mirror of
synced 2025-03-24 02:01:01 +00:00
cmd/tailscale, ipn/ipnlocal: add suggest exit node CLI option (#11407)
Updates tailscale/corp#17516 Signed-off-by: Claire Wang <claire@tailscale.com>
This commit is contained in:
@ -49,3 +49,11 @@ type ReloadConfigResponse struct {
Reloaded bool // whether the config was reloaded
Err string // any error message
// ExitNodeSuggestionResponse is the response to a LocalAPI suggest-exit-node GET request.
// It returns the StableNodeID, name, and location of a suggested exit node for the client making the request.
type ExitNodeSuggestionResponse struct {
ID tailcfg.StableNodeID
Name string
Location tailcfg.LocationView `json:",omitempty"`
@ -1514,3 +1514,12 @@ func (w *IPNBusWatcher) Next() (ipn.Notify, error) {
return n, nil
// SuggestExitNode requests an exit node suggestion and returns the exit node's details.
func (lc *LocalClient) SuggestExitNode(ctx context.Context) (apitype.ExitNodeSuggestionResponse, error) {
body, err := lc.get200(ctx, "/localapi/v0/suggest-exit-node")
if err != nil {
return apitype.ExitNodeSuggestionResponse{}, err
return decodeJSON[apitype.ExitNodeSuggestionResponse](body)
@ -40,6 +40,12 @@ func exitNodeCmd() *ffcli.Command {
fs.StringVar(&exitNodeArgs.filter, "filter", "", "filter exit nodes by country")
return fs
Name: "suggest",
ShortUsage: "tailscale exit-node suggest",
ShortHelp: "Suggests the best available exit node",
Exec: runExitNodeSuggest,
(func() []*ffcli.Command {
if !envknob.UseWIPCode() {
@ -134,11 +140,37 @@ func runExitNodeList(ctx context.Context, args []string) error {
fmt.Fprintln(w, "# To use an exit node, use `tailscale set --exit-node=` followed by the hostname or IP")
fmt.Fprintln(w, "# To use an exit node, use `tailscale set --exit-node=` followed by the hostname or IP.")
if hasAnyExitNodeSuggestions(peers) {
fmt.Fprintln(w, "# To have Tailscale suggest an exit node, use `tailscale exit-node suggest`.")
return nil
// runExitNodeSuggest returns a suggested exit node ID to connect to and shows the chosen exit node tailcfg.StableNodeID.
// If there are no derp based exit nodes to choose from or there is a failure in finding a suggestion, the command will return an error indicating so.
func runExitNodeSuggest(ctx context.Context, args []string) error {
res, err := localClient.SuggestExitNode(ctx)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("suggest exit node: %w", err)
if res.ID == "" {
fmt.Println("No exit node suggestion is available.")
return nil
fmt.Printf("Suggested exit node: %v\nTo accept this suggestion, use `tailscale set --exit-node=%v`.\n", res.Name, res.ID)
return nil
func hasAnyExitNodeSuggestions(peers []*ipnstate.PeerStatus) bool {
for _, peer := range peers {
if peer.HasCap(tailcfg.NodeAttrSuggestExitNode) {
return true
return false
// peerStatus returns a string representing the current state of
// a peer. If there is no notable state, a - is returned.
func peerStatus(peer *ipnstate.PeerStatus) string {
@ -297,7 +297,7 @@ tailscale.com/cmd/tailscaled dependencies: (generated by github.com/tailscale/de
tailscale.com/net/flowtrack from tailscale.com/net/packet+
💣 tailscale.com/net/interfaces from tailscale.com/cmd/tailscaled+
tailscale.com/net/netaddr from tailscale.com/ipn+
tailscale.com/net/netcheck from tailscale.com/wgengine/magicsock
tailscale.com/net/netcheck from tailscale.com/wgengine/magicsock+
tailscale.com/net/neterror from tailscale.com/net/dns/resolver+
tailscale.com/net/netkernelconf from tailscale.com/ipn/ipnlocal
tailscale.com/net/netknob from tailscale.com/logpolicy+
@ -14,6 +14,7 @@ import (
@ -59,6 +60,7 @@ import (
@ -6295,3 +6297,217 @@ func mayDeref[T any](p *T) (v T) {
return *p
var ErrNoPreferredDERP = errors.New("no preferred DERP, try again later")
// SuggestExitNode computes a suggestion based on the current netmap and last netcheck report. If
// there are multiple equally good options, one is selected at random, so the result is not stable. To be
// eligible for consideration, the peer must have NodeAttrSuggestExitNode in its CapMap.
// Currently, peers with a DERP home are preferred over those without (typically this means Mullvad).
// Peers are selected based on having a DERP home that is the lowest latency to this device. For peers
// without a DERP home, we look for geographic proximity to this device's DERP home.
func (b *LocalBackend) SuggestExitNode() (response apitype.ExitNodeSuggestionResponse, err error) {
lastReport := b.MagicConn().GetLastNetcheckReport(b.ctx)
netMap := b.netMap
seed := time.Now().UnixNano()
r := rand.New(rand.NewSource(seed))
return suggestExitNode(lastReport, netMap, r)
func suggestExitNode(report *netcheck.Report, netMap *netmap.NetworkMap, r *rand.Rand) (res apitype.ExitNodeSuggestionResponse, err error) {
if report.PreferredDERP == 0 {
return res, ErrNoPreferredDERP
candidates := make([]tailcfg.NodeView, 0, len(netMap.Peers))
for _, peer := range netMap.Peers {
if peer.CapMap().Has(tailcfg.NodeAttrSuggestExitNode) && tsaddr.ContainsExitRoutes(peer.AllowedIPs()) {
candidates = append(candidates, peer)
if len(candidates) == 0 {
return res, nil
if len(candidates) == 1 {
peer := candidates[0]
if hi := peer.Hostinfo(); hi.Valid() {
if loc := hi.Location(); loc != nil {
res.Location = loc.View()
res.ID = peer.StableID()
res.Name = peer.Name()
return res, nil
candidatesByRegion := make(map[int][]tailcfg.NodeView, len(netMap.DERPMap.Regions))
var preferredDERP *tailcfg.DERPRegion = netMap.DERPMap.Regions[report.PreferredDERP]
var minDistance float64 = math.MaxFloat64
type nodeDistance struct {
nv tailcfg.NodeView
distance float64 // in meters, approximately
distances := make([]nodeDistance, 0, len(candidates))
for _, c := range candidates {
if !c.Valid() {
if c.DERP() != "" {
ipp, err := netip.ParseAddrPort(c.DERP())
if err != nil {
if ipp.Addr() != tailcfg.DerpMagicIPAddr {
regionID := int(ipp.Port())
candidatesByRegion[regionID] = append(candidatesByRegion[regionID], c)
if len(candidatesByRegion) > 0 {
// Since a candidate exists that does have a DERP home, skip this candidate. We never select
// a candidate without a DERP home if there is a candidate available with a DERP home.
// This candidate does not have a DERP home.
// Use geographic distance from our DERP home to estimate how good this candidate is.
hi := c.Hostinfo()
if !hi.Valid() {
loc := hi.Location()
if loc == nil {
distance := longLatDistance(preferredDERP.Latitude, preferredDERP.Longitude, loc.Latitude, loc.Longitude)
if distance < minDistance {
minDistance = distance
distances = append(distances, nodeDistance{nv: c, distance: distance})
// First, try to select an exit node that has the closest DERP home, based on lastReport's DERP latency.
// If there are no latency values, it returns an arbitrary region
if len(candidatesByRegion) > 0 {
minRegion := minLatencyDERPRegion(xmaps.Keys(candidatesByRegion), report)
if minRegion == 0 {
minRegion = randomRegion(xmaps.Keys(candidatesByRegion), r)
regionCandidates, ok := candidatesByRegion[minRegion]
if !ok {
return res, errors.New("no candidates in expected region: this is a bug")
chosen := randomNode(regionCandidates, r)
res.ID = chosen.StableID()
res.Name = chosen.Name()
if hi := chosen.Hostinfo(); hi.Valid() {
if loc := hi.Location(); loc != nil {
res.Location = loc.View()
return res, nil
// None of the candidates have a DERP home, so proceed to select based on geographical distance from our preferred DERP region.
// allowanceMeters is the extra distance that will be permitted when considering peers. By this point, there
// are multiple approximations taking place (DERP location standing in for this device's location, the peer's
// location may only be city granularity, the distance algorithm assumes a spherical planet, etc.) so it is
// reasonable to consider peers that are similar distances. Those peers are good enough to be within
// measurement error. 100km corresponds to approximately 1ms of additional round trip light
// propagation delay in a fiber optic cable and seems like a reasonable heuristic. It may be adjusted in
// future.
const allowanceMeters = 100000
pickFrom := make([]tailcfg.NodeView, 0, len(distances))
for _, candidate := range distances {
if candidate.nv.Valid() && candidate.distance <= minDistance+allowanceMeters {
pickFrom = append(pickFrom, candidate.nv)
chosen := pickWeighted(pickFrom)
if !chosen.Valid() {
return res, errors.New("chosen candidate invalid: this is a bug")
res.ID = chosen.StableID()
res.Name = chosen.Name()
if hi := chosen.Hostinfo(); hi.Valid() {
if loc := hi.Location(); loc != nil {
res.Location = loc.View()
return res, nil
// pickWeighted chooses the node with highest priority given a list of mullvad nodes.
func pickWeighted(candidates []tailcfg.NodeView) tailcfg.NodeView {
maxWeight := 0
var best tailcfg.NodeView
for _, c := range candidates {
hi := c.Hostinfo()
if !hi.Valid() {
loc := hi.Location()
if loc == nil || loc.Priority <= maxWeight {
maxWeight = loc.Priority
best = c
return best
// randomNode chooses a node randomly given a list of nodes and a *rand.Rand.
func randomNode(nodes []tailcfg.NodeView, r *rand.Rand) tailcfg.NodeView {
return nodes[r.Intn(len(nodes))]
// randomRegion chooses a region randomly given a list of ints and a *rand.Rand
func randomRegion(regions []int, r *rand.Rand) int {
if testenv.InTest() {
regions = slices.Clone(regions)
return regions[r.Intn(len(regions))]
// minLatencyDERPRegion returns the region with the lowest latency value given the last netcheck report.
// If there are no latency values, it returns 0.
func minLatencyDERPRegion(regions []int, report *netcheck.Report) int {
min := slices.MinFunc(regions, func(i, j int) int {
const largeDuration time.Duration = math.MaxInt64
iLatency, ok := report.RegionLatency[i]
if !ok {
iLatency = largeDuration
jLatency, ok := report.RegionLatency[j]
if !ok {
jLatency = largeDuration
if c := cmp.Compare(iLatency, jLatency); c != 0 {
return c
return cmp.Compare(i, j)
latency, ok := report.RegionLatency[min]
if !ok || latency == 0 {
return 0
} else {
return min
// longLatDistance returns an estimated distance given the geographic coordinates of two locations, in degrees.
// The coordinates are separated into four separate float64 values.
// Value is returned in meters.
func longLatDistance(fromLat, fromLong, toLat, toLong float64) float64 {
const toRadians = math.Pi / 180
diffLat := (fromLat - toLat) * toRadians
diffLong := (fromLong - toLong) * toRadians
lat1 := fromLat * toRadians
lat2 := toLat * toRadians
a := math.Pow(math.Sin(diffLat/2), 2) + math.Cos(lat1)*math.Cos(lat2)*math.Pow(math.Sin(diffLong/2), 2)
const earthRadiusMeters = 6371000
c := 2 * math.Atan2(math.Sqrt(a), math.Sqrt(1-a))
return earthRadiusMeters * c
@ -8,6 +8,8 @@ import (
@ -29,6 +31,7 @@ import (
@ -2634,3 +2637,734 @@ func (b *LocalBackend) SetPrefsForTest(newp *ipn.Prefs) {
defer unlock()
b.setPrefsLockedOnEntry(newp, unlock)
func TestSuggestExitNode(t *testing.T) {
tests := []struct {
name string
lastReport netcheck.Report
netMap netmap.NetworkMap
wantID tailcfg.StableNodeID
wantName string
wantLocation tailcfg.LocationView
wantError error
name: "2 exit nodes in same region",
lastReport: netcheck.Report{
RegionLatency: map[int]time.Duration{
1: 10 * time.Millisecond,
2: 20 * time.Millisecond,
3: 30 * time.Millisecond,
PreferredDERP: 1,
netMap: netmap.NetworkMap{
SelfNode: (&tailcfg.Node{
Addresses: []netip.Prefix{
DERPMap: &tailcfg.DERPMap{
Regions: map[int]*tailcfg.DERPRegion{
1: {},
2: {},
3: {},
Peers: []tailcfg.NodeView{
ID: 2,
Name: "2",
StableID: "2",
DERP: "",
AllowedIPs: []netip.Prefix{
netip.MustParsePrefix(""), netip.MustParsePrefix("::/0"),
CapMap: (tailcfg.NodeCapMap)(map[tailcfg.NodeCapability][]tailcfg.RawMessage{
tailcfg.NodeAttrSuggestExitNode: {},
ID: 3,
Name: "3",
StableID: "3",
DERP: "",
AllowedIPs: []netip.Prefix{
netip.MustParsePrefix(""), netip.MustParsePrefix("::/0"),
CapMap: (tailcfg.NodeCapMap)(map[tailcfg.NodeCapability][]tailcfg.RawMessage{
tailcfg.NodeAttrSuggestExitNode: {},
wantName: "3",
wantID: tailcfg.StableNodeID("3"),
name: "2 derp based exit nodes, different regions, no latency measurements",
lastReport: netcheck.Report{
RegionLatency: map[int]time.Duration{
1: 0,
2: 0,
3: 0,
PreferredDERP: 1,
netMap: netmap.NetworkMap{
SelfNode: (&tailcfg.Node{
Addresses: []netip.Prefix{
DERPMap: &tailcfg.DERPMap{
Regions: map[int]*tailcfg.DERPRegion{
1: {},
2: {},
3: {},
Peers: []tailcfg.NodeView{
ID: 2,
StableID: "2",
Name: "2",
DERP: "",
AllowedIPs: []netip.Prefix{
netip.MustParsePrefix(""), netip.MustParsePrefix("::/0"),
CapMap: (tailcfg.NodeCapMap)(map[tailcfg.NodeCapability][]tailcfg.RawMessage{
tailcfg.NodeAttrSuggestExitNode: {},
ID: 3,
StableID: "3",
Name: "3",
DERP: "",
AllowedIPs: []netip.Prefix{
netip.MustParsePrefix(""), netip.MustParsePrefix("::/0"),
CapMap: (tailcfg.NodeCapMap)(map[tailcfg.NodeCapability][]tailcfg.RawMessage{
tailcfg.NodeAttrSuggestExitNode: {},
wantName: "3",
wantID: tailcfg.StableNodeID("3"),
name: "2 derp based exit nodes, different regions, same latency",
lastReport: netcheck.Report{
RegionLatency: map[int]time.Duration{
1: 10,
2: 10,
3: 0,
PreferredDERP: 1,
netMap: netmap.NetworkMap{
SelfNode: (&tailcfg.Node{
Addresses: []netip.Prefix{
DERPMap: &tailcfg.DERPMap{
Regions: map[int]*tailcfg.DERPRegion{
1: {},
2: {},
3: {},
Peers: []tailcfg.NodeView{
ID: 2,
StableID: "2",
Name: "2",
DERP: "",
AllowedIPs: []netip.Prefix{
netip.MustParsePrefix(""), netip.MustParsePrefix("::/0"),
CapMap: (tailcfg.NodeCapMap)(map[tailcfg.NodeCapability][]tailcfg.RawMessage{
tailcfg.NodeAttrSuggestExitNode: {},
ID: 3,
StableID: "3",
Name: "3",
DERP: "",
AllowedIPs: []netip.Prefix{
netip.MustParsePrefix(""), netip.MustParsePrefix("::/0"),
CapMap: (tailcfg.NodeCapMap)(map[tailcfg.NodeCapability][]tailcfg.RawMessage{
tailcfg.NodeAttrSuggestExitNode: {},
wantName: "2",
wantID: tailcfg.StableNodeID("2"),
name: "mullvad nodes, no derp based exit nodes",
lastReport: netcheck.Report{
RegionLatency: map[int]time.Duration{
1: 0,
2: 0,
3: 0,
PreferredDERP: 1,
netMap: netmap.NetworkMap{
SelfNode: (&tailcfg.Node{
Addresses: []netip.Prefix{
DERPMap: &tailcfg.DERPMap{
Regions: map[int]*tailcfg.DERPRegion{
1: {
Latitude: 40.73061,
Longitude: -73.935242,
2: {},
3: {},
Peers: []tailcfg.NodeView{
ID: 2,
StableID: "2",
AllowedIPs: []netip.Prefix{
netip.MustParsePrefix(""), netip.MustParsePrefix("::/0"),
Name: "Dallas",
Hostinfo: (&tailcfg.Hostinfo{
Location: &tailcfg.Location{
Latitude: 32.89748,
Longitude: -97.040443,
Priority: 100,
CapMap: (tailcfg.NodeCapMap)(map[tailcfg.NodeCapability][]tailcfg.RawMessage{
tailcfg.NodeAttrSuggestExitNode: {},
ID: 3,
StableID: "3",
AllowedIPs: []netip.Prefix{
netip.MustParsePrefix(""), netip.MustParsePrefix("::/0"),
Name: "San Jose",
Hostinfo: (&tailcfg.Hostinfo{
Location: &tailcfg.Location{
Latitude: 37.3382082,
Longitude: -121.8863286,
Priority: 20,
CapMap: (tailcfg.NodeCapMap)(map[tailcfg.NodeCapability][]tailcfg.RawMessage{
tailcfg.NodeAttrSuggestExitNode: {},
wantID: tailcfg.StableNodeID("2"),
wantLocation: (&tailcfg.Location{
Latitude: 32.89748,
Longitude: -97.040443,
Priority: 100,
wantName: "Dallas",
name: "mullvad nodes close to each other, different priorities",
lastReport: netcheck.Report{
RegionLatency: map[int]time.Duration{
1: 0,
2: 0,
3: 0,
PreferredDERP: 1,
netMap: netmap.NetworkMap{
SelfNode: (&tailcfg.Node{
Addresses: []netip.Prefix{
DERPMap: &tailcfg.DERPMap{
Regions: map[int]*tailcfg.DERPRegion{
1: {
Latitude: 40.73061,
Longitude: -73.935242,
2: {},
3: {},
Peers: []tailcfg.NodeView{
ID: 2,
StableID: "2",
AllowedIPs: []netip.Prefix{
netip.MustParsePrefix(""), netip.MustParsePrefix("::/0"),
Name: "Dallas",
Hostinfo: (&tailcfg.Hostinfo{
Location: &tailcfg.Location{
Latitude: 32.89748,
Longitude: -97.040443,
Priority: 10,
CapMap: (tailcfg.NodeCapMap)(map[tailcfg.NodeCapability][]tailcfg.RawMessage{
tailcfg.NodeAttrSuggestExitNode: {},
ID: 3,
StableID: "3",
AllowedIPs: []netip.Prefix{
netip.MustParsePrefix(""), netip.MustParsePrefix("::/0"),
Name: "Fort Worth",
Hostinfo: (&tailcfg.Hostinfo{
Location: &tailcfg.Location{
Latitude: 37.768799,
Longitude: -97.309341,
Priority: 50,
CapMap: (tailcfg.NodeCapMap)(map[tailcfg.NodeCapability][]tailcfg.RawMessage{
tailcfg.NodeAttrSuggestExitNode: {},
wantID: tailcfg.StableNodeID("3"),
wantLocation: (&tailcfg.Location{
Latitude: 37.768799,
Longitude: -97.309341,
Priority: 50,
wantName: "Fort Worth",
name: "mullvad nodes, no preferred derp region exit nodes",
lastReport: netcheck.Report{
RegionLatency: map[int]time.Duration{
1: 0,
2: 0,
3: 0,
PreferredDERP: 1,
netMap: netmap.NetworkMap{
SelfNode: (&tailcfg.Node{
Addresses: []netip.Prefix{
DERPMap: &tailcfg.DERPMap{
Regions: map[int]*tailcfg.DERPRegion{
1: {
Latitude: 40.73061,
Longitude: -73.935242,
2: {},
3: {},
Peers: []tailcfg.NodeView{
ID: 2,
StableID: "2",
AllowedIPs: []netip.Prefix{
netip.MustParsePrefix(""), netip.MustParsePrefix("::/0"),
Name: "Dallas",
Hostinfo: (&tailcfg.Hostinfo{
Location: &tailcfg.Location{
Latitude: 32.89748,
Longitude: -97.040443,
Priority: 20,
CapMap: (tailcfg.NodeCapMap)(map[tailcfg.NodeCapability][]tailcfg.RawMessage{
tailcfg.NodeAttrSuggestExitNode: {},
ID: 3,
StableID: "3",
AllowedIPs: []netip.Prefix{
netip.MustParsePrefix(""), netip.MustParsePrefix("::/0"),
Name: "San Jose",
Hostinfo: (&tailcfg.Hostinfo{
Location: &tailcfg.Location{
Latitude: 37.3382082,
Longitude: -121.8863286,
Priority: 30,
CapMap: (tailcfg.NodeCapMap)(map[tailcfg.NodeCapability][]tailcfg.RawMessage{
tailcfg.NodeAttrSuggestExitNode: {},
ID: 3,
StableID: "3",
Name: "3",
DERP: "",
AllowedIPs: []netip.Prefix{
netip.MustParsePrefix(""), netip.MustParsePrefix("::/0"),
CapMap: (tailcfg.NodeCapMap)(map[tailcfg.NodeCapability][]tailcfg.RawMessage{
tailcfg.NodeAttrSuggestExitNode: {},
wantID: tailcfg.StableNodeID("3"),
wantName: "3",
name: "no mullvad nodes; no derp nodes",
lastReport: netcheck.Report{
RegionLatency: map[int]time.Duration{
1: 0,
2: 0,
3: 0,
PreferredDERP: 1,
netMap: netmap.NetworkMap{
SelfNode: (&tailcfg.Node{
Addresses: []netip.Prefix{
DERPMap: &tailcfg.DERPMap{
Regions: map[int]*tailcfg.DERPRegion{
1: {},
2: {},
3: {},
name: "no preferred derp region",
lastReport: netcheck.Report{
RegionLatency: map[int]time.Duration{
1: 0,
2: -1,
3: 0,
netMap: netmap.NetworkMap{
SelfNode: (&tailcfg.Node{
Addresses: []netip.Prefix{
DERPMap: &tailcfg.DERPMap{
Regions: map[int]*tailcfg.DERPRegion{
1: {},
2: {},
3: {},
wantError: ErrNoPreferredDERP,
name: "derp exit node and mullvad exit node both with no suggest exit node attribute",
lastReport: netcheck.Report{
RegionLatency: map[int]time.Duration{
1: 0,
2: 0,
3: 0,
PreferredDERP: 1,
netMap: netmap.NetworkMap{
SelfNode: (&tailcfg.Node{
Addresses: []netip.Prefix{
DERPMap: &tailcfg.DERPMap{
Regions: map[int]*tailcfg.DERPRegion{
1: {},
2: {},
3: {},
Peers: []tailcfg.NodeView{
ID: 2,
StableID: "2",
Name: "2",
DERP: "",
AllowedIPs: []netip.Prefix{
netip.MustParsePrefix(""), netip.MustParsePrefix("::/0"),
ID: 2,
StableID: "2",
AllowedIPs: []netip.Prefix{
netip.MustParsePrefix(""), netip.MustParsePrefix("::/0"),
Name: "Dallas",
Hostinfo: (&tailcfg.Hostinfo{
Location: &tailcfg.Location{
Latitude: 32.89748,
Longitude: -97.040443,
Priority: 30,
for _, tt := range tests {
t.Run(tt.name, func(t *testing.T) {
r := rand.New(rand.NewSource(100))
got, err := suggestExitNode(&tt.lastReport, &tt.netMap, r)
if got.Name != tt.wantName {
t.Errorf("name=%v, want %v", got.Name, tt.wantName)
if got.ID != tt.wantID {
t.Errorf("ID=%v, want %v", got.ID, tt.wantID)
if tt.wantError == nil && err != nil {
t.Errorf("err=%v, want no error", err)
if tt.wantError != nil && !errors.Is(err, tt.wantError) {
t.Errorf("err=%v, want %v", err, tt.wantError)
if !reflect.DeepEqual(got.Location, tt.wantLocation) {
t.Errorf("location=%v, want %v", got.Location, tt.wantLocation)
func TestSuggestExitNodePickWeighted(t *testing.T) {
tests := []struct {
name string
candidates []tailcfg.NodeView
wantValue tailcfg.NodeView
wantValid bool
name: ">1 candidates",
candidates: []tailcfg.NodeView{
ID: 2,
StableID: "2",
AllowedIPs: []netip.Prefix{
netip.MustParsePrefix(""), netip.MustParsePrefix("::/0"),
Hostinfo: (&tailcfg.Hostinfo{
Location: &tailcfg.Location{
Priority: 20,
ID: 3,
StableID: "3",
AllowedIPs: []netip.Prefix{
netip.MustParsePrefix(""), netip.MustParsePrefix("::/0"),
Hostinfo: (&tailcfg.Hostinfo{
Location: &tailcfg.Location{
Priority: 10,
wantValue: (&tailcfg.Node{
ID: 2,
StableID: "2",
AllowedIPs: []netip.Prefix{
netip.MustParsePrefix(""), netip.MustParsePrefix("::/0"),
Hostinfo: (&tailcfg.Hostinfo{
Location: &tailcfg.Location{
Priority: 20,
wantValid: true,
name: "<1 candidates",
candidates: []tailcfg.NodeView{},
wantValid: false,
name: "1 candidate",
candidates: []tailcfg.NodeView{
ID: 2,
StableID: "2",
AllowedIPs: []netip.Prefix{
netip.MustParsePrefix(""), netip.MustParsePrefix("::/0"),
Hostinfo: (&tailcfg.Hostinfo{
Location: &tailcfg.Location{
Priority: 20,
wantValue: (&tailcfg.Node{
ID: 2,
StableID: "2",
AllowedIPs: []netip.Prefix{
netip.MustParsePrefix(""), netip.MustParsePrefix("::/0"),
Hostinfo: (&tailcfg.Hostinfo{
Location: &tailcfg.Location{
Priority: 20,
wantValid: true,
for _, tt := range tests {
t.Run(tt.name, func(t *testing.T) {
got := pickWeighted(tt.candidates)
if !reflect.DeepEqual(got, tt.wantValue) {
t.Errorf("got value %v want %v", got, tt.wantValue)
if tt.wantValid != got.Valid() {
t.Errorf("got invalid candidate expected valid")
if tt.wantValid {
if !reflect.DeepEqual(got, tt.wantValue) {
t.Errorf("got value %v want %v", got, tt.wantValue)
func TestSuggestExitNodeLongLatDistance(t *testing.T) {
tests := []struct {
name string
fromLat float64
fromLong float64
toLat float64
toLong float64
want float64
name: "zero values",
fromLat: 0,
fromLong: 0,
toLat: 0,
toLong: 0,
want: 0,
name: "valid values",
fromLat: 40.73061,
fromLong: -73.935242,
toLat: 37.3382082,
toLong: -121.8863286,
want: 4117266.873301274,
name: "valid values, locations in north and south of equator",
fromLat: 40.73061,
fromLong: -73.935242,
toLat: -33.861481,
toLong: 151.205475,
want: 15994089.144368416,
// The wanted values are computed using a more precise algorithm using the WGS84 model but
// longLatDistance uses a spherical approximation for simplicity. To account for this, we allow for
// 10km of error.
for _, tt := range tests {
t.Run(tt.name, func(t *testing.T) {
got := longLatDistance(tt.fromLat, tt.fromLong, tt.toLat, tt.toLong)
const maxError = 10000 // 10km
if math.Abs(got-tt.want) > maxError {
t.Errorf("distance=%vm, want within %vm of %vm", got, maxError, tt.want)
func TestMinLatencyDERPregion(t *testing.T) {
tests := []struct {
name string
regions []int
report *netcheck.Report
wantRegion int
name: "regions, no latency values",
regions: []int{1, 2, 3},
wantRegion: 0,
report: &netcheck.Report{},
name: "regions, different latency values",
regions: []int{1, 2, 3},
wantRegion: 2,
report: &netcheck.Report{
RegionLatency: map[int]time.Duration{
1: 10 * time.Millisecond,
2: 5 * time.Millisecond,
3: 30 * time.Millisecond,
name: "regions, same values",
regions: []int{1, 2, 3},
wantRegion: 1,
report: &netcheck.Report{
RegionLatency: map[int]time.Duration{
1: 10 * time.Millisecond,
2: 10 * time.Millisecond,
3: 10 * time.Millisecond,
for _, tt := range tests {
t.Run(tt.name, func(t *testing.T) {
got := minLatencyDERPRegion(tt.regions, tt.report)
if got != tt.wantRegion {
t.Errorf("got region %v want region %v", got, tt.wantRegion)
@ -122,6 +122,7 @@ var handler = map[string]localAPIHandler{
"set-use-exit-node-enabled": (*Handler).serveSetUseExitNodeEnabled,
"start": (*Handler).serveStart,
"status": (*Handler).serveStatus,
"suggest-exit-node": (*Handler).serveSuggestExitNode,
"tka/affected-sigs": (*Handler).serveTKAAffectedSigs,
"tka/cosign-recovery-aum": (*Handler).serveTKACosignRecoveryAUM,
"tka/disable": (*Handler).serveTKADisable,
@ -2872,3 +2873,18 @@ var (
// User-visible LocalAPI endpoints.
metricFilePutCalls = clientmetric.NewCounter("localapi_file_put")
// serveSuggestExitNode serves a POST endpoint for returning a suggested exit node.
func (h *Handler) serveSuggestExitNode(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
if r.Method != "GET" {
http.Error(w, "only GET allowed", http.StatusMethodNotAllowed)
res, err := h.b.SuggestExitNode()
if err != nil {
writeErrorJSON(w, err)
w.Header().Set("Content-Type", "application/json")
@ -3063,3 +3063,17 @@ func getPeerMTUsProbedMetric(mtu tstun.WireMTU) *clientmetric.Metric {
mm, _ := metricRecvDiscoPeerMTUProbesByMTU.LoadOrInit(key, func() *clientmetric.Metric { return clientmetric.NewCounter(key) })
return mm
// GetLastNetcheckReport returns the last netcheck report, running a new one if a recent one does not exist.
func (c *Conn) GetLastNetcheckReport(ctx context.Context) *netcheck.Report {
lastReport := c.lastNetCheckReport.Load()
if lastReport == nil {
nr, err := c.updateNetInfo(ctx)
if err != nil {
c.logf("magicsock.Conn.GetLastNetcheckReport: updateNetInfo: %v", err)
return nil
return nr
return lastReport
Reference in New Issue
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