cmd/k8s-operator,k8s-operator: operator integration tests (#12792)

This is the start of an integration/e2e test suite for the tailscale operator.
It currently only tests two major features, ingress proxy and API server proxy,
but we intend to expand it to cover more features over time. It also only
supports manual runs for now. We intend to integrate it into CI checks in a
separate update when we have planned how to securely provide CI with the secrets
required for connecting to a test tailnet.

Updates #12622

Change-Id: I31e464bb49719348b62a563790f2bc2ba165a11b
Co-authored-by: Irbe Krumina <>
Signed-off-by: Tom Proctor <>
This commit is contained in:
Tom Proctor 2024-12-11 14:48:57 +00:00 committed by GitHub
parent fa655e6ed3
commit f1ccdcc713
No known key found for this signature in database
GPG Key ID: B5690EEEBB952194
4 changed files with 469 additions and 0 deletions

View File

@ -0,0 +1,108 @@
// Copyright (c) Tailscale Inc & AUTHORS
// SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause
package e2e
import (
corev1 ""
metav1 ""
kube ""
// See [TestMain] for test requirements.
func TestIngress(t *testing.T) {
if tsClient == nil {
t.Skip("TestIngress requires credentials for a tailscale client")
ctx := context.Background()
cfg := config.GetConfigOrDie()
cl, err := client.New(cfg, client.Options{})
if err != nil {
// Apply nginx
createAndCleanup(t, ctx, cl, &corev1.Pod{
ObjectMeta: metav1.ObjectMeta{
Name: "nginx",
Namespace: "default",
Labels: map[string]string{
"": "nginx",
Spec: corev1.PodSpec{
Containers: []corev1.Container{
Name: "nginx",
Image: "nginx",
// Apply service to expose it as ingress
svc := &corev1.Service{
ObjectMeta: metav1.ObjectMeta{
Name: "test-ingress",
Namespace: "default",
Annotations: map[string]string{
"": "true",
Spec: corev1.ServiceSpec{
Selector: map[string]string{
"": "nginx",
Ports: []corev1.ServicePort{
Name: "http",
Protocol: "TCP",
Port: 80,
createAndCleanup(t, ctx, cl, svc)
// TODO: instead of timing out only when test times out, cancel context after 60s or so.
if err := wait.PollUntilContextCancel(ctx, time.Millisecond*100, true, func(ctx context.Context) (done bool, err error) {
maybeReadySvc := &corev1.Service{ObjectMeta: objectMeta("default", "test-ingress")}
if err := get(ctx, cl, maybeReadySvc); err != nil {
return false, err
isReady := kube.SvcIsReady(maybeReadySvc)
if isReady {
t.Log("Service is ready")
return isReady, nil
}); err != nil {
t.Fatalf("error waiting for the Service to become Ready: %v", err)
var resp *http.Response
if err := tstest.WaitFor(time.Second*60, func() error {
// TODO(tomhjp): Get the tailnet DNS name from the associated secret instead.
// If we are not the first tailnet node with the requested name, we'll get
// a -N suffix.
resp, err = tsClient.HTTPClient.Get(fmt.Sprintf("http://%s-%s:80", svc.Namespace, svc.Name))
if err != nil {
return err
return nil
}); err != nil {
t.Fatalf("error trying to reach service: %v", err)
if resp.StatusCode != http.StatusOK {
t.Fatalf("unexpected status: %v; response body s", resp.StatusCode)

View File

@ -0,0 +1,194 @@
// Copyright (c) Tailscale Inc & AUTHORS
// SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause
package e2e
import (
metav1 ""
logf ""
kzap ""
const (
e2eManagedComment = "// This is managed by the k8s-operator e2e tests"
var (
tsClient *tailscale.Client
testGrants = map[string]string{
"test-proxy": `{
"src": ["tag:e2e-test-proxy"],
"dst": ["tag:k8s-operator"],
"app": {
"": [{
"impersonate": {
"groups": ["ts:e2e-test-proxy"],
// This test suite is currently not run in CI.
// It requires some setup not handled by this code:
// - Kubernetes cluster with tailscale operator installed
// - Current kubeconfig context set to connect to that cluster (directly, no operator proxy)
// - Operator installed with --set apiServerProxyConfig.mode="true"
// - ACLs that define tag:e2e-test-proxy tag. TODO(tomhjp): Can maybe replace this prereq onwards with an API key
// - OAuth client ID and secret in TS_API_CLIENT_ID and TS_API_CLIENT_SECRET env
// - OAuth client must have auth_keys and policy_file write for tag:e2e-test-proxy tag
func TestMain(m *testing.M) {
code, err := runTests(m)
if err != nil {
func runTests(m *testing.M) (int, error) {
zlog := kzap.NewRaw([]kzap.Opts{kzap.UseDevMode(true), kzap.Level(zapcore.DebugLevel)}...).Sugar()
tailscale.I_Acknowledge_This_API_Is_Unstable = true
if clientID := os.Getenv("TS_API_CLIENT_ID"); clientID != "" {
cleanup, err := setupClientAndACLs()
if err != nil {
return 0, err
defer func() {
err = errors.Join(err, cleanup())
return m.Run(), nil
func setupClientAndACLs() (cleanup func() error, _ error) {
ctx := context.Background()
credentials := clientcredentials.Config{
ClientID: os.Getenv("TS_API_CLIENT_ID"),
ClientSecret: os.Getenv("TS_API_CLIENT_SECRET"),
TokenURL: "",
Scopes: []string{"auth_keys", "policy_file"},
tsClient = tailscale.NewClient("-", nil)
tsClient.HTTPClient = credentials.Client(ctx)
if err := patchACLs(ctx, tsClient, func(acls *hujson.Value) {
for test, grant := range testGrants {
deleteTestGrants(test, acls)
addTestGrant(test, grant, acls)
}); err != nil {
return nil, err
return func() error {
return patchACLs(ctx, tsClient, func(acls *hujson.Value) {
for test := range testGrants {
deleteTestGrants(test, acls)
}, nil
func patchACLs(ctx context.Context, tsClient *tailscale.Client, patchFn func(*hujson.Value)) error {
acls, err := tsClient.ACLHuJSON(ctx)
if err != nil {
return err
hj, err := hujson.Parse([]byte(acls.ACL))
if err != nil {
return err
acls.ACL = hj.String()
if _, err := tsClient.SetACLHuJSON(ctx, *acls, true); err != nil {
return err
return nil
func addTestGrant(test, grant string, acls *hujson.Value) error {
v, err := hujson.Parse([]byte(grant))
if err != nil {
return err
// Add the managed comment to the first line of the grant object contents.
v.Value.(*hujson.Object).Members[0].Name.BeforeExtra = hujson.Extra(fmt.Sprintf("%s: %s\n", e2eManagedComment, test))
if err := acls.Patch([]byte(fmt.Sprintf(`[{"op": "add", "path": "/grants/-", "value": %s}]`, v.String()))); err != nil {
return err
return nil
func deleteTestGrants(test string, acls *hujson.Value) error {
grants := acls.Find("/grants")
var patches []string
for i, g := range grants.Value.(*hujson.Array).Elements {
members := g.Value.(*hujson.Object).Members
if len(members) == 0 {
comment := strings.TrimSpace(string(members[0].Name.BeforeExtra))
if name, found := strings.CutPrefix(comment, e2eManagedComment+": "); found && name == test {
patches = append(patches, fmt.Sprintf(`{"op": "remove", "path": "/grants/%d"}`, i))
// Remove in reverse order so we don't affect the found indices as we mutate.
if err := acls.Patch([]byte(fmt.Sprintf("[%s]", strings.Join(patches, ",")))); err != nil {
return err
return nil
func objectMeta(namespace, name string) metav1.ObjectMeta {
return metav1.ObjectMeta{
Namespace: namespace,
Name: name,
func createAndCleanup(t *testing.T, ctx context.Context, cl client.Client, obj client.Object) {
if err := cl.Create(ctx, obj); err != nil {
t.Cleanup(func() {
if err := cl.Delete(ctx, obj); err != nil {
t.Errorf("error cleaning up %s %s/%s: %s", obj.GetObjectKind().GroupVersionKind(), obj.GetNamespace(), obj.GetName(), err)
func get(ctx context.Context, cl client.Client, obj client.Object) error {
return cl.Get(ctx, client.ObjectKeyFromObject(obj), obj)

View File

@ -0,0 +1,156 @@
// Copyright (c) Tailscale Inc & AUTHORS
// SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause
package e2e
import (
corev1 ""
rbacv1 ""
apierrors ""
// See [TestMain] for test requirements.
func TestProxy(t *testing.T) {
if tsClient == nil {
t.Skip("TestProxy requires credentials for a tailscale client")
ctx := context.Background()
cfg := config.GetConfigOrDie()
cl, err := client.New(cfg, client.Options{})
if err != nil {
// Create role and role binding to allow a group we'll impersonate to do stuff.
createAndCleanup(t, ctx, cl, &rbacv1.Role{
ObjectMeta: objectMeta("tailscale", "read-secrets"),
Rules: []rbacv1.PolicyRule{{
APIGroups: []string{""},
Verbs: []string{"get"},
Resources: []string{"secrets"},
createAndCleanup(t, ctx, cl, &rbacv1.RoleBinding{
ObjectMeta: objectMeta("tailscale", "read-secrets"),
Subjects: []rbacv1.Subject{{
Kind: "Group",
Name: "ts:e2e-test-proxy",
RoleRef: rbacv1.RoleRef{
Kind: "Role",
Name: "read-secrets",
// Get operator host name from kube secret.
operatorSecret := corev1.Secret{
ObjectMeta: objectMeta("tailscale", "operator"),
if err := get(ctx, cl, &operatorSecret); err != nil {
// Connect to tailnet with test-specific tag so we can use the
// [testGrants] ACLs when connecting to the API server proxy
ts := tsnetServerWithTag(t, ctx, "tag:e2e-test-proxy")
proxyCfg := &rest.Config{
Host: fmt.Sprintf("https://%s:443", hostNameFromOperatorSecret(t, operatorSecret)),
Dial: ts.Dial,
proxyCl, err := client.New(proxyCfg, client.Options{})
if err != nil {
// Expect success.
allowedSecret := corev1.Secret{
ObjectMeta: objectMeta("tailscale", "operator"),
// Wait for up to a minute the first time we use the proxy, to give it time
// to provision the TLS certs.
if err := tstest.WaitFor(time.Second*60, func() error {
return get(ctx, proxyCl, &allowedSecret)
}); err != nil {
// Expect forbidden.
forbiddenSecret := corev1.Secret{
ObjectMeta: objectMeta("default", "operator"),
if err := get(ctx, proxyCl, &forbiddenSecret); err == nil || !apierrors.IsForbidden(err) {
t.Fatalf("expected forbidden error fetching secret from default namespace: %s", err)
func tsnetServerWithTag(t *testing.T, ctx context.Context, tag string) *tsnet.Server {
caps := tailscale.KeyCapabilities{
Devices: tailscale.KeyDeviceCapabilities{
Create: tailscale.KeyDeviceCreateCapabilities{
Reusable: false,
Preauthorized: true,
Ephemeral: true,
Tags: []string{tag},
authKey, authKeyMeta, err := tsClient.CreateKey(ctx, caps)
if err != nil {
t.Cleanup(func() {
if err := tsClient.DeleteKey(ctx, authKeyMeta.ID); err != nil {
t.Errorf("error deleting auth key: %s", err)
ts := &tsnet.Server{
Hostname: "test-proxy",
Ephemeral: true,
Dir: t.TempDir(),
AuthKey: authKey,
_, err = ts.Up(ctx)
if err != nil {
t.Cleanup(func() {
if err := ts.Close(); err != nil {
t.Errorf("error shutting down tsnet.Server: %s", err)
return ts
func hostNameFromOperatorSecret(t *testing.T, s corev1.Secret) string {
profiles := map[string]any{}
if err := json.Unmarshal(s.Data["_profiles"], &profiles); err != nil {
key, ok := strings.CutPrefix(string(s.Data["_current-profile"]), "profile-")
if !ok {
profile, ok := profiles[key]
if !ok {
return ((profile.(map[string]any))["Name"]).(string)

View File

@ -167,3 +167,14 @@ func DNSCfgIsReady(cfg *tsapi.DNSConfig) bool {
cond := cfg.Status.Conditions[idx]
return cond.Status == metav1.ConditionTrue && cond.ObservedGeneration == cfg.Generation
func SvcIsReady(svc *corev1.Service) bool {
idx := xslices.IndexFunc(svc.Status.Conditions, func(cond metav1.Condition) bool {
return cond.Type == string(tsapi.ProxyReady)
if idx == -1 {
return false
cond := svc.Status.Conditions[idx]
return cond.Status == metav1.ConditionTrue