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synced 2025-03-27 07:02:14 +00:00
Add back mentions business logic
This commit is contained in:
@ -7,6 +7,7 @@ import android.database.Cursor
import android.graphics.Rect
import android.graphics.Typeface
import android.os.Bundle
import android.util.Log
import android.util.TypedValue
import android.view.*
import android.widget.RelativeLayout
@ -27,6 +28,7 @@ import kotlinx.android.synthetic.main.view_input_bar_recording.view.*
import network.loki.messenger.R
import nl.komponents.kovenant.ui.successUi
import org.session.libsession.messaging.contacts.Contact
import org.session.libsession.messaging.mentions.Mention
import org.session.libsession.messaging.mentions.MentionsManager
import org.session.libsession.messaging.open_groups.OpenGroupAPIV2
import org.session.libsession.utilities.TextSecurePreferences
@ -65,10 +67,16 @@ class ConversationActivityV2 : PassphraseRequiredActionBarActivity(), InputBarDe
private var linkPreviewViewModel: LinkPreviewViewModel? = null
private var threadID: Long = -1
private var actionMode: ActionMode? = null
private var unreadCount = 0
// Attachments
private var isLockViewExpanded = false
private var isShowingAttachmentOptions = false
// Mentions
private val mentions = mutableListOf<Mention>()
private var mentionCandidatesView: MentionCandidatesView? = null
private var unreadCount = 0
private var previousText: CharSequence = ""
private var currentMentionStartIndex = -1
private var isShowingMentionCandidatesView = false
private val layoutManager: LinearLayoutManager
get() { return conversationRecyclerView.layoutManager as LinearLayoutManager }
@ -294,9 +302,11 @@ class ConversationActivityV2 : PassphraseRequiredActionBarActivity(), InputBarDe
// 36 DP is the exact height of the typing indicator view. It's also exactly 18 * 2, and 18 is the large message
// corner radius. This makes 36 DP look "correct" in the context of other messages on the screen.
val typingIndicatorHeight = if (typingIndicatorViewContainer.isVisible) toPx(36, resources) else 0
// We * don't * want to move the recycler view up when showing the mention candidates view
val additionalContentContainerHeight = if (isShowingMentionCandidatesView) 0 else additionalContentContainer.height
// Recycler view
val recyclerViewLayoutParams = conversationRecyclerView.layoutParams as RelativeLayout.LayoutParams
recyclerViewLayoutParams.bottomMargin = newValue + additionalContentContainer.height + typingIndicatorHeight
recyclerViewLayoutParams.bottomMargin = newValue + additionalContentContainerHeight + typingIndicatorHeight
conversationRecyclerView.layoutParams = recyclerViewLayoutParams
// Additional content container
val additionalContentContainerLayoutParams = additionalContentContainer.layoutParams as RelativeLayout.LayoutParams
@ -317,40 +327,77 @@ class ConversationActivityV2 : PassphraseRequiredActionBarActivity(), InputBarDe
override fun inputBarEditTextContentChanged(newContent: CharSequence) {
linkPreviewViewModel?.onTextChanged(this, inputBar.text, 0, 0)
// TODO: Implement the full mention show/hide logic
if (newContent.contains("@")) {
} else {
private fun showMentionCandidates() {
val mentionCandidatesView = MentionCandidatesView(this)
mentionCandidatesView.glide = glide
val mentionCandidates = MentionsManager.getMentionCandidates("", threadID, thread.isOpenGroupRecipient)
this.mentionCandidatesView = mentionCandidatesView
mentionCandidatesView.show(mentionCandidates, threadID)
mentionCandidatesView.alpha = 0.0f
val animation = ValueAnimator.ofObject(FloatEvaluator(), mentionCandidatesView.alpha, 1.0f)
animation.duration = 250L
animation.addUpdateListener { animator ->
mentionCandidatesView.alpha = animator.animatedValue as Float
private fun showOrHideMentionCandidatesIfNeeded(text: CharSequence) {
val isBackspace = (text.length < previousText.length)
if (isBackspace) {
currentMentionStartIndex = -1
val mentionsToRemove = mentions.filter { !text.contains(it.displayName) }
if (text.isNotEmpty()) {
if (currentMentionStartIndex > text.length) { resetMentions() } // Should never occur
val lastCharIndex = text.lastIndex
val lastChar = text[lastCharIndex]
val secondToLastChar = if (lastCharIndex > 0) text[lastCharIndex - 1] else ' '
if (lastChar == '@' && Character.isWhitespace(secondToLastChar)) {
currentMentionStartIndex = lastCharIndex
} else if (Character.isWhitespace(lastChar)) {
currentMentionStartIndex = -1
} else if (currentMentionStartIndex != -1) {
val query = text.substring(currentMentionStartIndex + 1) // + 1 to get rid of the "@"
previousText = text
private fun showOrUpdateMentionCandidatesIfNeeded(query: String = "") {
if (!isShowingMentionCandidatesView) {
val view = MentionCandidatesView(this)
view.glide = glide
val candidates = MentionsManager.getMentionCandidates(query, threadID, thread.isOpenGroupRecipient)
this.mentionCandidatesView = view
view.show(candidates, threadID)
view.alpha = 0.0f
val animation = ValueAnimator.ofObject(FloatEvaluator(), view.alpha, 1.0f)
animation.duration = 250L
animation.addUpdateListener { animator ->
view.alpha = animator.animatedValue as Float
} else {
val candidates = MentionsManager.getMentionCandidates(query, threadID, thread.isOpenGroupRecipient)
isShowingMentionCandidatesView = true
private fun hideMentionCandidates() {
val mentionCandidatesView = mentionCandidatesView ?: return
val animation = ValueAnimator.ofObject(FloatEvaluator(), mentionCandidatesView.alpha, 0.0f)
animation.duration = 250L
animation.addUpdateListener { animator ->
mentionCandidatesView.alpha = animator.animatedValue as Float
if (animator.animatedFraction == 1.0f) { additionalContentContainer.removeAllViews() }
if (isShowingMentionCandidatesView) {
val mentionCandidatesView = mentionCandidatesView ?: return
val animation = ValueAnimator.ofObject(FloatEvaluator(), mentionCandidatesView.alpha, 0.0f)
animation.duration = 250L
animation.addUpdateListener { animator ->
mentionCandidatesView.alpha = animator.animatedValue as Float
if (animator.animatedFraction == 1.0f) { additionalContentContainer.removeAllViews() }
isShowingMentionCandidatesView = false
private fun resetMentions() {
previousText = ""
currentMentionStartIndex = -1
override fun toggleAttachmentOptions() {
@ -569,9 +616,27 @@ class ConversationActivityV2 : PassphraseRequiredActionBarActivity(), InputBarDe
private fun unblock() {
// TODO: Implement
override fun send() {
// endregion
// region General
private fun getMessageBody(): CharSequence {
var result = inputBar.inputBarEditText.text?.trim() ?: ""
for (mention in mentions) {
try {
val startIndex = result.indexOf("@" + mention.displayName)
val endIndex = startIndex + mention.displayName.count() + 1 // + 1 to include the "@"
result = result.substring(0, startIndex) + "@" + mention.publicKey + result.substring(endIndex)
} catch (exception: Exception) {
Log.d("Loki", "Failed to process mention due to error: $exception")
return result
private fun saveDraft() {
val text = inputBar.text.trim()
if (text.isEmpty()) { return }
@ -61,6 +61,7 @@ class InputBar : RelativeLayout, InputBarEditTextDelegate, QuoteViewDelegate, Li
sendButton.layoutParams = RelativeLayout.LayoutParams(RelativeLayout.LayoutParams.MATCH_PARENT, RelativeLayout.LayoutParams.MATCH_PARENT)
sendButton.isVisible = false
sendButton.onUp = { delegate?.send() }
// Edit text
inputBarEditText.imeOptions = inputBarEditText.imeOptions or 16777216 // Always use incognito keyboard
inputBarEditText.delegate = this
@ -162,4 +163,5 @@ interface InputBarDelegate {
fun onMicrophoneButtonMove(event: MotionEvent)
fun onMicrophoneButtonCancel(event: MotionEvent)
fun onMicrophoneButtonUp(event: MotionEvent)
fun send()
@ -65,6 +65,10 @@ class MentionCandidatesView(context: Context, attrs: AttributeSet?, defStyleAttr
openGroupServer = openGroup.server
openGroupRoom = openGroup.room
fun setMentionCandidates(candidates: List<Mention>) {
this.candidates = candidates
val layoutParams = this.layoutParams as ViewGroup.LayoutParams
layoutParams.height = toPx(Math.min(candidates.count(), 4) * 44, resources)
Reference in New Issue
Block a user