mirror of
synced 2025-03-13 06:30:52 +00:00
restic: Change FindSnapshot functions to return the snapshot
This commit is contained in:
@ -504,7 +504,7 @@ func collectTargets(opts BackupOptions, args []string) (targets []string, err er
// parent returns the ID of the parent snapshot. If there is none, nil is
// returned.
func findParentSnapshot(ctx context.Context, repo restic.Repository, opts BackupOptions, targets []string, timeStampLimit time.Time) (parentID *restic.ID, err error) {
func findParentSnapshot(ctx context.Context, repo restic.Repository, opts BackupOptions, targets []string, timeStampLimit time.Time) (*restic.Snapshot, error) {
if opts.Force {
return nil, nil
@ -513,12 +513,12 @@ func findParentSnapshot(ctx context.Context, repo restic.Repository, opts Backup
if snName == "" {
snName = "latest"
id, err := restic.FindFilteredSnapshot(ctx, repo.Backend(), repo, []string{opts.Host}, []restic.TagList{}, targets, &timeStampLimit, snName)
sn, err := restic.FindFilteredSnapshot(ctx, repo.Backend(), repo, []string{opts.Host}, []restic.TagList{}, targets, &timeStampLimit, snName)
// Snapshot not found is ok if no explicit parent was set
if opts.Parent == "" && errors.Is(err, restic.ErrNoSnapshotFound) {
err = nil
return &id, err
return sn, err
func runBackup(ctx context.Context, opts BackupOptions, gopts GlobalOptions, term *termstatus.Terminal, args []string) error {
@ -597,16 +597,16 @@ func runBackup(ctx context.Context, opts BackupOptions, gopts GlobalOptions, ter
return err
var parentSnapshotID *restic.ID
var parentSnapshot *restic.Snapshot
if !opts.Stdin {
parentSnapshotID, err = findParentSnapshot(ctx, repo, opts, targets, timeStamp)
parentSnapshot, err = findParentSnapshot(ctx, repo, opts, targets, timeStamp)
if err != nil {
return err
if !gopts.JSON {
if parentSnapshotID != nil {
progressPrinter.P("using parent snapshot %v\n", parentSnapshotID.Str())
if parentSnapshot != nil {
progressPrinter.P("using parent snapshot %v\n", parentSnapshot.ID().Str())
} else {
progressPrinter.P("no parent snapshot found, will read all files\n")
@ -706,16 +706,12 @@ func runBackup(ctx context.Context, opts BackupOptions, gopts GlobalOptions, ter
arch.ChangeIgnoreFlags |= archiver.ChangeIgnoreCtime
if parentSnapshotID == nil {
parentSnapshotID = &restic.ID{}
snapshotOpts := archiver.SnapshotOptions{
Excludes: opts.Excludes,
Tags: opts.Tags.Flatten(),
Time: timeStamp,
Hostname: opts.Host,
ParentSnapshot: *parentSnapshotID,
ParentSnapshot: parentSnapshot,
if !gopts.JSON {
@ -55,18 +55,10 @@ func runCat(ctx context.Context, gopts GlobalOptions, args []string) error {
tpe := args[0]
var id restic.ID
if tpe != "masterkey" && tpe != "config" {
if tpe != "masterkey" && tpe != "config" && tpe != "snapshot" {
id, err = restic.ParseID(args[1])
if err != nil {
if tpe != "snapshot" {
return errors.Fatalf("unable to parse ID: %v\n", err)
// find snapshot id with prefix
id, err = restic.FindSnapshot(ctx, repo.Backend(), args[1])
if err != nil {
return errors.Fatalf("could not find snapshot: %v\n", err)
return errors.Fatalf("unable to parse ID: %v\n", err)
@ -88,9 +80,9 @@ func runCat(ctx context.Context, gopts GlobalOptions, args []string) error {
return nil
case "snapshot":
sn, err := restic.LoadSnapshot(ctx, repo, id)
sn, err := restic.FindSnapshot(ctx, repo.Backend(), repo, args[1])
if err != nil {
return err
return errors.Fatalf("could not find snapshot: %v\n", err)
buf, err := json.MarshalIndent(sn, "", " ")
@ -54,11 +54,11 @@ func init() {
func loadSnapshot(ctx context.Context, be restic.Lister, repo restic.Repository, desc string) (*restic.Snapshot, error) {
id, err := restic.FindSnapshot(ctx, be, desc)
sn, err := restic.FindSnapshot(ctx, be, repo, desc)
if err != nil {
return nil, errors.Fatal(err.Error())
return restic.LoadSnapshot(ctx, repo, id)
return sn, err
// Comparer collects all things needed to compare two snapshots.
@ -139,16 +139,11 @@ func runDump(ctx context.Context, opts DumpOptions, gopts GlobalOptions, args []
id, err := restic.FindFilteredSnapshot(ctx, repo.Backend(), repo, opts.Paths, opts.Tags, opts.Hosts, nil, snapshotIDString)
sn, err := restic.FindFilteredSnapshot(ctx, repo.Backend(), repo, opts.Paths, opts.Tags, opts.Hosts, nil, snapshotIDString)
if err != nil {
Exitf(1, "failed to find snapshot: %v", err)
sn, err := restic.LoadSnapshot(ctx, repo, id)
if err != nil {
Exitf(2, "loading snapshot %q failed: %v", snapshotIDString, err)
err = repo.LoadIndex(ctx)
if err != nil {
return err
@ -210,11 +210,7 @@ func runLs(ctx context.Context, opts LsOptions, gopts GlobalOptions, args []stri
id, err := restic.FindFilteredSnapshot(ctx, snapshotLister, repo, opts.Hosts, opts.Tags, opts.Paths, nil, args[0])
if err != nil {
return err
sn, err := restic.LoadSnapshot(ctx, repo, id)
sn, err := restic.FindFilteredSnapshot(ctx, snapshotLister, repo, opts.Hosts, opts.Tags, opts.Paths, nil, args[0])
if err != nil {
return err
@ -131,9 +131,9 @@ func runRestore(ctx context.Context, opts RestoreOptions, gopts GlobalOptions, a
id, err := restic.FindFilteredSnapshot(ctx, repo.Backend(), repo, opts.Hosts, opts.Tags, opts.Paths, nil, snapshotIDString)
sn, err := restic.FindFilteredSnapshot(ctx, repo.Backend(), repo, opts.Hosts, opts.Tags, opts.Paths, nil, snapshotIDString)
if err != nil {
Exitf(1, "failed to find snapshot %q: %v", snapshotIDString, err)
Exitf(1, "failed to find snapshot: %v", err)
err = repo.LoadIndex(ctx)
@ -141,10 +141,7 @@ func runRestore(ctx context.Context, opts RestoreOptions, gopts GlobalOptions, a
return err
res, err := restorer.NewRestorer(ctx, repo, id, opts.Sparse)
if err != nil {
Exitf(2, "creating restorer failed: %v\n", err)
res := restorer.NewRestorer(ctx, repo, sn, opts.Sparse)
totalErrors := 0
res.Error = func(location string, err error) error {
@ -676,24 +676,17 @@ type SnapshotOptions struct {
Hostname string
Excludes []string
Time time.Time
ParentSnapshot restic.ID
ParentSnapshot *restic.Snapshot
// loadParentTree loads a tree referenced by snapshot id. If id is null, nil is returned.
func (arch *Archiver) loadParentTree(ctx context.Context, snapshotID restic.ID) *restic.Tree {
if snapshotID.IsNull() {
return nil
debug.Log("load parent snapshot %v", snapshotID)
sn, err := restic.LoadSnapshot(ctx, arch.Repo, snapshotID)
if err != nil {
debug.Log("unable to load snapshot %v: %v", snapshotID, err)
func (arch *Archiver) loadParentTree(ctx context.Context, sn *restic.Snapshot) *restic.Tree {
if sn == nil {
return nil
if sn.Tree == nil {
debug.Log("snapshot %v has empty tree %v", snapshotID)
debug.Log("snapshot %v has empty tree %v", *sn.ID())
return nil
@ -801,9 +794,8 @@ func (arch *Archiver) Snapshot(ctx context.Context, targets []string, opts Snaps
sn.Excludes = opts.Excludes
if !opts.ParentSnapshot.IsNull() {
id := opts.ParentSnapshot
sn.Parent = &id
if opts.ParentSnapshot != nil {
sn.Parent = opts.ParentSnapshot.ID()
sn.Tree = &rootTreeID
@ -1662,7 +1662,7 @@ func TestArchiverParent(t *testing.T) {
back := restictest.Chdir(t, tempdir)
defer back()
_, firstSnapshotID, err := arch.Snapshot(ctx, []string{"."}, SnapshotOptions{Time: time.Now()})
firstSnapshot, firstSnapshotID, err := arch.Snapshot(ctx, []string{"."}, SnapshotOptions{Time: time.Now()})
if err != nil {
@ -1690,7 +1690,7 @@ func TestArchiverParent(t *testing.T) {
opts := SnapshotOptions{
Time: time.Now(),
ParentSnapshot: firstSnapshotID,
ParentSnapshot: firstSnapshot,
_, secondSnapshotID, err := arch.Snapshot(ctx, []string{"."}, opts)
if err != nil {
@ -2063,7 +2063,7 @@ func TestArchiverAbortEarlyOnError(t *testing.T) {
func snapshot(t testing.TB, repo restic.Repository, fs fs.FS, parent restic.ID, filename string) (restic.ID, *restic.Node) {
func snapshot(t testing.TB, repo restic.Repository, fs fs.FS, parent *restic.Snapshot, filename string) (*restic.Snapshot, *restic.Node) {
ctx, cancel := context.WithCancel(context.Background())
defer cancel()
@ -2073,7 +2073,7 @@ func snapshot(t testing.TB, repo restic.Repository, fs fs.FS, parent restic.ID,
Time: time.Now(),
ParentSnapshot: parent,
snapshot, snapshotID, err := arch.Snapshot(ctx, []string{filename}, sopts)
snapshot, _, err := arch.Snapshot(ctx, []string{filename}, sopts)
if err != nil {
@ -2088,7 +2088,7 @@ func snapshot(t testing.TB, repo restic.Repository, fs fs.FS, parent restic.ID,
t.Fatalf("unable to find node for testfile in snapshot")
return snapshotID, node
return snapshot, node
// StatFS allows overwriting what is returned by the Lstat function.
@ -2170,7 +2170,7 @@ func TestMetadataChanged(t *testing.T) {
snapshotID, node2 := snapshot(t, repo, fs, restic.ID{}, "testfile")
sn, node2 := snapshot(t, repo, fs, nil, "testfile")
// set some values so we can then compare the nodes
want.Content = node2.Content
@ -2201,7 +2201,7 @@ func TestMetadataChanged(t *testing.T) {
want.Group = ""
// make another snapshot
_, node3 := snapshot(t, repo, fs, snapshotID, "testfile")
_, node3 := snapshot(t, repo, fs, sn, "testfile")
// Override username and group to empty string - in case underlying system has user with UID 51234
// See https://github.com/restic/restic/issues/2372
node3.User = ""
@ -26,7 +26,11 @@ func TestSnapshot(t testing.TB, repo restic.Repository, path string, parent *res
Tags: []string{"test"},
if parent != nil {
opts.ParentSnapshot = *parent
sn, err := restic.LoadSnapshot(context.TODO(), arch.Repo, *parent)
if err != nil {
opts.ParentSnapshot = sn
sn, _, err := arch.Snapshot(context.TODO(), []string{path}, opts)
if err != nil {
@ -592,11 +592,7 @@ func benchmarkSnapshotScaling(t *testing.B, newSnapshots int) {
chkr, repo, cleanup := loadBenchRepository(t)
defer cleanup()
snID, err := restic.FindSnapshot(context.TODO(), repo.Backend(), "51d249d2")
if err != nil {
snID := restic.TestParseID("51d249d28815200d59e4be7b3f21a157b864dc343353df9d8e498220c2499b02")
sn2, err := restic.LoadSnapshot(context.TODO(), repo, snID)
if err != nil {
@ -13,8 +13,8 @@ import (
var ErrNoSnapshotFound = errors.New("no snapshot found")
// findLatestSnapshot finds latest snapshot with optional target/directory, tags, hostname, and timestamp filters.
func findLatestSnapshot(ctx context.Context, be Lister, loader LoaderUnpacked,
hosts []string, tags []TagList, paths []string, timeStampLimit *time.Time) (ID, error) {
func findLatestSnapshot(ctx context.Context, be Lister, loader LoaderUnpacked, hosts []string,
tags []TagList, paths []string, timeStampLimit *time.Time) (*Snapshot, error) {
var err error
absTargets := make([]string, 0, len(paths))
@ -22,17 +22,13 @@ func findLatestSnapshot(ctx context.Context, be Lister, loader LoaderUnpacked,
if !filepath.IsAbs(target) {
target, err = filepath.Abs(target)
if err != nil {
return ID{}, errors.Wrap(err, "Abs")
return nil, errors.Wrap(err, "Abs")
absTargets = append(absTargets, filepath.Clean(target))
var (
latest time.Time
latestID ID
found bool
var latest *Snapshot
err = ForAllSnapshots(ctx, be, loader, nil, func(id ID, snapshot *Snapshot, err error) error {
if err != nil {
@ -43,7 +39,7 @@ func findLatestSnapshot(ctx context.Context, be Lister, loader LoaderUnpacked,
return nil
if snapshot.Time.Before(latest) {
if latest != nil && snapshot.Time.Before(latest.Time) {
return nil
@ -59,50 +55,47 @@ func findLatestSnapshot(ctx context.Context, be Lister, loader LoaderUnpacked,
return nil
latest = snapshot.Time
latestID = id
found = true
latest = snapshot
return nil
if err != nil {
return ID{}, err
return nil, err
if !found {
return ID{}, ErrNoSnapshotFound
if latest == nil {
return nil, ErrNoSnapshotFound
return latestID, nil
return latest, nil
// FindSnapshot takes a string and tries to find a snapshot whose ID matches
// the string as closely as possible.
func FindSnapshot(ctx context.Context, be Lister, s string) (ID, error) {
func FindSnapshot(ctx context.Context, be Lister, loader LoaderUnpacked, s string) (*Snapshot, error) {
// find snapshot id with prefix
name, err := Find(ctx, be, SnapshotFile, s)
if err != nil {
return ID{}, err
return nil, err
return ParseID(name)
id, err := ParseID(name)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return LoadSnapshot(ctx, loader, id)
func FindFilteredSnapshot(ctx context.Context, be Lister, loader LoaderUnpacked, hosts []string, tags []TagList, paths []string, timeStampLimit *time.Time, snapshotID string) (ID, error) {
// FindFilteredSnapshot returns either the latests from a filtered list of all snapshots or a snapshot specified by `snapshotID`.
func FindFilteredSnapshot(ctx context.Context, be Lister, loader LoaderUnpacked, hosts []string, tags []TagList, paths []string, timeStampLimit *time.Time, snapshotID string) (*Snapshot, error) {
if snapshotID == "latest" {
id, err := findLatestSnapshot(ctx, be, loader, hosts, tags, paths, timeStampLimit)
sn, err := findLatestSnapshot(ctx, be, loader, hosts, tags, paths, timeStampLimit)
if err == ErrNoSnapshotFound {
err = fmt.Errorf("snapshot filter (Paths:%v Tags:%v Hosts:%v): %w", paths, tags, hosts, err)
return id, err
} else {
id, err := FindSnapshot(ctx, be, snapshotID)
if err != nil {
return ID{}, err
return id, err
return sn, err
return FindSnapshot(ctx, be, loader, snapshotID)
type SnapshotFindCb func(string, *Snapshot, error) error
@ -116,7 +109,7 @@ func FindFilteredSnapshots(ctx context.Context, be Lister, loader LoaderUnpacked
ids := NewIDSet()
// Process all snapshot IDs given as arguments.
for _, s := range snapshotIDs {
var id ID
var sn *Snapshot
if s == "latest" {
if usedFilter {
@ -124,23 +117,24 @@ func FindFilteredSnapshots(ctx context.Context, be Lister, loader LoaderUnpacked
usedFilter = true
id, err = findLatestSnapshot(ctx, be, loader, hosts, tags, paths, nil)
sn, err = findLatestSnapshot(ctx, be, loader, hosts, tags, paths, nil)
if err == ErrNoSnapshotFound {
err = errors.Errorf("no snapshot matched given filter (Paths:%v Tags:%v Hosts:%v)", paths, tags, hosts)
if sn != nil {
} else {
id, err = FindSnapshot(ctx, be, s)
sn, err = FindSnapshot(ctx, be, loader, s)
if err == nil {
if ids.Has(*sn.ID()) {
} else {
s = sn.ID().String()
var sn *Snapshot
if ids.Has(id) {
} else if !id.IsNull() {
sn, err = LoadSnapshot(ctx, loader, id)
s = id.String()
err = fn(s, sn, err)
if err != nil {
return err
@ -16,13 +16,13 @@ func TestFindLatestSnapshot(t *testing.T) {
restic.TestCreateSnapshot(t, repo, parseTimeUTC("2017-07-07 07:07:07"), 1, 0)
latestSnapshot := restic.TestCreateSnapshot(t, repo, parseTimeUTC("2019-09-09 09:09:09"), 1, 0)
id, err := restic.FindFilteredSnapshot(context.TODO(), repo.Backend(), repo, []string{"foo"}, []restic.TagList{}, []string{}, nil, "latest")
sn, err := restic.FindFilteredSnapshot(context.TODO(), repo.Backend(), repo, []string{"foo"}, []restic.TagList{}, []string{}, nil, "latest")
if err != nil {
t.Fatalf("FindLatestSnapshot returned error: %v", err)
if id != *latestSnapshot.ID() {
t.Errorf("FindLatestSnapshot returned wrong snapshot ID: %v", id)
if *sn.ID() != *latestSnapshot.ID() {
t.Errorf("FindLatestSnapshot returned wrong snapshot ID: %v", *sn.ID())
@ -36,12 +36,12 @@ func TestFindLatestSnapshotWithMaxTimestamp(t *testing.T) {
maxTimestamp := parseTimeUTC("2018-08-08 08:08:08")
id, err := restic.FindFilteredSnapshot(context.TODO(), repo.Backend(), repo, []string{"foo"}, []restic.TagList{}, []string{}, &maxTimestamp, "latest")
sn, err := restic.FindFilteredSnapshot(context.TODO(), repo.Backend(), repo, []string{"foo"}, []restic.TagList{}, []string{}, &maxTimestamp, "latest")
if err != nil {
t.Fatalf("FindLatestSnapshot returned error: %v", err)
if id != *desiredSnapshot.ID() {
t.Errorf("FindLatestSnapshot returned wrong snapshot ID: %v", id)
if *sn.ID() != *desiredSnapshot.ID() {
t.Errorf("FindLatestSnapshot returned wrong snapshot ID: %v", *sn.ID())
@ -27,22 +27,16 @@ type Restorer struct {
var restorerAbortOnAllErrors = func(location string, err error) error { return err }
// NewRestorer creates a restorer preloaded with the content from the snapshot id.
func NewRestorer(ctx context.Context, repo restic.Repository, id restic.ID, sparse bool) (*Restorer, error) {
func NewRestorer(ctx context.Context, repo restic.Repository, sn *restic.Snapshot, sparse bool) *Restorer {
r := &Restorer{
repo: repo,
sparse: sparse,
Error: restorerAbortOnAllErrors,
SelectFilter: func(string, string, *restic.Node) (bool, bool) { return true, true },
sn: sn,
var err error
r.sn, err = restic.LoadSnapshot(ctx, repo, id)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return r, nil
return r
type treeVisitor struct {
@ -323,13 +323,10 @@ func TestRestorer(t *testing.T) {
t.Run("", func(t *testing.T) {
repo, cleanup := repository.TestRepository(t)
defer cleanup()
_, id := saveSnapshot(t, repo, test.Snapshot)
sn, id := saveSnapshot(t, repo, test.Snapshot)
t.Logf("snapshot saved as %v", id.Str())
res, err := NewRestorer(context.TODO(), repo, id, false)
if err != nil {
res := NewRestorer(context.TODO(), repo, sn, false)
tempdir, cleanup := rtest.TempDir(t)
defer cleanup()
@ -366,7 +363,7 @@ func TestRestorer(t *testing.T) {
ctx, cancel := context.WithCancel(context.Background())
defer cancel()
err = res.RestoreTo(ctx, tempdir)
err := res.RestoreTo(ctx, tempdir)
if err != nil {
@ -446,13 +443,10 @@ func TestRestorerRelative(t *testing.T) {
repo, cleanup := repository.TestRepository(t)
defer cleanup()
_, id := saveSnapshot(t, repo, test.Snapshot)
sn, id := saveSnapshot(t, repo, test.Snapshot)
t.Logf("snapshot saved as %v", id.Str())
res, err := NewRestorer(context.TODO(), repo, id, false)
if err != nil {
res := NewRestorer(context.TODO(), repo, sn, false)
tempdir, cleanup := rtest.TempDir(t)
defer cleanup()
@ -470,7 +464,7 @@ func TestRestorerRelative(t *testing.T) {
ctx, cancel := context.WithCancel(context.Background())
defer cancel()
err = res.RestoreTo(ctx, "restore")
err := res.RestoreTo(ctx, "restore")
if err != nil {
@ -682,12 +676,9 @@ func TestRestorerTraverseTree(t *testing.T) {
t.Run("", func(t *testing.T) {
repo, cleanup := repository.TestRepository(t)
defer cleanup()
sn, id := saveSnapshot(t, repo, test.Snapshot)
sn, _ := saveSnapshot(t, repo, test.Snapshot)
res, err := NewRestorer(context.TODO(), repo, id, false)
if err != nil {
res := NewRestorer(context.TODO(), repo, sn, false)
res.SelectFilter = test.Select
@ -700,7 +691,7 @@ func TestRestorerTraverseTree(t *testing.T) {
// make sure we're creating a new subdir of the tempdir
target := filepath.Join(tempdir, "target")
_, err = res.traverseTree(ctx, target, string(filepath.Separator), *sn.Tree, test.Visitor(t))
_, err := res.traverseTree(ctx, target, string(filepath.Separator), *sn.Tree, test.Visitor(t))
if err != nil {
@ -735,7 +726,7 @@ func TestRestorerConsistentTimestampsAndPermissions(t *testing.T) {
repo, cleanup := repository.TestRepository(t)
defer cleanup()
_, id := saveSnapshot(t, repo, Snapshot{
sn, _ := saveSnapshot(t, repo, Snapshot{
Nodes: map[string]Node{
"dir": Dir{
Mode: normalizeFileMode(0750 | os.ModeDir),
@ -766,8 +757,7 @@ func TestRestorerConsistentTimestampsAndPermissions(t *testing.T) {
res, err := NewRestorer(context.TODO(), repo, id, false)
rtest.OK(t, err)
res := NewRestorer(context.TODO(), repo, sn, false)
res.SelectFilter = func(item string, dstpath string, node *restic.Node) (selectedForRestore bool, childMayBeSelected bool) {
switch filepath.ToSlash(item) {
@ -792,7 +782,7 @@ func TestRestorerConsistentTimestampsAndPermissions(t *testing.T) {
ctx, cancel := context.WithCancel(context.Background())
defer cancel()
err = res.RestoreTo(ctx, tempdir)
err := res.RestoreTo(ctx, tempdir)
rtest.OK(t, err)
var testPatterns = []struct {
@ -824,10 +814,9 @@ func TestVerifyCancel(t *testing.T) {
repo, cleanup := repository.TestRepository(t)
defer cleanup()
_, id := saveSnapshot(t, repo, snapshot)
sn, _ := saveSnapshot(t, repo, snapshot)
res, err := NewRestorer(context.TODO(), repo, id, false)
rtest.OK(t, err)
res := NewRestorer(context.TODO(), repo, sn, false)
tempdir, cleanup := rtest.TempDir(t)
defer cleanup()
@ -836,7 +825,7 @@ func TestVerifyCancel(t *testing.T) {
defer cancel()
rtest.OK(t, res.RestoreTo(ctx, tempdir))
err = ioutil.WriteFile(filepath.Join(tempdir, "foo"), []byte("bar"), 0644)
err := ioutil.WriteFile(filepath.Join(tempdir, "foo"), []byte("bar"), 0644)
rtest.OK(t, err)
var errs []error
@ -868,12 +857,11 @@ func TestRestorerSparseFiles(t *testing.T) {
rtest.OK(t, err)
arch := archiver.New(repo, target, archiver.Options{})
_, id, err := arch.Snapshot(context.Background(), []string{"/zeros"},
sn, _, err := arch.Snapshot(context.Background(), []string{"/zeros"},
rtest.OK(t, err)
res, err := NewRestorer(context.TODO(), repo, id, true)
rtest.OK(t, err)
res := NewRestorer(context.TODO(), repo, sn, true)
tempdir, cleanup := rtest.TempDir(t)
defer cleanup()
@ -19,7 +19,7 @@ func TestRestorerRestoreEmptyHardlinkedFileds(t *testing.T) {
repo, cleanup := repository.TestRepository(t)
defer cleanup()
_, id := saveSnapshot(t, repo, Snapshot{
sn, _ := saveSnapshot(t, repo, Snapshot{
Nodes: map[string]Node{
"dirtest": Dir{
Nodes: map[string]Node{
@ -30,8 +30,7 @@ func TestRestorerRestoreEmptyHardlinkedFileds(t *testing.T) {
res, err := NewRestorer(context.TODO(), repo, id, false)
rtest.OK(t, err)
res := NewRestorer(context.TODO(), repo, sn, false)
res.SelectFilter = func(item string, dstpath string, node *restic.Node) (selectedForRestore bool, childMayBeSelected bool) {
return true, true
@ -43,7 +42,7 @@ func TestRestorerRestoreEmptyHardlinkedFileds(t *testing.T) {
ctx, cancel := context.WithCancel(context.Background())
defer cancel()
err = res.RestoreTo(ctx, tempdir)
err := res.RestoreTo(ctx, tempdir)
rtest.OK(t, err)
f1, err := os.Stat(filepath.Join(tempdir, "dirtest/file1"))
Reference in New Issue
Block a user