActive } +
updatable.prependIfNotEmpty { sectionUpdate } +
remote.prependIfNotEmpty { sectionRemote }
private fun <T> List<T>.prependIfNotEmpty(item: () -> T) =
@ -110,7 +110,7 @@
isEnabled="@{!(item.progress == -100 || (item.progress > 0 && item.progress < 100))}"
srcCompat="@{item.isUpdate() ? R.drawable.ic_update_md2 : R.drawable.ic_download_md2}"
srcCompat="@{item.isUpdate ? R.drawable.ic_update_md2 : R.drawable.ic_download_md2}"
@ -75,7 +75,8 @@
<string name="module_safe_mode_message">You\'re in safe mode. None of user modules will work.\nThis message will disappear once safe mode is disabled.</string>
<string name="module_version_author">%1$s by %2$s</string>
<string name="module_section_pending">Pending changes</string>
<string name="module_section_pending">Updates</string>
<string name="module_section_pending_action">Update all</string>
<string name="module_section_installed">Installed</string>
<string name="module_section_remote">Remote</string>
<string name="module_state_remove">Remove</string>
@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ if (configPath.exists())
configPath.withInputStream { is -> props.load(is) }
buildscript {
ext.vKotlin = '1.3.50'
ext.vKotlin = '1.3.60'
repositories {
Reference in New Issue
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