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// Copyright (c) Tailscale Inc & AUTHORS
// SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause
// This file contains the code for the incubator process. Tailscaled
// launches the incubator as the same user as it was launched as. The
// incubator then registers a new session with the OS, sets its UID
// and groups to the specified `--uid`, `--gid` and `--groups`, and
// then launches the requested `--cmd`.
//go:build linux || (darwin && !ios) || freebsd || openbsd
package tailssh
import (
gossh "golang.org/x/crypto/ssh"
func init() {
childproc.Add("ssh", beIncubator)
var ptyName = func(f *os.File) (string, error) {
return "", fmt.Errorf("unimplemented")
// maybeStartLoginSession starts a new login session for the specified UID.
// On success, it may return a non-nil close func which must be closed to
// release the session.
// See maybeStartLoginSessionLinux.
var maybeStartLoginSession = func(logf logger.Logf, ia incubatorArgs) (close func() error, err error) {
return nil, nil
// newIncubatorCommand returns a new exec.Cmd configured with
// `tailscaled be-child ssh` as the entrypoint.
// If ss.srv.tailscaledPath is empty, this method is equivalent to
// exec.CommandContext.
// The returned Cmd.Env is guaranteed to be nil; the caller populates it.
func (ss *sshSession) newIncubatorCommand() (cmd *exec.Cmd) {
defer func() {
if cmd.Env != nil {
panic("internal error")
var (
name string
args []string
isSFTP bool
isShell bool
switch ss.Subsystem() {
case "sftp":
isSFTP = true
case "":
name = ss.conn.localUser.LoginShell()
if rawCmd := ss.RawCommand(); rawCmd != "" {
args = append(args, "-c", rawCmd)
} else {
isShell = true
args = append(args, "-l") // login shell
panic(fmt.Sprintf("unexpected subsystem: %v", ss.Subsystem()))
if ss.conn.srv.tailscaledPath == "" {
// TODO(maisem): this doesn't work with sftp
return exec.CommandContext(ss.ctx, name, args...)
lu := ss.conn.localUser
ci := ss.conn.info
gids := strings.Join(ss.conn.userGroupIDs, ",")
remoteUser := ci.uprof.LoginName
if ci.node.IsTagged() {
remoteUser = strings.Join(ci.node.Tags().AsSlice(), ",")
incubatorArgs := []string{
"--uid=" + lu.Uid,
"--gid=" + lu.Gid,
"--groups=" + gids,
"--local-user=" + lu.Username,
"--remote-user=" + remoteUser,
"--remote-ip=" + ci.src.Addr().String(),
"--has-tty=false", // updated in-place by startWithPTY
"--tty-name=", // updated in-place by startWithPTY
if isSFTP {
incubatorArgs = append(incubatorArgs, "--sftp")
} else {
if isShell {
incubatorArgs = append(incubatorArgs, "--shell")
incubatorArgs = append(incubatorArgs, "--cmd="+name)
if len(args) > 0 {
incubatorArgs = append(incubatorArgs, "--")
incubatorArgs = append(incubatorArgs, args...)
return exec.CommandContext(ss.ctx, ss.conn.srv.tailscaledPath, incubatorArgs...)
var debugIncubator atomic.Bool
type stdRWC struct{}
func (stdRWC) Read(p []byte) (n int, err error) {
return os.Stdin.Read(p)
func (stdRWC) Write(b []byte) (n int, err error) {
return os.Stdout.Write(b)
func (stdRWC) Close() error {
return nil
type incubatorArgs struct {
uid int
gid int
groups string
localUser string
remoteUser string
remoteIP string
ttyName string
hasTTY bool
cmdName string
isSFTP bool
isShell bool
cmdArgs []string
env []string
stdin io.ReadCloser
stdout io.WriteCloser
stderr io.WriteCloser
func parseIncubatorArgs(args []string) (a incubatorArgs) {
flags := flag.NewFlagSet("", flag.ExitOnError)
flags.IntVar(&a.uid, "uid", 0, "the uid of local-user")
flags.IntVar(&a.gid, "gid", 0, "the gid of local-user")
flags.StringVar(&a.groups, "groups", "", "comma-separated list of gids of local-user")
flags.StringVar(&a.localUser, "local-user", "", "the user to run as")
flags.StringVar(&a.remoteUser, "remote-user", "", "the remote user/tags")
flags.StringVar(&a.remoteIP, "remote-ip", "", "the remote Tailscale IP")
flags.StringVar(&a.ttyName, "tty-name", "", "the tty name (pts/3)")
flags.BoolVar(&a.hasTTY, "has-tty", false, "is the output attached to a tty")
flags.StringVar(&a.cmdName, "cmd", "", "the cmd to launch (ignored in sftp mode)")
flags.BoolVar(&a.isShell, "shell", false, "is launching a shell (with no cmds)")
flags.BoolVar(&a.isSFTP, "sftp", false, "run sftp server (cmd is ignored)")
a.cmdArgs = flags.Args()
return a
// beIncubator is the entrypoint to the `tailscaled be-child ssh` subcommand.
// It is responsible for informing the system of a new login session for the
// user. This is sometimes necessary for mounting home directories and
// decrypting file systems.
// Tailscaled launches the incubator as the same user as it was launched as.
func beIncubator(args []string) error {
return doBeIncubator(args, os.Environ(), os.Stdin, os.Stdout, os.Stderr)
func doBeIncubator(args []string, env []string, stdin io.ReadCloser, stdout, stderr io.WriteCloser) error {
// To defend against issues like https://golang.org/issue/1435,
// defensively lock our current goroutine's thread to the current
// system thread before we start making any UID/GID/group changes.
// This shouldn't matter on Linux because syscall.AllThreadsSyscall is
// used to invoke syscalls on all OS threads, but (as of 2023-03-23)
// that function is not implemented on all platforms.
defer runtime.UnlockOSThread()
logf := logger.Discard
if debugIncubator.Load() {
// We don't own stdout or stderr, so the only place we can log is syslog.
if sl, err := syslog.New(syslog.LOG_INFO|syslog.LOG_DAEMON, "tailscaled-ssh"); err == nil {
logf = log.New(sl, "", 0).Printf
ia := parseIncubatorArgs(args)
ia.env = env
ia.stdin = stdin
ia.stdout = stdout
ia.stderr = stderr
if ia.isSFTP && ia.isShell {
return fmt.Errorf("--sftp and --shell are mutually exclusive")
if ia.isSFTP {
return handleFTP(logf)
attemptLoginShell := shouldAttemptLoginShell()
if !attemptLoginShell {
logf("not attempting login shell")
} else if handled, err := tryLoginCmd(logf, ia); handled {
return err
} else {
logf("not attempting login command")
// Inform the system that we are about to log someone in.
// We can only do this if we are running as root.
// This is best effort to still allow running on machines where
// we don't support starting sessions, e.g. darwin.
sessionCloser, err := maybeStartLoginSession(logf, ia)
if err == nil && sessionCloser != nil {
defer sessionCloser()
ssh/tailssh: fix privilege dropping on FreeBSD; add tests On FreeBSD and Darwin, changing a process's supplementary groups with setgroups(2) will also change the egid of the process, setting it to the first entry in the provided list. This is distinct from the behaviour on other platforms (and possibly a violation of the POSIX standard). Because of this, on FreeBSD with no TTY, our incubator code would previously not change the process's gid, because it would read the newly-changed egid, compare it against the expected egid, and since they matched, not change the gid. Because we didn't use the 'login' program on FreeBSD without a TTY, this would propagate to a child process. This could be observed by running "id -p" in two contexts. The expected output, and the output returned when running from a SSH shell, is: andrew@freebsd:~ $ id -p uid andrew groups andrew However, when run via "ssh andrew@freebsd id -p", the output would be: $ ssh andrew@freebsd id -p login root uid andrew rgid wheel groups andrew (this could also be observed via "id -g -r" to print just the gid) We fix this by pulling the details of privilege dropping out into their own function and prepending the expected gid to the start of the list on Darwin and FreeBSD. Finally, we add some tests that run a child process, drop privileges, and assert that the final UID/GID/additional groups are what we expect. More information can be found in the following article: https://www.usenix.org/system/files/login/articles/325-tsafrir.pdf Updates #7616 Alternative to #7609 Signed-off-by: Andrew Dunham <andrew@du.nham.ca> Change-Id: I0e6513c31b121108b50fe561c89e5816d84a45b9
2023-03-20 13:37:28 -04:00
if attemptLoginShell {
// We weren't able to use login, maybe we can use su.
if handled, err := tryLoginWithSU(logf, ia); handled {
return err
} else {
logf("not attempting su")
// We couldn't use su either, fall back to just dropping privileges.
return handleDropPrivileges(logf, ia)
// shouldAttemptLoginShell decides whether we should attempt to get a full
// login shell with the login or su commands.
func shouldAttemptLoginShell() bool {
euid := os.Geteuid()
runningAsRoot := euid == 0
if !runningAsRoot {
// We have to be root in order to create a login shell.
return false
if hostinfo.IsSELinuxEnforcing() {
// If we're running on a SELinux-enabled system, neiher login nor su
// will be able to set the correct context for the shell. So, we don't
// bother trying to run them and instead fall back to using the
// incubator to launch the shell.
// See http://github.com/tailscale/tailscale/issues/4908.
return false
return true
// tryLoginCmd attempts to handle the ssh session by creating a full login
// shell using the login command. If it was able to do so, it returns true,
// plus any error from running that shell. If it was unable to do so, it
// returns false, nil.
// Creating a login shell in this way allows us to register the remote IP of
// the login session, trigger PAM authentication, and get the "remote" PAM
// profile.
// However, login is subject to some limitations.
// 1. login cannot be used to execute commands except on macOS.
// 2. On Linux and BSD, login requires a TTY to keep running.
// In these cases, tryLoginCmd returns false, nil to indicate that processing
// should fall through to other methods, such as using the su command.
func tryLoginCmd(logf logger.Logf, ia incubatorArgs) (bool, error) {
// Only the macOS version of the login command supports executing a
// command, all other versions only support launching a shell without
// taking any arguments.
if !ia.isShell && runtime.GOOS != "darwin" {
return false, nil
switch runtime.GOOS {
case "linux", "freebsd", "openbsd":
if !ia.hasTTY {
// We can only use the login command if a shell was requested with
// a TTY. If there is no TTY, login exits immediately, which
// breaks things like mosh and VSCode.
return false, nil
if loginCmdPath, err := exec.LookPath("login"); err == nil {
loginArgs := ia.loginArgs(loginCmdPath)
logf("logging in with %s %+v", loginCmdPath, loginArgs)
// replace the running process
return true, unix.Exec(loginCmdPath, loginArgs, ia.env)
return false, nil
// tryLoginWithSU attempts to start a login shell using su. If su is available
// and supports the necessary arguments, this returns true, plus the result of
// executing su. Otherwise, it returns false, nil.
// Creating a login shell in this way allows us to trigger PAM authentication
// and get the "login" PAM profile.
// Unlike login, su often does not require a TTY, so on Linux hosts that have
// an su command which accepts the right flags, we'll use su instead of login
// when no TTY is available.
func tryLoginWithSU(logf logger.Logf, ia incubatorArgs) (bool, error) {
// Currently, we only support falling back to su on Linux. This
// potentially could work on BSDs as well, but requires testing.
if runtime.GOOS != "linux" {
return false, nil
su, err := exec.LookPath("su")
if err != nil {
logf("can't find su command")
return false, nil
// Get help text to inspect supported flags.
out, err := exec.Command(su, "-h").CombinedOutput()
if err != nil {
logf("%s doesn't support -h, don't use", su)
return false, nil
supportsFlag := func(flag string) bool {
return bytes.Contains(out, []byte(flag))
// Make sure su supports the necessary flags.
if !supportsFlag("--login") {
logf("%s doesn't support --login, don't use", su)
return false, nil
if !supportsFlag("--command") {
logf("%s doesn't support --command, don't use", su)
return false, nil
loginArgs := []string{
if ia.hasTTY && supportsFlag("--pty") {
// Allocate a pseudo terminal for improved security. In particular,
// this can help avoid TIOCSTI ioctl terminal injection.
loginArgs = append(loginArgs, "--pty")
loginArgs = append(loginArgs, ia.localUser)
if !ia.isShell && ia.cmdName != "" {
// We only execute the requested command if we're not requesting a
// shell. When requesting a shell, the command is the requested shell,
// which is redundant because `su -l` will give the user their default
// shell.
loginArgs = append(loginArgs, "--command", ia.cmdName)
loginArgs = append(loginArgs, ia.cmdArgs...)
logf("logging in with %s %+v", su, loginArgs)
return true, unix.Exec(su, loginArgs, ia.env)
// handleFTP serves FTP connections.
func handleFTP(logf logger.Logf) error {
logf("handling sftp")
server, err := sftp.NewServer(stdRWC{})
if err != nil {
return err
// TODO(https://github.com/pkg/sftp/pull/554): Revert the check for io.EOF,
// when sftp is patched to report clean termination.
if err := server.Serve(); err != nil && err != io.EOF {
return err
return nil
// handleDropPrivileges is a last resort if we couldn't use login or su.
// It registers a new session with the OS, sets its UID, GID and groups
// to the specified values, and then launches the requested `--cmd`.
func handleDropPrivileges(logf logger.Logf, ia incubatorArgs) error {
var groupIDs []int
for _, g := range strings.Split(ia.groups, ",") {
gid, err := strconv.ParseInt(g, 10, 32)
if err != nil {
return err
groupIDs = append(groupIDs, int(gid))
if err := dropPrivileges(logf, ia.uid, ia.gid, groupIDs); err != nil {
return err
ssh/tailssh: fix privilege dropping on FreeBSD; add tests On FreeBSD and Darwin, changing a process's supplementary groups with setgroups(2) will also change the egid of the process, setting it to the first entry in the provided list. This is distinct from the behaviour on other platforms (and possibly a violation of the POSIX standard). Because of this, on FreeBSD with no TTY, our incubator code would previously not change the process's gid, because it would read the newly-changed egid, compare it against the expected egid, and since they matched, not change the gid. Because we didn't use the 'login' program on FreeBSD without a TTY, this would propagate to a child process. This could be observed by running "id -p" in two contexts. The expected output, and the output returned when running from a SSH shell, is: andrew@freebsd:~ $ id -p uid andrew groups andrew However, when run via "ssh andrew@freebsd id -p", the output would be: $ ssh andrew@freebsd id -p login root uid andrew rgid wheel groups andrew (this could also be observed via "id -g -r" to print just the gid) We fix this by pulling the details of privilege dropping out into their own function and prepending the expected gid to the start of the list on Darwin and FreeBSD. Finally, we add some tests that run a child process, drop privileges, and assert that the final UID/GID/additional groups are what we expect. More information can be found in the following article: https://www.usenix.org/system/files/login/articles/325-tsafrir.pdf Updates #7616 Alternative to #7609 Signed-off-by: Andrew Dunham <andrew@du.nham.ca> Change-Id: I0e6513c31b121108b50fe561c89e5816d84a45b9
2023-03-20 13:37:28 -04:00
logf("running %s %+v", ia.cmdName, ia.cmdArgs)
cmd := exec.Command(ia.cmdName, ia.cmdArgs...)
cmd.Stdin = ia.stdin
cmd.Stdout = ia.stdout
cmd.Stderr = ia.stderr
cmd.Env = ia.env
if ia.hasTTY {
// If we were launched with a tty then we should
// mark that as the ctty of the child. However,
// as the ctty is being passed from the parent
// we set the child to foreground instead which
// also passes the ctty.
// However, we can not do this if never had a tty to
// begin with.
cmd.SysProcAttr = &syscall.SysProcAttr{
Foreground: true,
err := cmd.Run()
if ee, ok := err.(*exec.ExitError); ok {
ps := ee.ProcessState
code := ps.ExitCode()
if code < 0 {
// TODO(bradfitz): do we need to also check the syscall.WaitStatus
// and make our process look like it also died by signal/same signal
// as our child process? For now we just do the exit code.
fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "[tailscale-ssh: process died: %v]\n", ps.String())
code = 1 // for now. so we don't exit with negative
return err
const (
// This controls whether we assert that our privileges were dropped
// using geteuid/getegid; it's a const and not an envknob because the
// incubator doesn't see the parent's environment.
// TODO(andrew): remove this const and always do this after sufficient
// testing, e.g. the 1.40 release
assertPrivilegesWereDropped = true
// TODO(andrew-d): verify that this works in more configurations before
// enabling by default.
assertPrivilegesWereDroppedByAttemptingToUnDrop = false
ssh/tailssh: fix privilege dropping on FreeBSD; add tests On FreeBSD and Darwin, changing a process's supplementary groups with setgroups(2) will also change the egid of the process, setting it to the first entry in the provided list. This is distinct from the behaviour on other platforms (and possibly a violation of the POSIX standard). Because of this, on FreeBSD with no TTY, our incubator code would previously not change the process's gid, because it would read the newly-changed egid, compare it against the expected egid, and since they matched, not change the gid. Because we didn't use the 'login' program on FreeBSD without a TTY, this would propagate to a child process. This could be observed by running "id -p" in two contexts. The expected output, and the output returned when running from a SSH shell, is: andrew@freebsd:~ $ id -p uid andrew groups andrew However, when run via "ssh andrew@freebsd id -p", the output would be: $ ssh andrew@freebsd id -p login root uid andrew rgid wheel groups andrew (this could also be observed via "id -g -r" to print just the gid) We fix this by pulling the details of privilege dropping out into their own function and prepending the expected gid to the start of the list on Darwin and FreeBSD. Finally, we add some tests that run a child process, drop privileges, and assert that the final UID/GID/additional groups are what we expect. More information can be found in the following article: https://www.usenix.org/system/files/login/articles/325-tsafrir.pdf Updates #7616 Alternative to #7609 Signed-off-by: Andrew Dunham <andrew@du.nham.ca> Change-Id: I0e6513c31b121108b50fe561c89e5816d84a45b9
2023-03-20 13:37:28 -04:00
// dropPrivileges contains all the logic for dropping privileges to a different
// UID, GID, and set of supplementary groups. This function is
// security-sensitive and ordering-dependent; please be very cautious if/when
// refactoring.
// WARNING: if you change this function, you *MUST* run the TestDropPrivileges
// test in this package as root on at least Linux, FreeBSD and Darwin. This can
// be done by running:
// go test -c ./ssh/tailssh/ && sudo ./tailssh.test -test.v -test.run TestDropPrivileges
func dropPrivileges(logf logger.Logf, wantUid, wantGid int, supplementaryGroups []int) error {
fatalf := func(format string, args ...any) {
logf("[unexpected] error dropping privileges: "+format, args...)
ssh/tailssh: fix privilege dropping on FreeBSD; add tests On FreeBSD and Darwin, changing a process's supplementary groups with setgroups(2) will also change the egid of the process, setting it to the first entry in the provided list. This is distinct from the behaviour on other platforms (and possibly a violation of the POSIX standard). Because of this, on FreeBSD with no TTY, our incubator code would previously not change the process's gid, because it would read the newly-changed egid, compare it against the expected egid, and since they matched, not change the gid. Because we didn't use the 'login' program on FreeBSD without a TTY, this would propagate to a child process. This could be observed by running "id -p" in two contexts. The expected output, and the output returned when running from a SSH shell, is: andrew@freebsd:~ $ id -p uid andrew groups andrew However, when run via "ssh andrew@freebsd id -p", the output would be: $ ssh andrew@freebsd id -p login root uid andrew rgid wheel groups andrew (this could also be observed via "id -g -r" to print just the gid) We fix this by pulling the details of privilege dropping out into their own function and prepending the expected gid to the start of the list on Darwin and FreeBSD. Finally, we add some tests that run a child process, drop privileges, and assert that the final UID/GID/additional groups are what we expect. More information can be found in the following article: https://www.usenix.org/system/files/login/articles/325-tsafrir.pdf Updates #7616 Alternative to #7609 Signed-off-by: Andrew Dunham <andrew@du.nham.ca> Change-Id: I0e6513c31b121108b50fe561c89e5816d84a45b9
2023-03-20 13:37:28 -04:00
euid := os.Geteuid()
egid := os.Getegid()
if runtime.GOOS == "darwin" || runtime.GOOS == "freebsd" {
// On FreeBSD and Darwin, the first entry returned from the
// getgroups(2) syscall is the egid, and changing it with
// setgroups(2) changes the egid of the process. This is
// technically a violation of the POSIX standard; see the
// following article for more detail:
// https://www.usenix.org/system/files/login/articles/325-tsafrir.pdf
// In this case, we add an entry at the beginning of the
// groupIDs list containing the expected gid if it's not
// already there, which modifies the egid and additional groups
// as one unit.
if len(supplementaryGroups) == 0 || supplementaryGroups[0] != wantGid {
supplementaryGroups = append([]int{wantGid}, supplementaryGroups...)
if err := setGroups(supplementaryGroups); err != nil {
return err
if egid != wantGid {
// On FreeBSD and Darwin, we may have already called the
// equivalent of setegid(wantGid) via the call to setGroups,
// above. However, per the manpage, setgid(getegid()) is an
// allowed operation regardless of privilege level.
// FreeBSD:
// The setgid() system call is permitted if the specified ID
// is equal to the real group ID or the effective group ID
// of the process, or if the effective user ID is that of
// the super user.
// Darwin:
// The setgid() function is permitted if the effective
// user ID is that of the super user, or if the specified
// group ID is the same as the effective group ID. If
// not, but the specified group ID is the same as the real
// group ID, setgid() will set the effective group ID to
// the real group ID.
if err := syscall.Setgid(wantGid); err != nil {
fatalf("Setgid(%d): %v", wantGid, err)
if euid != wantUid {
// Switch users if required before starting the desired process.
if err := syscall.Setuid(wantUid); err != nil {
fatalf("Setuid(%d): %v", wantUid, err)
// If we changed either the UID or GID, defensively assert that we
// cannot reset the it back to our original values, and that the
// current egid/euid are the expected values after we change
// everything; if not, we exit the process.
if assertPrivilegesWereDroppedByAttemptingToUnDrop {
ssh/tailssh: fix privilege dropping on FreeBSD; add tests On FreeBSD and Darwin, changing a process's supplementary groups with setgroups(2) will also change the egid of the process, setting it to the first entry in the provided list. This is distinct from the behaviour on other platforms (and possibly a violation of the POSIX standard). Because of this, on FreeBSD with no TTY, our incubator code would previously not change the process's gid, because it would read the newly-changed egid, compare it against the expected egid, and since they matched, not change the gid. Because we didn't use the 'login' program on FreeBSD without a TTY, this would propagate to a child process. This could be observed by running "id -p" in two contexts. The expected output, and the output returned when running from a SSH shell, is: andrew@freebsd:~ $ id -p uid andrew groups andrew However, when run via "ssh andrew@freebsd id -p", the output would be: $ ssh andrew@freebsd id -p login root uid andrew rgid wheel groups andrew (this could also be observed via "id -g -r" to print just the gid) We fix this by pulling the details of privilege dropping out into their own function and prepending the expected gid to the start of the list on Darwin and FreeBSD. Finally, we add some tests that run a child process, drop privileges, and assert that the final UID/GID/additional groups are what we expect. More information can be found in the following article: https://www.usenix.org/system/files/login/articles/325-tsafrir.pdf Updates #7616 Alternative to #7609 Signed-off-by: Andrew Dunham <andrew@du.nham.ca> Change-Id: I0e6513c31b121108b50fe561c89e5816d84a45b9
2023-03-20 13:37:28 -04:00
if egid != wantGid {
if err := syscall.Setegid(egid); err == nil {
fatalf("able to set egid back to %d", egid)
ssh/tailssh: fix privilege dropping on FreeBSD; add tests On FreeBSD and Darwin, changing a process's supplementary groups with setgroups(2) will also change the egid of the process, setting it to the first entry in the provided list. This is distinct from the behaviour on other platforms (and possibly a violation of the POSIX standard). Because of this, on FreeBSD with no TTY, our incubator code would previously not change the process's gid, because it would read the newly-changed egid, compare it against the expected egid, and since they matched, not change the gid. Because we didn't use the 'login' program on FreeBSD without a TTY, this would propagate to a child process. This could be observed by running "id -p" in two contexts. The expected output, and the output returned when running from a SSH shell, is: andrew@freebsd:~ $ id -p uid andrew groups andrew However, when run via "ssh andrew@freebsd id -p", the output would be: $ ssh andrew@freebsd id -p login root uid andrew rgid wheel groups andrew (this could also be observed via "id -g -r" to print just the gid) We fix this by pulling the details of privilege dropping out into their own function and prepending the expected gid to the start of the list on Darwin and FreeBSD. Finally, we add some tests that run a child process, drop privileges, and assert that the final UID/GID/additional groups are what we expect. More information can be found in the following article: https://www.usenix.org/system/files/login/articles/325-tsafrir.pdf Updates #7616 Alternative to #7609 Signed-off-by: Andrew Dunham <andrew@du.nham.ca> Change-Id: I0e6513c31b121108b50fe561c89e5816d84a45b9
2023-03-20 13:37:28 -04:00
if euid != wantUid {
if err := syscall.Seteuid(euid); err == nil {
fatalf("able to set euid back to %d", euid)
ssh/tailssh: fix privilege dropping on FreeBSD; add tests On FreeBSD and Darwin, changing a process's supplementary groups with setgroups(2) will also change the egid of the process, setting it to the first entry in the provided list. This is distinct from the behaviour on other platforms (and possibly a violation of the POSIX standard). Because of this, on FreeBSD with no TTY, our incubator code would previously not change the process's gid, because it would read the newly-changed egid, compare it against the expected egid, and since they matched, not change the gid. Because we didn't use the 'login' program on FreeBSD without a TTY, this would propagate to a child process. This could be observed by running "id -p" in two contexts. The expected output, and the output returned when running from a SSH shell, is: andrew@freebsd:~ $ id -p uid andrew groups andrew However, when run via "ssh andrew@freebsd id -p", the output would be: $ ssh andrew@freebsd id -p login root uid andrew rgid wheel groups andrew (this could also be observed via "id -g -r" to print just the gid) We fix this by pulling the details of privilege dropping out into their own function and prepending the expected gid to the start of the list on Darwin and FreeBSD. Finally, we add some tests that run a child process, drop privileges, and assert that the final UID/GID/additional groups are what we expect. More information can be found in the following article: https://www.usenix.org/system/files/login/articles/325-tsafrir.pdf Updates #7616 Alternative to #7609 Signed-off-by: Andrew Dunham <andrew@du.nham.ca> Change-Id: I0e6513c31b121108b50fe561c89e5816d84a45b9
2023-03-20 13:37:28 -04:00
if assertPrivilegesWereDropped {
ssh/tailssh: fix privilege dropping on FreeBSD; add tests On FreeBSD and Darwin, changing a process's supplementary groups with setgroups(2) will also change the egid of the process, setting it to the first entry in the provided list. This is distinct from the behaviour on other platforms (and possibly a violation of the POSIX standard). Because of this, on FreeBSD with no TTY, our incubator code would previously not change the process's gid, because it would read the newly-changed egid, compare it against the expected egid, and since they matched, not change the gid. Because we didn't use the 'login' program on FreeBSD without a TTY, this would propagate to a child process. This could be observed by running "id -p" in two contexts. The expected output, and the output returned when running from a SSH shell, is: andrew@freebsd:~ $ id -p uid andrew groups andrew However, when run via "ssh andrew@freebsd id -p", the output would be: $ ssh andrew@freebsd id -p login root uid andrew rgid wheel groups andrew (this could also be observed via "id -g -r" to print just the gid) We fix this by pulling the details of privilege dropping out into their own function and prepending the expected gid to the start of the list on Darwin and FreeBSD. Finally, we add some tests that run a child process, drop privileges, and assert that the final UID/GID/additional groups are what we expect. More information can be found in the following article: https://www.usenix.org/system/files/login/articles/325-tsafrir.pdf Updates #7616 Alternative to #7609 Signed-off-by: Andrew Dunham <andrew@du.nham.ca> Change-Id: I0e6513c31b121108b50fe561c89e5816d84a45b9
2023-03-20 13:37:28 -04:00
if got := os.Getegid(); got != wantGid {
fatalf("got egid=%d, want %d", got, wantGid)
if got := os.Geteuid(); got != wantUid {
fatalf("got euid=%d, want %d", got, wantUid)
// TODO(andrew-d): assert that our supplementary groups are correct
return nil
// launchProcess launches an incubator process for the provided session.
// It is responsible for configuring the process execution environment.
// The caller can wait for the process to exit by calling cmd.Wait().
// It sets ss.cmd, stdin, stdout, and stderr.
func (ss *sshSession) launchProcess() error {
ss.cmd = ss.newIncubatorCommand()
cmd := ss.cmd
homeDir := ss.conn.localUser.HomeDir
if _, err := os.Stat(homeDir); err == nil {
cmd.Dir = homeDir
} else if os.IsNotExist(err) {
// If the home directory doesn't exist, we can't chdir to it.
// Instead, we'll chdir to the root directory.
cmd.Dir = "/"
} else {
return err
cmd.Env = envForUser(ss.conn.localUser)
for _, kv := range ss.Environ() {
if acceptEnvPair(kv) {
cmd.Env = append(cmd.Env, kv)
ci := ss.conn.info
cmd.Env = append(cmd.Env,
fmt.Sprintf("SSH_CLIENT=%s %d %d", ci.src.Addr(), ci.src.Port(), ci.dst.Port()),
fmt.Sprintf("SSH_CONNECTION=%s %d %s %d", ci.src.Addr(), ci.src.Port(), ci.dst.Addr(), ci.dst.Port()),
if ss.agentListener != nil {
cmd.Env = append(cmd.Env, fmt.Sprintf("SSH_AUTH_SOCK=%s", ss.agentListener.Addr()))
ptyReq, winCh, isPty := ss.Pty()
if !isPty {
ss.logf("starting non-pty command: %+v", cmd.Args)
return ss.startWithStdPipes()
if sshDisablePTY() {
ss.logf("pty support disabled by envknob")
return errors.New("pty support disabled by envknob")
ss.ptyReq = &ptyReq
pty, tty, err := ss.startWithPTY()
if err != nil {
return err
// We need to be able to close stdin and stdout separately later so make a
// dup.
ptyDup, err := syscall.Dup(int(pty.Fd()))
if err != nil {
return err
go resizeWindow(ptyDup /* arbitrary fd */, winCh)
ss.wrStdin = pty
ss.rdStdout = os.NewFile(uintptr(ptyDup), pty.Name())
ss.rdStderr = nil // not available for pty
ss.childPipes = []io.Closer{tty}
return nil
func resizeWindow(fd int, winCh <-chan ssh.Window) {
for win := range winCh {
unix.IoctlSetWinsize(fd, syscall.TIOCSWINSZ, &unix.Winsize{
Row: uint16(win.Height),
Col: uint16(win.Width),
// opcodeShortName is a mapping of SSH opcode
// to mnemonic names expected by the termios package.
// These are meant to be platform independent.
var opcodeShortName = map[uint8]string{
gossh.VINTR: "intr",
gossh.VQUIT: "quit",
gossh.VERASE: "erase",
gossh.VKILL: "kill",
gossh.VEOF: "eof",
gossh.VEOL: "eol",
gossh.VEOL2: "eol2",
gossh.VSTART: "start",
gossh.VSTOP: "stop",
gossh.VSUSP: "susp",
gossh.VDSUSP: "dsusp",
gossh.VREPRINT: "rprnt",
gossh.VWERASE: "werase",
gossh.VLNEXT: "lnext",
gossh.VFLUSH: "flush",
gossh.VSWTCH: "swtch",
gossh.VSTATUS: "status",
gossh.VDISCARD: "discard",
gossh.IGNPAR: "ignpar",
gossh.PARMRK: "parmrk",
gossh.INPCK: "inpck",
gossh.ISTRIP: "istrip",
gossh.INLCR: "inlcr",
gossh.IGNCR: "igncr",
gossh.ICRNL: "icrnl",
gossh.IUCLC: "iuclc",
gossh.IXON: "ixon",
gossh.IXANY: "ixany",
gossh.IXOFF: "ixoff",
gossh.IMAXBEL: "imaxbel",
gossh.IUTF8: "iutf8",
gossh.ISIG: "isig",
gossh.ICANON: "icanon",
gossh.XCASE: "xcase",
gossh.ECHO: "echo",
gossh.ECHOE: "echoe",
gossh.ECHOK: "echok",
gossh.ECHONL: "echonl",
gossh.NOFLSH: "noflsh",
gossh.TOSTOP: "tostop",
gossh.IEXTEN: "iexten",
gossh.ECHOCTL: "echoctl",
gossh.ECHOKE: "echoke",
gossh.PENDIN: "pendin",
gossh.OPOST: "opost",
gossh.OLCUC: "olcuc",
gossh.ONLCR: "onlcr",
gossh.OCRNL: "ocrnl",
gossh.ONOCR: "onocr",
gossh.ONLRET: "onlret",
gossh.CS7: "cs7",
gossh.CS8: "cs8",
gossh.PARENB: "parenb",
gossh.PARODD: "parodd",
gossh.TTY_OP_ISPEED: "tty_op_ispeed",
gossh.TTY_OP_OSPEED: "tty_op_ospeed",
// startWithPTY starts cmd with a pseudo-terminal attached to Stdin, Stdout and Stderr.
func (ss *sshSession) startWithPTY() (ptyFile, tty *os.File, err error) {
ptyReq := ss.ptyReq
cmd := ss.cmd
if cmd == nil {
return nil, nil, errors.New("nil ss.cmd")
if ptyReq == nil {
return nil, nil, errors.New("nil ss.ptyReq")
ptyFile, tty, err = pty.Open()
if err != nil {
err = fmt.Errorf("pty.Open: %w", err)
defer func() {
if err != nil {
ptyRawConn, err := tty.SyscallConn()
if err != nil {
return nil, nil, fmt.Errorf("SyscallConn: %w", err)
var ctlErr error
if err := ptyRawConn.Control(func(fd uintptr) {
// Load existing PTY settings to modify them & save them back.
tios, err := termios.GTTY(int(fd))
if err != nil {
ctlErr = fmt.Errorf("GTTY: %w", err)
// Set the rows & cols to those advertised from the ptyReq frame
// received over SSH.
tios.Row = int(ptyReq.Window.Height)
tios.Col = int(ptyReq.Window.Width)
for c, v := range ptyReq.Modes {
if c == gossh.TTY_OP_ISPEED {
tios.Ispeed = int(v)
if c == gossh.TTY_OP_OSPEED {
tios.Ospeed = int(v)
k, ok := opcodeShortName[c]
if !ok {
ss.vlogf("unknown opcode: %d", c)
if _, ok := tios.CC[k]; ok {
tios.CC[k] = uint8(v)
if _, ok := tios.Opts[k]; ok {
tios.Opts[k] = v > 0
ss.vlogf("unsupported opcode: %v(%d)=%v", k, c, v)
// Save PTY settings.
if _, err := tios.STTY(int(fd)); err != nil {
ctlErr = fmt.Errorf("STTY: %w", err)
}); err != nil {
return nil, nil, fmt.Errorf("ptyRawConn.Control: %w", err)
if ctlErr != nil {
return nil, nil, fmt.Errorf("ptyRawConn.Control func: %w", ctlErr)
cmd.SysProcAttr = &syscall.SysProcAttr{
Setctty: true,
Setsid: true,
updateStringInSlice(cmd.Args, "--has-tty=false", "--has-tty=true")
if ptyName, err := ptyName(ptyFile); err == nil {
updateStringInSlice(cmd.Args, "--tty-name=", "--tty-name="+ptyName)
fullPath := filepath.Join("/dev", ptyName)
cmd.Env = append(cmd.Env, fmt.Sprintf("SSH_TTY=%s", fullPath))
if ptyReq.Term != "" {
cmd.Env = append(cmd.Env, fmt.Sprintf("TERM=%s", ptyReq.Term))
cmd.Stdin = tty
cmd.Stdout = tty
cmd.Stderr = tty
ss.logf("starting pty command: %+v", cmd.Args)
if err = cmd.Start(); err != nil {
return ptyFile, tty, nil
// startWithStdPipes starts cmd with os.Pipe for Stdin, Stdout and Stderr.
func (ss *sshSession) startWithStdPipes() (err error) {
var rdStdin, wrStdout, wrStderr io.ReadWriteCloser
defer func() {
if err != nil {
closeAll(rdStdin, ss.wrStdin, ss.rdStdout, wrStdout, ss.rdStderr, wrStderr)
if ss.cmd == nil {
return errors.New("nil cmd")
if rdStdin, ss.wrStdin, err = os.Pipe(); err != nil {
return err
if ss.rdStdout, wrStdout, err = os.Pipe(); err != nil {
return err
if ss.rdStderr, wrStderr, err = os.Pipe(); err != nil {
return err
ss.cmd.Stdin = rdStdin
ss.cmd.Stdout = wrStdout
ss.cmd.Stderr = wrStderr
ss.childPipes = []io.Closer{rdStdin, wrStdout, wrStderr}
return ss.cmd.Start()
func envForUser(u *userMeta) []string {
return []string{
fmt.Sprintf("SHELL=" + u.LoginShell()),
fmt.Sprintf("USER=" + u.Username),
fmt.Sprintf("HOME=" + u.HomeDir),
fmt.Sprintf("PATH=" + defaultPathForUser(&u.User)),
// updateStringInSlice mutates ss to change the first occurrence of a
// to b.
func updateStringInSlice(ss []string, a, b string) {
for i, s := range ss {
if s == a {
ss[i] = b
// acceptEnvPair reports whether the environment variable key=value pair
// should be accepted from the client. It uses the same default as OpenSSH
// AcceptEnv.
func acceptEnvPair(kv string) bool {
k, _, ok := strings.Cut(kv, "=")
if !ok {
return false
return k == "TERM" || k == "LANG" || strings.HasPrefix(k, "LC_")
func fileExists(path string) bool {
_, err := os.Stat(path)
return err == nil
// loginArgs returns the arguments to use to exec the login binary.
func (ia *incubatorArgs) loginArgs(loginCmdPath string) []string {
switch runtime.GOOS {
case "darwin":
args := []string{
"-f", // already authenticated
// login typically discards the previous environment, but we want to
// preserve any environment variables that we currently have.
"-h", ia.remoteIP, // -h is "remote host"
if !ia.hasTTY {
args[2] = "-pq" // -q is "quiet" which suppresses the login banner
if ia.cmdName != "" {
args = append(args, ia.cmdName)
args = append(args, ia.cmdArgs...)
return args
case "linux":
if distro.Get() == distro.Arch && !fileExists("/etc/pam.d/remote") {
// See https://github.com/tailscale/tailscale/issues/4924
// Arch uses a different login binary that makes the -h flag set the PAM
// service to "remote". So if they don't have that configured, don't
// pass -h.
return []string{loginCmdPath, "-f", ia.localUser, "-p"}
return []string{loginCmdPath, "-f", ia.localUser, "-h", ia.remoteIP, "-p"}
case "freebsd", "openbsd":
return []string{loginCmdPath, "-fp", "-h", ia.remoteIP, ia.localUser}
func setGroups(groupIDs []int) error {
if runtime.GOOS == "darwin" && len(groupIDs) > 16 {
// darwin returns "invalid argument" if more than 16 groups are passed to syscall.Setgroups
// some info can be found here:
// https://opensource.apple.com/source/samba/samba-187.8/patches/support-darwin-initgroups-syscall.auto.html
// this fix isn't great, as anyone reading this has probably just wasted hours figuring out why
// some permissions thing isn't working, due to some arbitrary group ordering, but it at least allows
// this to work for more things than it previously did.
groupIDs = groupIDs[:16]
err := syscall.Setgroups(groupIDs)
if err != nil && os.Geteuid() != 0 && groupsMatchCurrent(groupIDs) {
// If we're not root, ignore a Setgroups failure if all groups are the same.
return nil
return err
func groupsMatchCurrent(groupIDs []int) bool {
existing, err := syscall.Getgroups()
if err != nil {
return false
if len(existing) != len(groupIDs) {
return false
groupIDs = slices.Clone(groupIDs)
return slices.Equal(groupIDs, existing)