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synced 2025-02-28 20:37:20 +00:00
Bind pass/stop band info to filter taps.
Created fir_taps_real<N> structure, with pass and stop normalized frequencies. Removed unused filter taps.
This commit is contained in:
@ -27,8 +27,18 @@
#include "complex.hpp"
template<size_t N>
struct fir_taps_real {
float pass_frequency_normalized;
float stop_frequency_normalized;
std::array<int16_t, N> taps;
/* 3kHz/6.7kHz @ 96kHz. sum(abs(taps)): 89429 */
constexpr std::array<int16_t, 64> taps_64_lp_031_070_tfilter { {
constexpr fir_taps_real<64> taps_64_lp_031_070_tfilter {
.pass_frequency_normalized = 0.031f,
.stop_frequency_normalized = 0.070f,
.taps = { {
56, 58, 81, 100, 113, 112, 92, 49,
-21, -120, -244, -389, -543, -692, -819, -903,
-923, -861, -698, -424, -34, 469, 1073, 1756,
@ -37,10 +47,14 @@ constexpr std::array<int16_t, 64> taps_64_lp_031_070_tfilter { {
1073, 469, -34, -424, -698, -861, -923, -903,
-819, -692, -543, -389, -244, -120, -21, 49,
92, 112, 113, 100, 81, 58, 56, 0,
} };
} },
/* 4kHz/7.5kHz @ 96kHz. sum(abs(taps)): 96783 */
constexpr std::array<int16_t, 64> taps_64_lp_042_078_tfilter { {
constexpr fir_taps_real<64> taps_64_lp_042_078_tfilter {
.pass_frequency_normalized = 0.042f,
.stop_frequency_normalized = 0.078f,
.taps = { {
-19, 39, 72, 126, 197, 278, 360, 432,
478, 485, 438, 327, 152, -82, -359, -651,
-922, -1132, -1236, -1192, -968, -545, 81, 892,
@ -49,10 +63,14 @@ constexpr std::array<int16_t, 64> taps_64_lp_042_078_tfilter { {
81, -545, -968, -1192, -1236, -1132, -922, -651,
-359, -82, 152, 327, 438, 485, 478, 432,
360, 278, 197, 126, 72, 39, -19, 0,
} };
} },
/* 5kHz/8.5kHz @ 96kHz. sum(abs(taps)): 101312 */
constexpr std::array<int16_t, 64> taps_64_lp_052_089_tfilter { {
constexpr fir_taps_real<64> taps_64_lp_052_089_tfilter {
.pass_frequency_normalized = 0.052f,
.stop_frequency_normalized = 0.089f,
.taps = { {
-65, -88, -129, -163, -178, -160, -100, 9,
160, 340, 523, 675, 758, 738, 591, 313,
-76, -533, -987, -1355, -1544, -1472, -1077, -335,
@ -61,10 +79,14 @@ constexpr std::array<int16_t, 64> taps_64_lp_052_089_tfilter { {
-1077, -1472, -1544, -1355, -987, -533, -76, 313,
591, 738, 758, 675, 523, 340, 160, 9,
-100, -160, -178, -163, -129, -88, -65, 0,
} };
} },
/* 6kHz/9.6kHz @ 96kHz. sum(abs(taps)): 105088 */
constexpr std::array<int16_t, 64> taps_64_lp_063_100_tfilter { {
constexpr fir_taps_real<64> taps_64_lp_063_100_tfilter {
.pass_frequency_normalized = 0.063f,
.stop_frequency_normalized = 0.100f,
.taps = { {
43, 21, -2, -54, -138, -245, -360, -453,
-493, -451, -309, -73, 227, 535, 776, 876,
773, 443, -86, -730, -1357, -1801, -1898, -1515,
@ -73,10 +95,14 @@ constexpr std::array<int16_t, 64> taps_64_lp_063_100_tfilter { {
-1898, -1801, -1357, -730, -86, 443, 773, 876,
776, 535, 227, -73, -309, -451, -493, -453,
-360, -245, -138, -54, -2, 21, 43, 0,
} };
} },
/* 7kHz/10.4kHz @ 96kHz: sum(abs(taps)): 110157 */
constexpr std::array<int16_t, 64> taps_64_lp_073_108_tfilter { {
constexpr fir_taps_real<64> taps_64_lp_073_108_tfilter {
.pass_frequency_normalized = 0.073f,
.stop_frequency_normalized = 0.108f,
.taps = { {
79, 145, 241, 334, 396, 394, 306, 130,
-109, -360, -550, -611, -494, -197, 229, 677,
1011, 1096, 846, 257, -570, -1436, -2078, -2225,
@ -85,10 +111,14 @@ constexpr std::array<int16_t, 64> taps_64_lp_073_108_tfilter { {
-2078, -1436, -570, 257, 846, 1096, 1011, 677,
229, -197, -494, -611, -550, -360, -109, 130,
306, 394, 396, 334, 241, 145, 79, 0,
} };
} },
/* 8kHz/11.5kHz @ 96kHz. sum(abs(taps)): 112092 */
constexpr std::array<int16_t, 64> taps_64_lp_083_120_tfilter { {
constexpr fir_taps_real<64> taps_64_lp_083_120_tfilter {
.pass_frequency_normalized = 0.083f,
.stop_frequency_normalized = 0.120f,
.taps = { {
-63, -72, -71, -21, 89, 248, 417, 537,
548, 407, 124, -237, -563, -723, -621, -238,
337, 919, 1274, 1201, 617, -382, -1514, -2364,
@ -97,10 +127,14 @@ constexpr std::array<int16_t, 64> taps_64_lp_083_120_tfilter { {
-1514, -382, 617, 1201, 1274, 919, 337, -238,
-621, -723, -563, -237, 124, 407, 548, 537,
417, 248, 89, -21, -71, -72, -63, 0,
} };
} },
/* 9kHz/12.4kHz @ 96kHz. sum(abs(taps)): 116249 */
constexpr std::array<int16_t, 64> taps_64_lp_094_129_tfilter { {
constexpr fir_taps_real<64> taps_64_lp_094_129_tfilter {
.pass_frequency_normalized = 0.094f,
.stop_frequency_normalized = 0.129f,
.taps = { {
5, -93, -198, -335, -449, -478, -378, -144,
166, 444, 563, 440, 82, -395, -788, -892,
-589, 73, 859, 1421, 1431, 734, -530, -1919,
@ -109,10 +143,14 @@ constexpr std::array<int16_t, 64> taps_64_lp_094_129_tfilter { {
-530, 734, 1431, 1421, 859, 73, -589, -892,
-788, -395, 82, 440, 563, 444, 166, -144,
-378, -478, -449, -335, -198, -93, 5, 0,
} };
} },
/* 10kHz/13.4kHz @ 96kHz. sum(abs(taps)): 118511 */
constexpr std::array<int16_t, 64> taps_64_lp_104_140_tfilter { {
constexpr fir_taps_real<64> taps_64_lp_104_140_tfilter {
.pass_frequency_normalized = 0.104f,
.stop_frequency_normalized = 0.140f,
.taps = { {
89, 159, 220, 208, 84, -147, -412, -597,
-588, -345, 58, 441, 595, 391, -128, -730,
-1080, -914, -198, 793, 1558, 1594, 678, -942,
@ -121,12 +159,16 @@ constexpr std::array<int16_t, 64> taps_64_lp_104_140_tfilter { {
678, 1594, 1558, 793, -198, -914, -1080, -730,
-128, 391, 595, 441, 58, -345, -588, -597,
-412, -147, 84, 208, 220, 159, 89, 0,
} };
} },
/* Wideband FM channel filter
* 103kHz/128kHz @ 768kHz
constexpr std::array<int16_t, 64> taps_64_lp_130_169_tfilter { {
constexpr fir_taps_real<64> taps_64_lp_130_169_tfilter {
.pass_frequency_normalized = 0.130f,
.stop_frequency_normalized = 0.169f,
.taps = { {
100, 127, 62, -157, -470, -707, -678, -332,
165, 494, 400, -85, -610, -729, -253, 535,
1026, 734, -263, -1264, -1398, -332, 1316, 2259,
@ -135,7 +177,8 @@ constexpr std::array<int16_t, 64> taps_64_lp_130_169_tfilter { {
2259, 1316, -332, -1398, -1264, -263, 734, 1026,
535, -253, -729, -610, -85, 400, 494, 165,
-332, -678, -707, -470, -157, 62, 127, 100,
} };
} },
/* Wideband audio filter */
/* 96kHz int16_t input
@ -144,7 +187,10 @@ constexpr std::array<int16_t, 64> taps_64_lp_130_169_tfilter { {
* Padded to multiple of four taps for unrolled FIR code.
* sum(abs(taps)): 125270
constexpr std::array<int16_t, 64> taps_64_lp_156_198 { {
constexpr fir_taps_real<64> taps_64_lp_156_198 {
.pass_frequency_normalized = 0.156f,
.stop_frequency_normalized = 0.196f,
.taps = { {
-27, 166, 104, -36, -174, -129, 109, 287,
148, -232, -430, -130, 427, 597, 49, -716,
-778, 137, 1131, 957, -493, -1740, -1121, 1167,
@ -153,133 +199,7 @@ constexpr std::array<int16_t, 64> taps_64_lp_156_198 { {
-1121, -1740, -493, 957, 1131, 137, -778, -716,
49, 597, 427, -130, -430, -232, 148, 287,
109, -129, -174, -36, 104, 166, -27, 0,
} };
/* Narrowband FM filter */
/* 96kHz int16_t input
* -> FIR filter, <4kHz (0.042fs) pass, Hamming window.
* -> 48kHz int16_t output, gain of 1.0.
* Padded to multiple of four taps for unrolled FIR code.
* sum(abs(taps)): 81493
constexpr std::array<int16_t, 64> taps_64_lp_042_hamming { {
51, 57, 61, 65, 63, 55, 35, 0,
-52, -122, -207, -304, -402, -491, -556, -582,
-552, -453, -271, 0, 363, 815, 1343, 1930,
2553, 3183, 3788, 4338, 4802, 5154, 5374, 5449,
5374, 5154, 4802, 4338, 3788, 3183, 2553, 1930,
1343, 815, 363, 0, -271, -453, -552, -582,
-556, -491, -402, -304, -207, -122, -52, 0,
35, 55, 63, 65, 61, 57, 51, 0
} };
/* Narrowband FM filter */
/* 96kHz int16_t input
* -> FIR filter, <6kHz (0.063fs) pass, Hamming window.
* -> 48kHz int16_t output, gain of 1.0.
* Padded to multiple of four taps for unrolled FIR code.
* sum(abs(taps)): 92477
constexpr std::array<int16_t, 64> taps_64_lp_063_hamming { {
-20, -40, -59, -75, -83, -78, -52, 0,
77, 173, 272, 352, 386, 348, 221, 0,
-300, -644, -974, -1219, -1304, -1158, -730, 0,
1016, 2261, 3641, 5034, 6305, 7325, 7985, 8213,
7985, 7325, 6305, 5034, 3641, 2261, 1016, 0,
-730, -1158, -1304, -1219, -974, -644, -300, 0,
221, 348, 386, 352, 272, 173, 77, 0,
-52, -78, -83, -75, -59, -40, -20, 0
} };
/* sum(abs(taps)): 85241 */
constexpr std::array<int16_t, 64> taps_64_lp_063_blackman { {
0, 0, -2, -6, -11, -14, -11, 0,
24, 62, 110, 157, 188, 184, 125, 0,
-194, -441, -704, -926, -1035, -957, -626, 0,
925, 2109, 3466, 4872, 6182, 7249, 7946, 8189,
7946, 7249, 6182, 4872, 3466, 2109, 925, 0,
-626, -957, -1035, -926, -704, -441, -194, 0,
125, 184, 188, 157, 110, 62, 24, 0,
-11, -14, -11, -6, -2, 0, 0, 0
} };
/* Narrowband FM filter */
/* 96kHz int16_t input
* -> FIR filter, <8kHz (0.083fs) pass, Hamming window.
* -> 48kHz int16_t output, gain of 1.0.
* Padded to multiple of four taps for unrolled FIR code.
* sum(abs(taps)): 99180
constexpr std::array<int16_t, 64> taps_64_lp_083_hamming { {
-26, 0, 32, 65, 90, 95, 67, 0,
-100, -211, -294, -304, -208, 0, 288, 582,
782, 785, 524, 0, -702, -1412, -1901, -1931,
-1322, 0, 1962, 4340, 6795, 8932, 10388, 10904,
10388, 8932, 6795, 4340, 1962, 0, -1322, -1931,
-1901, -1412, -702, 0, 524, 785, 782, 582,
288, 0, -208, -304, -294, -211, -100, 0,
67, 95, 90, 65, 32, 0, -26, 0
} };
/* sum(abs(taps)): 92568 */
constexpr std::array<int16_t, 64> taps_64_lp_083_blackman { {
0, 0, 1, 5, 12, 17, 15, 0,
-32, -77, -119, -136, -101, 0, 164, 355,
508, 541, 381, 0, -560, -1173, -1636, -1717,
-1209, 0, 1876, 4221, 6695, 8883, 10388, 10924,
10388, 8883, 6695, 4221, 1876, 0, -1209, -1717,
-1636, -1173, -560, 0, 381, 541, 508, 355,
164, 0, -101, -136, -119, -77, -32, 0,
15, 17, 12, 5, 1, 0, 0, 0
} };
/* Narrowband FM filter */
/* 96kHz int16_t input
* -> FIR filter, <10kHz (0.104fs) pass, Hamming window.
* -> 48kHz int16_t output, gain of 1.0.
* Padded to multiple of four taps for unrolled FIR code.
* sum(abs(taps)): 106396
constexpr std::array<int16_t, 64> taps_64_lp_104_hamming { {
53, 40, 8, -37, -83, -106, -82, 0,
123, 236, 272, 175, -54, -347, -571, -583,
-299, 235, 833, 1215, 1116, 422, -728, -1934,
-2625, -2254, -512, 2509, 6285, 9975, 12663, 13646,
12663, 9975, 6285, 2509, -512, -2254, -2625, -1934,
-728, 422, 1116, 1215, 833, 235, -299, -583,
-571, -347, -54, 175, 272, 236, 123, 0,
-82, -106, -83, -37, 8, 40, 53, 0
} };
/* sum(abs(taps)): 99426 */
constexpr std::array<int16_t, 64> taps_64_lp_104_blackman { {
0, 0, 0, -3, -11, -19, -18, 0,
39, 85, 110, 78, -26, -184, -325, -355,
-194, 161, 605, 926, 889, 350, -626, -1717,
-2397, -2109, -489, 2436, 6184, 9906, 12645, 13652,
12645, 9906, 6184, 2436, -489, -2109, -2397, -1717,
-626, 350, 889, 926, 605, 161, -194, -355,
-325, -184, -26, 78, 110, 85, 39, 0,
-18, -19, -11, -3, 0, 0, 0, 0
} };
/* Narrowband AM audio filter */
/* 96kHz int16_t input
* -> FIR filter, <3kHz (0.031fs) pass, >6kHz (0.063fs) stop
* -> 48kHz int16_t output, gain of 1.0 (I think).
* Padded to multiple of four taps for unrolled FIR code.
* sum(abs(taps)): 94053
/* TODO: Review this filter, it's very quick and dirty. */
constexpr std::array<int16_t, 64> taps_64_lp_031_063 { {
-254, 255, 244, 269, 302, 325, 325, 290,
215, 99, -56, -241, -442, -643, -820, -950,
-1009, -974, -828, -558, -160, 361, 992, 1707,
2477, 3264, 4027, 4723, 5312, 5761, 6042, 6203,
6042, 5761, 5312, 4723, 4027, 3264, 2477, 1707,
992, 361, -160, -558, -828, -974, -1009, -950,
-820, -643, -442, -241, -56, 99, 215, 290,
325, 325, 302, 269, 244, 255, -254, 0,
} };
} },
@ -436,9 +436,8 @@ public:
* -> FIR filter, <?kHz (0.???fs) pass, gain 1.0
* -> 48kHz int16_t[32] */
auto channel = channel_filter.execute(decimator_out, work_baseband_buffer);
// TODO: Set with information determined from filter taps.
channel_filter_pass_frequency = decimator_out.sampling_rate * 31 / 1000;
channel_filter_stop_frequency = decimator_out.sampling_rate * 70 / 1000;
channel_filter_pass_frequency = decimator_out.sampling_rate * channel_filter_taps.pass_frequency_normalized;
channel_filter_stop_frequency = decimator_out.sampling_rate * channel_filter_taps.stop_frequency_normalized;
// TODO: Feed channel_stats post-decimation data?
@ -461,7 +460,8 @@ public:
ChannelDecimator decimator { ChannelDecimator::DecimationFactor::By32 };
dsp::decimate::FIRAndDecimateBy2Complex<64> channel_filter { taps_64_lp_031_070_tfilter };
const fir_taps_real<64>& channel_filter_taps = taps_64_lp_031_070_tfilter;
dsp::decimate::FIRAndDecimateBy2Complex<64> channel_filter { channel_filter_taps.taps };
dsp::demodulate::AM demod;
IIRBiquadFilter audio_hpf {
{ 0.93346032f, -1.86687724f, 0.93346032f },
@ -485,9 +485,8 @@ public:
* -> FIR filter, <6kHz (0.063fs) pass, gain 1.0
* -> 48kHz int16_t[32] */
auto channel = channel_filter.execute(decimator_out, work_baseband_buffer);
// TODO: Set with information determined from filter taps.
channel_filter_pass_frequency = decimator_out.sampling_rate * 42 / 1000;
channel_filter_stop_frequency = decimator_out.sampling_rate * 78 / 1000;
channel_filter_pass_frequency = decimator_out.sampling_rate * channel_filter_taps.pass_frequency_normalized;
channel_filter_stop_frequency = decimator_out.sampling_rate * channel_filter_taps.stop_frequency_normalized;
// TODO: Feed channel_stats post-decimation data?
@ -510,7 +509,8 @@ public:
ChannelDecimator decimator { ChannelDecimator::DecimationFactor::By32 };
dsp::decimate::FIRAndDecimateBy2Complex<64> channel_filter { taps_64_lp_042_078_tfilter };
const fir_taps_real<64>& channel_filter_taps = taps_64_lp_042_078_tfilter;
dsp::decimate::FIRAndDecimateBy2Complex<64> channel_filter { channel_filter_taps.taps };
dsp::demodulate::FM demod { 48000, 7500 };
IIRBiquadFilter audio_hpf {
@ -578,7 +578,8 @@ private:
dsp::decimate::DecimateBy2CIC4Real audio_dec_1;
dsp::decimate::DecimateBy2CIC4Real audio_dec_2;
dsp::decimate::DecimateBy2CIC4Real audio_dec_3;
dsp::decimate::FIR64AndDecimateBy2Real audio_filter { taps_64_lp_156_198 };
const fir_taps_real<64>& audio_filter_taps = taps_64_lp_156_198;
dsp::decimate::FIR64AndDecimateBy2Real audio_filter { audio_filter_taps.taps };
IIRBiquadFilter audio_hpf {
{ 0.93346032f, -1.86687724f, 0.93346032f },
@ -628,9 +629,8 @@ public:
* -> FIR filter, <?kHz (?fs) pass, gain 1.0
* -> 76.8kHz int16_t[64] */
auto channel = channel_filter.execute(decimator_out, work_baseband_buffer);
// TODO: Set with information determined from filter taps.
channel_filter_pass_frequency = decimator_out.sampling_rate * 31 / 1000;
channel_filter_stop_frequency = decimator_out.sampling_rate * 70 / 1000;
channel_filter_pass_frequency = decimator_out.sampling_rate * channel_filter_taps.pass_frequency_normalized;
channel_filter_stop_frequency = decimator_out.sampling_rate * channel_filter_taps.stop_frequency_normalized;
/* 76.8kHz, 64 samples */
@ -660,7 +660,8 @@ public:
ChannelDecimator decimator { ChannelDecimator::DecimationFactor::By16 };
dsp::decimate::FIRAndDecimateBy2Complex<64> channel_filter { taps_64_lp_031_070_tfilter };
const fir_taps_real<64>& channel_filter_taps = taps_64_lp_031_070_tfilter;
dsp::decimate::FIRAndDecimateBy2Complex<64> channel_filter { channel_filter_taps.taps };
dsp::demodulate::FM demod { 76800, 9600 * 2 };
ClockRecovery clock_recovery;
Reference in New Issue
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