mirror of
synced 2025-03-27 07:02:14 +00:00
Minor message type refactoring
This commit is contained in:
@ -7,9 +7,6 @@ import org.session.libsession.messaging.threads.Address
import org.session.libsession.utilities.GroupUtil
import org.session.libsignal.service.loki.utilities.toHexString
typealias OpenGroupModel = OpenGroup
typealias OpenGroupV2Model = OpenGroupV2
sealed class Destination {
class Contact(var publicKey: String) : Destination() {
@ -21,11 +18,12 @@ sealed class Destination {
class OpenGroup(var channel: Long, var server: String) : Destination() {
internal constructor(): this(0, "")
class OpenGroupV2(var room: String, var server: String): Destination() {
class OpenGroupV2(var room: String, var server: String) : Destination() {
internal constructor(): this("", "")
companion object {
fun from(address: Address): Destination {
return when {
address.isContact -> {
@ -39,10 +37,12 @@ sealed class Destination {
address.isOpenGroup -> {
val storage = MessagingModuleConfiguration.shared.storage
val threadID = storage.getThreadID(address.contactIdentifier())!!
when (val openGroup = storage.getOpenGroup(threadID) ?: storage.getV2OpenGroup(threadID)) {
is OpenGroupModel -> OpenGroup(openGroup.channel, openGroup.server)
is OpenGroupV2Model -> OpenGroupV2(openGroup.room, openGroup.server)
else -> throw Exception("Invalid OpenGroup $openGroup")
when (val openGroup = storage.getV2OpenGroup(threadID) ?: storage.getOpenGroup(threadID)) {
is org.session.libsession.messaging.open_groups.OpenGroup
-> Destination.OpenGroup(openGroup.channel, openGroup.server)
is org.session.libsession.messaging.open_groups.OpenGroupV2
-> Destination.OpenGroupV2(openGroup.room, openGroup.server)
else -> throw Exception("Missing open group for thread with ID: $threadID.")
else -> {
@ -18,12 +18,10 @@ abstract class Message {
open val isSelfSendValid: Boolean = false
open fun isValid(): Boolean {
sentTimestamp?.let {
if (it <= 0) return false
receivedTimestamp?.let {
if (it <= 0) return false
val sentTimestamp = sentTimestamp
if (sentTimestamp != null && sentTimestamp <= 0) { return false }
val receivedTimestamp = receivedTimestamp
if (receivedTimestamp != null && receivedTimestamp <= 0) { return false }
return sender != null && recipient != null
@ -16,9 +16,10 @@ import org.session.libsignal.utilities.Hex
import org.session.libsignal.utilities.logging.Log
class ClosedGroupControlMessage() : ControlMessage() {
var kind: Kind? = null
override val ttl: Long = run {
when (kind) {
override val ttl: Long get() {
return when (kind) {
is Kind.EncryptionKeyPair -> 14 * 24 * 60 * 60 * 1000
else -> 14 * 24 * 60 * 60 * 1000
@ -26,31 +27,46 @@ class ClosedGroupControlMessage() : ControlMessage() {
override val isSelfSendValid: Boolean = true
var kind: Kind? = null
override fun isValid(): Boolean {
val kind = kind
if (!super.isValid() || kind == null) return false
return when (kind) {
is Kind.New -> {
!kind.publicKey.isEmpty && kind.name.isNotEmpty() && kind.encryptionKeyPair?.publicKey != null
&& kind.encryptionKeyPair?.privateKey != null && kind.members.isNotEmpty() && kind.admins.isNotEmpty()
is Kind.EncryptionKeyPair -> true
is Kind.NameChange -> kind.name.isNotEmpty()
is Kind.MembersAdded -> kind.members.isNotEmpty()
is Kind.MembersRemoved -> kind.members.isNotEmpty()
is Kind.MemberLeft -> true
sealed class Kind {
class New(var publicKey: ByteString, var name: String, var encryptionKeyPair: ECKeyPair?, var members: List<ByteString>, var admins: List<ByteString>) : Kind() {
internal constructor(): this(ByteString.EMPTY, "", null, listOf(), listOf())
internal constructor() : this(ByteString.EMPTY, "", null, listOf(), listOf())
/// An encryption key pair encrypted for each member individually.
/// - Note: `publicKey` is only set when an encryption key pair is sent in a one-to-one context (i.e. not in a group).
/** An encryption key pair encrypted for each member individually.
* **Note:** `publicKey` is only set when an encryption key pair is sent in a one-to-one context (i.e. not in a group).
class EncryptionKeyPair(var publicKey: ByteString?, var wrappers: Collection<KeyPairWrapper>) : Kind() {
internal constructor(): this(null, listOf())
internal constructor() : this(null, listOf())
class NameChange(var name: String) : Kind() {
internal constructor(): this("")
internal constructor() : this("")
class MembersAdded(var members: List<ByteString>) : Kind() {
internal constructor(): this(listOf())
internal constructor() : this(listOf())
class MembersRemoved(var members: List<ByteString>) : Kind() {
internal constructor(): this(listOf())
internal constructor() : this(listOf())
class MemberLeft() : Kind()
val description: String =
when(this) {
when (this) {
is New -> "new"
is EncryptionKeyPair -> "encryptionKeyPair"
is NameChange -> "nameChange"
@ -65,18 +81,19 @@ class ClosedGroupControlMessage() : ControlMessage() {
fun fromProto(proto: SignalServiceProtos.Content): ClosedGroupControlMessage? {
if (!proto.hasDataMessage() || !proto.dataMessage.hasClosedGroupControlMessage()) return null
val closedGroupControlMessageProto = proto.dataMessage?.closedGroupControlMessage!!
val closedGroupControlMessageProto = proto.dataMessage!!.closedGroupControlMessage!!
val kind: Kind
when (closedGroupControlMessageProto.type) {
when (closedGroupControlMessageProto.type!!) {
DataMessage.ClosedGroupControlMessage.Type.NEW -> {
val publicKey = closedGroupControlMessageProto.publicKey ?: return null
val name = closedGroupControlMessageProto.name ?: return null
val encryptionKeyPairAsProto = closedGroupControlMessageProto.encryptionKeyPair ?: return null
try {
val encryptionKeyPair = ECKeyPair(DjbECPublicKey(encryptionKeyPairAsProto.publicKey.toByteArray()), DjbECPrivateKey(encryptionKeyPairAsProto.privateKey.toByteArray()))
val encryptionKeyPair = ECKeyPair(DjbECPublicKey(encryptionKeyPairAsProto.publicKey.toByteArray()),
kind = Kind.New(publicKey, name, encryptionKeyPair, closedGroupControlMessageProto.membersList, closedGroupControlMessageProto.adminsList)
} catch (e: Exception) {
Log.w(TAG, "Couldn't parse key pair")
Log.w(TAG, "Couldn't parse key pair from proto: $encryptionKeyPairAsProto.")
return null
@ -107,26 +124,10 @@ class ClosedGroupControlMessage() : ControlMessage() {
this.kind = kind
override fun isValid(): Boolean {
if (!super.isValid()) return false
val kind = kind ?: return false
return when(kind) {
is Kind.New -> {
!kind.publicKey.isEmpty && kind.name.isNotEmpty() && kind.encryptionKeyPair!!.publicKey != null
&& kind.encryptionKeyPair!!.privateKey != null && kind.members.isNotEmpty() && kind.admins.isNotEmpty()
is Kind.EncryptionKeyPair -> true
is Kind.NameChange -> kind.name.isNotEmpty()
is Kind.MembersAdded -> kind.members.isNotEmpty()
is Kind.MembersRemoved -> kind.members.isNotEmpty()
is Kind.MemberLeft -> true
override fun toProto(): SignalServiceProtos.Content? {
val kind = kind
if (kind == null) {
Log.w(TAG, "Couldn't construct closed group update proto from: $this")
Log.w(TAG, "Couldn't construct closed group control message proto from: $this.")
return null
try {
@ -176,7 +177,7 @@ class ClosedGroupControlMessage() : ControlMessage() {
contentProto.dataMessage = dataMessageProto.build()
return contentProto.build()
} catch (e: Exception) {
Log.w(TAG, "Couldn't construct closed group update proto from: $this")
Log.w(TAG, "Couldn't construct closed group control message proto from: $this.")
return null
@ -188,6 +189,7 @@ class ClosedGroupControlMessage() : ControlMessage() {
companion object {
fun fromProto(proto: DataMessage.ClosedGroupControlMessage.KeyPairWrapper): KeyPairWrapper {
return KeyPairWrapper(proto.publicKey.toByteArray().toHexString(), proto.encryptedKeyPair)
@ -199,7 +201,6 @@ class ClosedGroupControlMessage() : ControlMessage() {
val result = DataMessage.ClosedGroupControlMessage.KeyPairWrapper.newBuilder()
result.publicKey = ByteString.copyFrom(Hex.fromStringCondensed(publicKey))
result.encryptedKeyPair = encryptedKeyPair
return try {
} catch (e: Exception) {
@ -14,12 +14,15 @@ import org.session.libsignal.service.loki.utilities.removing05PrefixIfNeeded
import org.session.libsignal.service.loki.utilities.toHexString
import org.session.libsignal.utilities.Hex
class ConfigurationMessage(var closedGroups: List<ClosedGroup>, var openGroups: List<String>, var contacts: List<Contact>, var displayName: String, var profilePicture: String?, var profileKey: ByteArray): ControlMessage() {
class ConfigurationMessage(var closedGroups: List<ClosedGroup>, var openGroups: List<String>, var contacts: List<Contact>,
var displayName: String, var profilePicture: String?, var profileKey: ByteArray) : ControlMessage() {
override val isSelfSendValid: Boolean = true
class ClosedGroup(var publicKey: String, var name: String, var encryptionKeyPair: ECKeyPair?, var members: List<String>, var admins: List<String>) {
val isValid: Boolean get() = members.isNotEmpty() && admins.isNotEmpty()
internal constructor(): this("", "", null, listOf(), listOf())
internal constructor() : this("", "", null, listOf(), listOf())
override fun toString(): String {
return name
@ -56,7 +59,7 @@ class ConfigurationMessage(var closedGroups: List<ClosedGroup>, var openGroups:
class Contact(var publicKey: String, var name: String, var profilePicture: String?, var profileKey: ByteArray?) {
internal constructor(): this("", "", null, null)
internal constructor() : this("", "", null, null)
companion object {
@ -66,8 +69,7 @@ class ConfigurationMessage(var closedGroups: List<ClosedGroup>, var openGroups:
val name = proto.name
val profilePicture = if (proto.hasProfilePicture()) proto.profilePicture else null
val profileKey = if (proto.hasProfileKey()) proto.profileKey.toByteArray() else null
return Contact(publicKey,name,profilePicture,profileKey)
return Contact(publicKey, name, profilePicture, profileKey)
@ -79,18 +81,18 @@ class ConfigurationMessage(var closedGroups: List<ClosedGroup>, var openGroups:
} catch (e: Exception) {
return null
if (!this.profilePicture.isNullOrEmpty()) {
result.profilePicture = this.profilePicture
val profilePicture = profilePicture
if (!profilePicture.isNullOrEmpty()) {
result.profilePicture = profilePicture
if (this.profileKey != null) {
result.profileKey = ByteString.copyFrom(this.profileKey)
val profileKey = profileKey
if (profileKey != null) {
result.profileKey = ByteString.copyFrom(profileKey)
return result.build()
override val isSelfSendValid: Boolean = true
companion object {
fun getCurrent(contacts: List<Contact>): ConfigurationMessage? {
@ -103,24 +105,22 @@ class ConfigurationMessage(var closedGroups: List<ClosedGroup>, var openGroups:
val profilePicture = TextSecurePreferences.getProfilePictureURL(context)
val profileKey = ProfileKeyUtil.getProfileKey(context)
val groups = storage.getAllGroups()
for (groupRecord in groups) {
if (groupRecord.isClosedGroup) {
if (!groupRecord.members.contains(Address.fromSerialized(storage.getUserPublicKey()!!))) continue
val groupPublicKey = GroupUtil.doubleDecodeGroupID(groupRecord.encodedId).toHexString()
for (group in groups) {
if (group.isClosedGroup) {
if (!group.members.contains(Address.fromSerialized(storage.getUserPublicKey()!!))) continue
val groupPublicKey = GroupUtil.doubleDecodeGroupID(group.encodedId).toHexString()
val encryptionKeyPair = storage.getLatestClosedGroupEncryptionKeyPair(groupPublicKey) ?: continue
val closedGroup = ClosedGroup(groupPublicKey, groupRecord.title, encryptionKeyPair, groupRecord.members.map { it.serialize() }, groupRecord.admins.map { it.serialize() })
val closedGroup = ClosedGroup(groupPublicKey, group.title, encryptionKeyPair, group.members.map { it.serialize() }, group.admins.map { it.serialize() })
if (groupRecord.isOpenGroup) {
val threadID = storage.getThreadID(groupRecord.encodedId) ?: continue
if (group.isOpenGroup) {
val threadID = storage.getThreadID(group.encodedId) ?: continue
val openGroup = storage.getOpenGroup(threadID)
val openGroupV2 = storage.getV2OpenGroup(threadID)
val shareUrl = openGroup?.server ?: openGroupV2?.toJoinUrl() ?: continue
return ConfigurationMessage(closedGroups, openGroups, contacts, displayName, profilePicture, profileKey)
@ -145,6 +145,7 @@ class ConfigurationMessage(var closedGroups: List<ClosedGroup>, var openGroups:
configurationProto.addAllContacts(this.contacts.mapNotNull { it.toProto() })
configurationProto.displayName = displayName
val profilePicture = profilePicture
if (!profilePicture.isNullOrEmpty()) {
configurationProto.profilePicture = profilePicture
@ -157,10 +158,10 @@ class ConfigurationMessage(var closedGroups: List<ClosedGroup>, var openGroups:
override fun toString(): String {
return """
closedGroups: ${(closedGroups)}
openGroups: ${(openGroups)}
displayName: $displayName
profilePicture: $profilePicture
closedGroups: ${(closedGroups)},
openGroups: ${(openGroups)},
displayName: $displayName,
profilePicture: $profilePicture,
profileKey: $profileKey
@ -2,5 +2,4 @@ package org.session.libsession.messaging.messages.control
import org.session.libsession.messaging.messages.Message
abstract class ControlMessage : Message() {
abstract class ControlMessage : Message()
@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ package org.session.libsession.messaging.messages.control
import org.session.libsignal.service.internal.push.SignalServiceProtos
import org.session.libsignal.utilities.logging.Log
class DataExtractionNotification(): ControlMessage() {
class DataExtractionNotification() : ControlMessage() {
var kind: Kind? = null
sealed class Kind {
@ -39,8 +39,8 @@ class DataExtractionNotification(): ControlMessage() {
override fun isValid(): Boolean {
if (!super.isValid()) return false
val kind = kind ?: return false
val kind = kind
if (!super.isValid() || kind == null) return false
return when(kind) {
is Kind.Screenshot -> true
is Kind.MediaSaved -> kind.timestamp > 0
@ -6,13 +6,20 @@ import org.session.libsignal.utilities.logging.Log
import org.session.libsignal.service.internal.push.SignalServiceProtos
class ExpirationTimerUpdate() : ControlMessage() {
/// In the case of a sync message, the public key of the person the message was targeted at.
/// - Note: `nil` if this isn't a sync message.
/** In the case of a sync message, the public key of the person the message was targeted at.
* **Note:** `nil` if this isn't a sync message.
var syncTarget: String? = null
var duration: Int? = 0
override val isSelfSendValid: Boolean = true
override fun isValid(): Boolean {
if (!super.isValid()) return false
return duration != null
companion object {
const val TAG = "ExpirationTimerUpdate"
@ -26,21 +33,11 @@ class ExpirationTimerUpdate() : ControlMessage() {
internal constructor(syncTarget: String?, duration: Int) : this() {
internal constructor(syncTarget: String? = null, duration: Int) : this() {
this.syncTarget = syncTarget
this.duration = duration
internal constructor(duration: Int) : this() {
this.syncTarget = null
this.duration = duration
override fun isValid(): Boolean {
if (!super.isValid()) return false
return duration != null
override fun toProto(): SignalServiceProtos.Content? {
val duration = duration
if (duration == null) {
@ -6,6 +6,13 @@ import org.session.libsignal.utilities.logging.Log
class ReadReceipt() : ControlMessage() {
var timestamps: List<Long>? = null
override fun isValid(): Boolean {
if (!super.isValid()) return false
val timestamps = timestamps ?: return false
if (timestamps.isNotEmpty()) { return true }
return false
companion object {
const val TAG = "ReadReceipt"
@ -22,13 +29,6 @@ class ReadReceipt() : ControlMessage() {
this.timestamps = timestamps
override fun isValid(): Boolean {
if (!super.isValid()) return false
val timestamps = timestamps ?: return false
if (timestamps.isNotEmpty()) { return true }
return false
override fun toProto(): SignalServiceProtos.Content? {
val timestamps = timestamps
if (timestamps == null) {
@ -4,9 +4,15 @@ import org.session.libsignal.service.internal.push.SignalServiceProtos
import org.session.libsignal.utilities.logging.Log
class TypingIndicator() : ControlMessage() {
override val ttl: Long = 30 * 1000
var kind: Kind? = null
override val ttl: Long = 20 * 1000
override fun isValid(): Boolean {
if (!super.isValid()) return false
return kind != null
companion object {
const val TAG = "TypingIndicator"
@ -41,11 +47,6 @@ class TypingIndicator() : ControlMessage() {
this.kind = kind
override fun isValid(): Boolean {
if (!super.isValid()) return false
return kind != null
override fun toProto(): SignalServiceProtos.Content? {
val timestamp = sentTimestamp
val kind = kind
@ -10,6 +10,10 @@ class LinkPreview() {
var url: String? = null
var attachmentID: Long? = 0
fun isValid(): Boolean {
return (title != null && url != null && attachmentID != null)
companion object {
const val TAG = "LinkPreview"
@ -20,11 +24,8 @@ class LinkPreview() {
fun from(signalLinkPreview: SignalLinkPreiview?): LinkPreview? {
return if (signalLinkPreview == null) {
} else {
LinkPreview(signalLinkPreview.title, signalLinkPreview.url, signalLinkPreview.attachmentId?.rowId)
if (signalLinkPreview == null) { return null }
return LinkPreview(signalLinkPreview.title, signalLinkPreview.url, signalLinkPreview.attachmentId?.rowId)
@ -34,10 +35,6 @@ class LinkPreview() {
this.attachmentID = attachmentID
fun isValid(): Boolean {
return (title != null && url != null && attachmentID != null)
fun toProto(): SignalServiceProtos.DataMessage.Preview? {
val url = url
if (url == null) {
@ -46,10 +43,10 @@ class LinkPreview() {
val linkPreviewProto = SignalServiceProtos.DataMessage.Preview.newBuilder()
linkPreviewProto.url = url
title?.let { linkPreviewProto.title = title }
val attachmentID = attachmentID
title?.let { linkPreviewProto.title = it }
val database = MessagingModuleConfiguration.shared.messageDataProvider
attachmentID?.let {
MessagingModuleConfiguration.shared.messageDataProvider.getSignalAttachmentPointer(attachmentID)?.let {
database.getSignalAttachmentPointer(it)?.let {
val attachmentProto = Attachment.createAttachmentPointer(it)
linkPreviewProto.image = attachmentProto
@ -17,12 +17,11 @@ class Profile() {
val displayName = profileProto.displayName ?: return null
val profileKey = proto.profileKey
val profilePictureURL = profileProto.profilePicture
profileKey?.let {
profilePictureURL?.let {
return Profile(displayName = displayName, profileKey = profileKey.toByteArray(), profilePictureURL = profilePictureURL)
if (profileKey != null && profilePictureURL != null) {
return Profile(displayName, profileKey.toByteArray(), profilePictureURL)
} else {
return Profile(displayName)
return Profile(displayName)
@ -35,16 +34,14 @@ class Profile() {
fun toProto(): SignalServiceProtos.DataMessage? {
val displayName = displayName
if (displayName == null) {
Log.w(TAG, "Couldn't construct link preview proto from: $this")
Log.w(TAG, "Couldn't construct profile proto from: $this")
return null
val dataMessageProto = SignalServiceProtos.DataMessage.newBuilder()
val profileProto = SignalServiceProtos.DataMessage.LokiProfile.newBuilder()
profileProto.displayName = displayName
val profileKey = profileKey
profileKey?.let { dataMessageProto.profileKey = ByteString.copyFrom(profileKey) }
val profilePictureURL = profilePictureURL
profilePictureURL?.let { profileProto.profilePicture = profilePictureURL }
profileKey?.let { dataMessageProto.profileKey = ByteString.copyFrom(it) }
profilePictureURL?.let { profileProto.profilePicture = it }
// Build
try {
dataMessageProto.profile = profileProto.build()
@ -13,6 +13,10 @@ class Quote() {
var text: String? = null
var attachmentID: Long? = null
fun isValid(): Boolean {
return (timestamp != null && publicKey != null)
companion object {
const val TAG = "Quote"
@ -24,12 +28,9 @@ class Quote() {
fun from(signalQuote: SignalQuote?): Quote? {
return if (signalQuote == null) {
} else {
val attachmentID = (signalQuote.attachments?.firstOrNull() as? DatabaseAttachment)?.attachmentId?.rowId
Quote(signalQuote.id, signalQuote.author.serialize(), signalQuote.text, attachmentID)
if (signalQuote == null) { return null }
val attachmentID = (signalQuote.attachments?.firstOrNull() as? DatabaseAttachment)?.attachmentId?.rowId
return Quote(signalQuote.id, signalQuote.author.serialize(), signalQuote.text, attachmentID)
@ -40,10 +41,6 @@ class Quote() {
this.attachmentID = attachmentID
fun isValid(): Boolean {
return (timestamp != null && publicKey != null)
fun toProto(): SignalServiceProtos.DataMessage.Quote? {
val timestamp = timestamp
val publicKey = publicKey
@ -54,7 +51,7 @@ class Quote() {
val quoteProto = SignalServiceProtos.DataMessage.Quote.newBuilder()
quoteProto.id = timestamp
quoteProto.author = publicKey
text?.let { quoteProto.text = text }
text?.let { quoteProto.text = it }
// Build
try {
@ -66,23 +63,23 @@ class Quote() {
private fun addAttachmentsIfNeeded(quoteProto: SignalServiceProtos.DataMessage.Quote.Builder) {
if (attachmentID == null) return
val attachment = MessagingModuleConfiguration.shared.messageDataProvider.getSignalAttachmentPointer(attachmentID!!)
if (attachment == null) {
val attachmentID = attachmentID ?: return
val database = MessagingModuleConfiguration.shared.messageDataProvider
val pointer = database.getSignalAttachmentPointer(attachmentID)
if (pointer == null) {
Log.w(TAG, "Ignoring invalid attachment for quoted message.")
if (attachment.url.isNullOrEmpty()) {
if (pointer.url.isNullOrEmpty()) {
if (BuildConfig.DEBUG) {
//TODO equivalent to iOS's preconditionFailure
Log.d(TAG,"Sending a message before all associated attachments have been uploaded.")
Log.w(TAG,"Sending a message before all associated attachments have been uploaded.")
val quotedAttachmentProto = SignalServiceProtos.DataMessage.Quote.QuotedAttachment.newBuilder()
quotedAttachmentProto.contentType = attachment.contentType
if (attachment.fileName.isPresent) quotedAttachmentProto.fileName = attachment.fileName.get()
quotedAttachmentProto.thumbnail = Attachment.createAttachmentPointer(attachment)
quotedAttachmentProto.contentType = pointer.contentType
if (pointer.fileName.isPresent) { quotedAttachmentProto.fileName = pointer.fileName.get() }
quotedAttachmentProto.thumbnail = Attachment.createAttachmentPointer(pointer)
try {
} catch (e: Exception) {
@ -12,6 +12,10 @@ import org.session.libsignal.utilities.logging.Log
import org.session.libsession.messaging.sending_receiving.attachments.Attachment as SignalAttachment
class VisibleMessage : Message() {
/** In the case of a sync message, the public key of the person the message was targeted at.
* **Note:** `nil` if this isn't a sync message.
var syncTarget: String? = null
var text: String? = null
val attachmentIDs: MutableList<Long> = mutableListOf()
@ -21,46 +25,7 @@ class VisibleMessage : Message() {
override val isSelfSendValid: Boolean = true
companion object {
const val TAG = "VisibleMessage"
fun fromProto(proto: SignalServiceProtos.Content): VisibleMessage? {
val dataMessage = if (proto.hasDataMessage()) proto.dataMessage else return null
val result = VisibleMessage()
if (dataMessage.hasSyncTarget()) {
result.syncTarget = dataMessage.syncTarget
result.text = dataMessage.body
// Attachments are handled in MessageReceiver
val quoteProto = if (dataMessage.hasQuote()) dataMessage.quote else null
quoteProto?.let {
val quote = Quote.fromProto(quoteProto)
quote?.let { result.quote = quote }
val linkPreviewProto = dataMessage.previewList.firstOrNull()
linkPreviewProto?.let {
val linkPreview = LinkPreview.fromProto(linkPreviewProto)
linkPreview?.let { result.linkPreview = linkPreview }
// TODO Contact
val profile = Profile.fromProto(dataMessage)
profile?.let { result.profile = profile }
return result
fun addSignalAttachments(signalAttachments: List<SignalAttachment>) {
val attachmentIDs = signalAttachments.map {
val databaseAttachment = it as DatabaseAttachment
fun isMediaMessage(): Boolean {
return attachmentIDs.isNotEmpty() || quote != null || linkPreview != null
// region Validation
override fun isValid(): Boolean {
if (!super.isValid()) return false
if (attachmentIDs.isNotEmpty()) return true
@ -68,56 +33,84 @@ class VisibleMessage : Message() {
if (text.isNotEmpty()) return true
return false
// endregion
// region Proto Conversion
companion object {
const val TAG = "VisibleMessage"
fun fromProto(proto: SignalServiceProtos.Content): VisibleMessage? {
val dataMessage = proto.dataMessage ?: return null
val result = VisibleMessage()
if (dataMessage.hasSyncTarget()) { result.syncTarget = dataMessage.syncTarget }
result.text = dataMessage.body
// Attachments are handled in MessageReceiver
val quoteProto = if (dataMessage.hasQuote()) dataMessage.quote else null
if (quoteProto != null) {
val quote = Quote.fromProto(quoteProto)
result.quote = quote
val linkPreviewProto = dataMessage.previewList.firstOrNull()
if (linkPreviewProto != null) {
val linkPreview = LinkPreview.fromProto(linkPreviewProto)
result.linkPreview = linkPreview
// TODO: Contact
val profile = Profile.fromProto(dataMessage)
if (profile != null) { result.profile = profile }
return result
override fun toProto(): SignalServiceProtos.Content? {
val proto = SignalServiceProtos.Content.newBuilder()
val dataMessage: SignalServiceProtos.DataMessage.Builder
// Profile
val profile = profile
val profileProto = profile?.toProto()
val profileProto = profile?.let { it.toProto() }
if (profileProto != null) {
dataMessage = profileProto.toBuilder()
} else {
dataMessage = SignalServiceProtos.DataMessage.newBuilder()
// Text
text?.let { dataMessage.body = text }
if (text != null) { dataMessage.body = text }
// Quote
quote?.let {
val quoteProto = it.toProto()
if (quoteProto != null) dataMessage.quote = quoteProto
val quoteProto = quote?.let { it.toProto() }
if (quoteProto != null) {
dataMessage.quote = quoteProto
//Link preview
linkPreview?.let {
val linkPreviewProto = it.toProto()
linkPreviewProto?.let {
// Link preview
val linkPreviewProto = linkPreview?.let { it.toProto() }
if (linkPreviewProto != null) {
val attachments = attachmentIDs.mapNotNull { MessagingModuleConfiguration.shared.messageDataProvider.getSignalAttachmentPointer(it) }
if (!attachments.all { !it.url.isNullOrEmpty() }) {
// Attachments
val database = MessagingModuleConfiguration.shared.messageDataProvider
val attachments = attachmentIDs.mapNotNull { database.getSignalAttachmentPointer(it) }
if (attachments.any { it.url.isNullOrEmpty() }) {
if (BuildConfig.DEBUG) {
//TODO equivalent to iOS's preconditionFailure
Log.d(TAG, "Sending a message before all associated attachments have been uploaded.")
Log.w(TAG, "Sending a message before all associated attachments have been uploaded.")
val attachmentPointers = attachments.mapNotNull { Attachment.createAttachmentPointer(it) }
// TODO Contact
val pointers = attachments.mapNotNull { Attachment.createAttachmentPointer(it) }
// TODO: Contact
// Expiration timer
// TODO: We * want * expiration timer updates to be explicit. But currently Android will disable the expiration timer for a conversation
// if it receives a message without the current expiration timer value attached to it...
// if it receives a message without the current expiration timer value attached to it...
val storage = MessagingModuleConfiguration.shared.storage
val context = MessagingModuleConfiguration.shared.context
val expiration = if (storage.isClosedGroup(recipient!!)) Recipient.from(context, Address.fromSerialized(GroupUtil.doubleEncodeGroupID(recipient!!)), false).expireMessages
else Recipient.from(context, Address.fromSerialized(recipient!!), false).expireMessages
val expiration = if (storage.isClosedGroup(recipient!!)) {
Recipient.from(context, Address.fromSerialized(GroupUtil.doubleEncodeGroupID(recipient!!)), false).expireMessages
} else {
Recipient.from(context, Address.fromSerialized(recipient!!), false).expireMessages
dataMessage.expireTimer = expiration
// Group context
if (storage.isClosedGroup(recipient!!)) {
try {
} catch(e: Exception) {
} catch (e: Exception) {
Log.w(TAG, "Couldn't construct visible message proto from: $this")
return null
@ -135,4 +128,17 @@ class VisibleMessage : Message() {
return null
// endregion
fun addSignalAttachments(signalAttachments: List<SignalAttachment>) {
val attachmentIDs = signalAttachments.map {
val databaseAttachment = it as DatabaseAttachment
fun isMediaMessage(): Boolean {
return attachmentIDs.isNotEmpty() || quote != null || linkPreview != null
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