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synced 2025-03-25 18:51:01 +00:00

Add in UPnP portmapping, using goupnp library in order to get the UPnP client and run the portmapping functions. This rips out anywhere where UPnP used to be in portmapping, and has a flow separate from PMP and PCP. RELNOTE=portmapper now supports UPnP mappings Fixes #682 Updates #2109 Signed-off-by: julianknodt <julianknodt@gmail.com>
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// Copyright (c) 2021 Tailscale Inc & AUTHORS All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// Package portmapper is a UDP port mapping client. It currently allows for mapping over
// NAT-PMP and UPnP, but will perhaps do PCP later.
package portmapper
import (
// References:
// NAT-PMP: https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc6886
// PCP: https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc6887
// portMapServiceTimeout is the time we wait for port mapping
// services (UPnP, NAT-PMP, PCP) to respond before we give up and
// decide that they're not there. Since these services are on the
// same LAN as this machine and a single L3 hop away, we don't
// give them much time to respond.
const portMapServiceTimeout = 250 * time.Millisecond
// trustServiceStillAvailableDuration is how often we re-verify a port
// mapping service is available.
const trustServiceStillAvailableDuration = 10 * time.Minute
// Client is a port mapping client.
type Client struct {
logf logger.Logf
ipAndGateway func() (gw, ip netaddr.IP, ok bool)
onChange func() // or nil
mu sync.Mutex // guards following, and all fields thereof
// runningCreate is whether we're currently working on creating
// a port mapping (whether GetCachedMappingOrStartCreatingOne kicked
// off a createMapping goroutine).
runningCreate bool
lastMyIP netaddr.IP
lastGW netaddr.IP
closed bool
lastProbe time.Time
pmpPubIP netaddr.IP // non-zero if known
pmpPubIPTime time.Time // time pmpPubIP last verified
pmpLastEpoch uint32
pcpSawTime time.Time // time we last saw PCP was available
uPnPSawTime time.Time // time we last saw UPnP was available
localPort uint16
mapping mapping // non-nil if we have a mapping
// mapping represents a created port-mapping over some protocol. It specifies a lease duration,
// how to release the mapping, and whether the map is still valid.
// After a mapping is created, it should be immutable, and thus reads should be safe across
// concurrent goroutines.
type mapping interface {
// Release will attempt to unmap the established port mapping. It will block until completion,
// but can be called asynchronously. Release should be idempotent, and thus even if called
// multiple times should not cause additional side-effects.
// goodUntil will return the lease time that the mapping is valid for.
GoodUntil() time.Time
// renewAfter returns the earliest time that the mapping should be renewed.
RenewAfter() time.Time
// externalIPPort indicates what port the mapping can be reached from on the outside.
External() netaddr.IPPort
// HaveMapping reports whether we have a current valid mapping.
func (c *Client) HaveMapping() bool {
defer c.mu.Unlock()
return c.mapping != nil && c.mapping.GoodUntil().After(time.Now())
// pmpMapping is an already-created PMP mapping.
// All fields are immutable once created.
type pmpMapping struct {
gw netaddr.IP
external netaddr.IPPort
internal netaddr.IPPort
renewAfter time.Time // the time at which we want to renew the mapping
goodUntil time.Time // the mapping's total lifetime
epoch uint32
// externalValid reports whether m.external is valid, with both its IP and Port populated.
func (m *pmpMapping) externalValid() bool {
return !m.external.IP().IsZero() && m.external.Port() != 0
func (p *pmpMapping) GoodUntil() time.Time { return p.goodUntil }
func (p *pmpMapping) RenewAfter() time.Time { return p.renewAfter }
func (p *pmpMapping) External() netaddr.IPPort { return p.external }
// Release does a best effort fire-and-forget release of the PMP mapping m.
func (m *pmpMapping) Release(ctx context.Context) {
uc, err := netns.Listener().ListenPacket(ctx, "udp4", ":0")
if err != nil {
defer uc.Close()
pkt := buildPMPRequestMappingPacket(m.internal.Port(), m.external.Port(), pmpMapLifetimeDelete)
uc.WriteTo(pkt, netaddr.IPPortFrom(m.gw, pmpPort).UDPAddr())
// NewClient returns a new portmapping client.
// The optional onChange argument specifies a func to run in a new
// goroutine whenever the port mapping status has changed. If nil,
// it doesn't make a callback.
func NewClient(logf logger.Logf, onChange func()) *Client {
return &Client{
logf: logf,
ipAndGateway: interfaces.LikelyHomeRouterIP,
onChange: onChange,
// SetGatewayLookupFunc set the func that returns the machine's default gateway IP, and
// the primary IP address for that gateway. It must be called before the client is used.
// If not called, interfaces.LikelyHomeRouterIP is used.
func (c *Client) SetGatewayLookupFunc(f func() (gw, myIP netaddr.IP, ok bool)) {
c.ipAndGateway = f
// NoteNetworkDown should be called when the network has transitioned to a down state.
// It's too late to release port mappings at this point (the user might've just turned off
// their wifi), but we can make sure we invalidate mappings for later when the network
// comes back.
func (c *Client) NoteNetworkDown() {
defer c.mu.Unlock()
func (c *Client) Close() error {
defer c.mu.Unlock()
if c.closed {
return nil
c.closed = true
// TODO: close some future ever-listening UDP socket(s),
// waiting for multicast announcements from router.
return nil
// SetLocalPort updates the local port number to which we want to port
// map UDP traffic.
func (c *Client) SetLocalPort(localPort uint16) {
defer c.mu.Unlock()
if c.localPort == localPort {
c.localPort = localPort
func (c *Client) gatewayAndSelfIP() (gw, myIP netaddr.IP, ok bool) {
gw, myIP, ok = c.ipAndGateway()
if !ok {
gw = netaddr.IP{}
myIP = netaddr.IP{}
defer c.mu.Unlock()
if gw != c.lastGW || myIP != c.lastMyIP || !ok {
c.lastMyIP = myIP
c.lastGW = gw
func (c *Client) invalidateMappingsLocked(releaseOld bool) {
if c.mapping != nil {
if releaseOld {
c.mapping = nil
c.pmpPubIP = netaddr.IP{}
c.pmpPubIPTime = time.Time{}
c.pcpSawTime = time.Time{}
c.uPnPSawTime = time.Time{}
func (c *Client) sawPMPRecently() bool {
defer c.mu.Unlock()
return c.sawPMPRecentlyLocked()
func (c *Client) sawPMPRecentlyLocked() bool {
return !c.pmpPubIP.IsZero() && c.pmpPubIPTime.After(time.Now().Add(-trustServiceStillAvailableDuration))
func (c *Client) sawPCPRecently() bool {
defer c.mu.Unlock()
return c.pcpSawTime.After(time.Now().Add(-trustServiceStillAvailableDuration))
func (c *Client) sawUPnPRecently() bool {
defer c.mu.Unlock()
return c.uPnPSawTime.After(time.Now().Add(-trustServiceStillAvailableDuration))
// closeCloserOnContextDone starts a new goroutine to call c.Close
// if/when ctx becomes done.
// To stop the goroutine, call the returned stop func.
func closeCloserOnContextDone(ctx context.Context, c io.Closer) (stop func()) {
// Close uc on ctx being done.
ctxDone := ctx.Done()
if ctxDone == nil {
return func() {}
stopWaitDone := make(chan struct{})
go func() {
select {
case <-stopWaitDone:
case <-ctxDone:
return func() { close(stopWaitDone) }
// NoMappingError is returned when no NAT mapping could be done.
type NoMappingError struct {
err error
func (nme NoMappingError) Unwrap() error { return nme.err }
func (nme NoMappingError) Error() string { return fmt.Sprintf("no NAT mapping available: %v", nme.err) }
// IsNoMappingError reports whether err is of type NoMappingError.
func IsNoMappingError(err error) bool {
_, ok := err.(NoMappingError)
return ok
var (
ErrNoPortMappingServices = errors.New("no port mapping services were found")
ErrGatewayNotFound = errors.New("failed to look up gateway address")
// GetCachedMappingOrStartCreatingOne quickly returns with our current cached portmapping, if any.
// If there's not one, it starts up a background goroutine to create one.
// If the background goroutine ends up creating one, the onChange hook registered with the
// NewClient constructor (if any) will fire.
func (c *Client) GetCachedMappingOrStartCreatingOne() (external netaddr.IPPort, ok bool) {
defer c.mu.Unlock()
// Do we have an existing mapping that's valid?
now := time.Now()
if m := c.mapping; m != nil {
if now.Before(m.GoodUntil()) {
if now.After(m.RenewAfter()) {
return m.External(), true
return netaddr.IPPort{}, false
// maybeStartMappingLocked starts a createMapping goroutine up, if one isn't already running.
// c.mu must be held.
func (c *Client) maybeStartMappingLocked() {
if !c.runningCreate {
c.runningCreate = true
go c.createMapping()
func (c *Client) createMapping() {
ctx, cancel := context.WithTimeout(context.Background(), 5*time.Second)
defer cancel()
defer func() {
defer c.mu.Unlock()
c.runningCreate = false
if _, err := c.createOrGetMapping(ctx); err == nil && c.onChange != nil {
go c.onChange()
} else if err != nil && !IsNoMappingError(err) {
c.logf("createOrGetMapping: %v", err)
// createOrGetMapping either creates a new mapping or returns a cached
// valid one.
// If no mapping is available, the error will be of type
// NoMappingError; see IsNoMappingError.
func (c *Client) createOrGetMapping(ctx context.Context) (external netaddr.IPPort, err error) {
gw, myIP, ok := c.gatewayAndSelfIP()
if !ok {
return netaddr.IPPort{}, NoMappingError{ErrGatewayNotFound}
localPort := c.localPort
internalAddr := netaddr.IPPortFrom(myIP, localPort)
m := &pmpMapping{
gw: gw,
internal: internalAddr,
// prevPort is the port we had most previously, if any. We try
// to ask for the same port. 0 means to give us any port.
var prevPort uint16
// Do we have an existing mapping that's valid?
now := time.Now()
if m := c.mapping; m != nil {
if now.Before(m.RenewAfter()) {
defer c.mu.Unlock()
return m.External(), nil
// The mapping might still be valid, so just try to renew it.
prevPort = m.External().Port()
// If we just did a Probe (e.g. via netchecker) but didn't
// find a PMP service, bail out early rather than probing
// again. Cuts down latency for most clients.
haveRecentPMP := c.sawPMPRecentlyLocked()
if haveRecentPMP {
m.external = m.external.WithIP(c.pmpPubIP)
if c.lastProbe.After(now.Add(-5*time.Second)) && !haveRecentPMP {
// fallback to UPnP portmapping
if mapping, ok := c.getUPnPPortMapping(ctx, gw, internalAddr, prevPort); ok {
return mapping, nil
return netaddr.IPPort{}, NoMappingError{ErrNoPortMappingServices}
uc, err := netns.Listener().ListenPacket(ctx, "udp4", ":0")
if err != nil {
return netaddr.IPPort{}, err
defer uc.Close()
defer closeCloserOnContextDone(ctx, uc)()
pmpAddr := netaddr.IPPortFrom(gw, pmpPort)
pmpAddru := pmpAddr.UDPAddr()
// Ask for our external address if needed.
if m.external.IP().IsZero() {
if _, err := uc.WriteTo(pmpReqExternalAddrPacket, pmpAddru); err != nil {
return netaddr.IPPort{}, err
// And ask for a mapping.
pmpReqMapping := buildPMPRequestMappingPacket(localPort, prevPort, pmpMapLifetimeSec)
if _, err := uc.WriteTo(pmpReqMapping, pmpAddru); err != nil {
return netaddr.IPPort{}, err
res := make([]byte, 1500)
for {
n, srci, err := uc.ReadFrom(res)
if err != nil {
if ctx.Err() == context.Canceled {
return netaddr.IPPort{}, err
// fallback to UPnP portmapping
if mapping, ok := c.getUPnPPortMapping(ctx, gw, internalAddr, prevPort); ok {
return mapping, nil
return netaddr.IPPort{}, NoMappingError{ErrNoPortMappingServices}
srcu := srci.(*net.UDPAddr)
src, ok := netaddr.FromStdAddr(srcu.IP, srcu.Port, srcu.Zone)
if !ok {
if src == pmpAddr {
pres, ok := parsePMPResponse(res[:n])
if !ok {
c.logf("unexpected PMP response: % 02x", res[:n])
if pres.ResultCode != 0 {
return netaddr.IPPort{}, NoMappingError{fmt.Errorf("PMP response Op=0x%x,Res=0x%x", pres.OpCode, pres.ResultCode)}
if pres.OpCode == pmpOpReply|pmpOpMapPublicAddr {
m.external = m.external.WithIP(pres.PublicAddr)
if pres.OpCode == pmpOpReply|pmpOpMapUDP {
m.external = m.external.WithPort(pres.ExternalPort)
d := time.Duration(pres.MappingValidSeconds) * time.Second
now := time.Now()
m.goodUntil = now.Add(d)
m.renewAfter = now.Add(d / 2) // renew in half the time
m.epoch = pres.SecondsSinceEpoch
if m.externalValid() {
defer c.mu.Unlock()
c.mapping = m
return m.external, nil
type pmpResultCode uint16
// NAT-PMP constants.
const (
pmpPort = 5351
pmpMapLifetimeSec = 7200 // RFC recommended 2 hour map duration
pmpMapLifetimeDelete = 0 // 0 second lifetime deletes
pmpOpMapPublicAddr = 0
pmpOpMapUDP = 1
pmpOpReply = 0x80 // OR'd into request's op code on response
pmpCodeOK pmpResultCode = 0
pmpCodeUnsupportedVersion pmpResultCode = 1
pmpCodeNotAuthorized pmpResultCode = 2 // "e.g., box supports mapping, but user has turned feature off"
pmpCodeNetworkFailure pmpResultCode = 3 // "e.g., NAT box itself has not obtained a DHCP lease"
pmpCodeOutOfResources pmpResultCode = 4
pmpCodeUnsupportedOpcode pmpResultCode = 5
func buildPMPRequestMappingPacket(localPort, prevPort uint16, lifetimeSec uint32) (pkt []byte) {
pkt = make([]byte, 12)
pkt[1] = pmpOpMapUDP
binary.BigEndian.PutUint16(pkt[4:], localPort)
binary.BigEndian.PutUint16(pkt[6:], prevPort)
binary.BigEndian.PutUint32(pkt[8:], lifetimeSec)
return pkt
type pmpResponse struct {
OpCode uint8
ResultCode pmpResultCode
SecondsSinceEpoch uint32
// For Map ops:
MappingValidSeconds uint32
InternalPort uint16
ExternalPort uint16
// For public addr ops:
PublicAddr netaddr.IP
func parsePMPResponse(pkt []byte) (res pmpResponse, ok bool) {
if len(pkt) < 12 {
ver := pkt[0]
if ver != 0 {
res.OpCode = pkt[1]
res.ResultCode = pmpResultCode(binary.BigEndian.Uint16(pkt[2:]))
res.SecondsSinceEpoch = binary.BigEndian.Uint32(pkt[4:])
if res.OpCode == pmpOpReply|pmpOpMapUDP {
if len(pkt) != 16 {
return res, false
res.InternalPort = binary.BigEndian.Uint16(pkt[8:])
res.ExternalPort = binary.BigEndian.Uint16(pkt[10:])
res.MappingValidSeconds = binary.BigEndian.Uint32(pkt[12:])
if res.OpCode == pmpOpReply|pmpOpMapPublicAddr {
if len(pkt) != 12 {
return res, false
res.PublicAddr = netaddr.IPv4(pkt[8], pkt[9], pkt[10], pkt[11])
return res, true
type ProbeResult struct {
PCP bool
PMP bool
UPnP bool
// Probe returns a summary of which port mapping services are
// available on the network.
// If a probe has run recently and there haven't been any network changes since,
// the returned result might be server from the Client's cache, without
// sending any network traffic.
func (c *Client) Probe(ctx context.Context) (res ProbeResult, err error) {
gw, myIP, ok := c.gatewayAndSelfIP()
if !ok {
return res, ErrGatewayNotFound
defer func() {
if err == nil {
defer c.mu.Unlock()
c.lastProbe = time.Now()
uc, err := netns.Listener().ListenPacket(context.Background(), "udp4", ":0")
if err != nil {
c.logf("ProbePCP: %v", err)
return res, err
defer uc.Close()
ctx, cancel := context.WithTimeout(ctx, 250*time.Millisecond)
defer cancel()
defer closeCloserOnContextDone(ctx, uc)()
if c.sawUPnPRecently() {
res.UPnP = true
} else {
hasUPnP := make(chan bool, 1)
defer func() {
res.UPnP = <-hasUPnP
go func() {
client, err := getUPnPClient(ctx, gw)
if err == nil && client != nil {
hasUPnP <- true
c.uPnPSawTime = time.Now()
pcpAddr := netaddr.IPPortFrom(gw, pcpPort).UDPAddr()
pmpAddr := netaddr.IPPortFrom(gw, pmpPort).UDPAddr()
// Don't send probes to services that we recently learned (for
// the same gw/myIP) are available. See
// https://github.com/tailscale/tailscale/issues/1001
if c.sawPMPRecently() {
res.PMP = true
} else {
uc.WriteTo(pmpReqExternalAddrPacket, pmpAddr)
if c.sawPCPRecently() {
res.PCP = true
} else {
uc.WriteTo(pcpAnnounceRequest(myIP), pcpAddr)
buf := make([]byte, 1500)
pcpHeard := false // true when we get any PCP response
for {
if pcpHeard && res.PMP {
// Nothing more to discover.
return res, nil
n, addr, err := uc.ReadFrom(buf)
if err != nil {
if ctx.Err() == context.DeadlineExceeded {
err = nil
return res, err
port := addr.(*net.UDPAddr).Port
switch port {
case pcpPort: // same as pmpPort
if pres, ok := parsePCPResponse(buf[:n]); ok {
if pres.OpCode == pcpOpReply|pcpOpAnnounce {
pcpHeard = true
c.pcpSawTime = time.Now()
switch pres.ResultCode {
case pcpCodeOK:
c.logf("Got PCP response: epoch: %v", pres.Epoch)
res.PCP = true
case pcpCodeNotAuthorized:
// A PCP service is running, but refuses to
// provide port mapping services.
res.PCP = false
// Fall through to unexpected log line.
c.logf("unexpected PCP probe response: %+v", pres)
if pres, ok := parsePMPResponse(buf[:n]); ok {
if pres.OpCode == pmpOpReply|pmpOpMapPublicAddr && pres.ResultCode == pmpCodeOK {
c.logf("Got PMP response; IP: %v, epoch: %v", pres.PublicAddr, pres.SecondsSinceEpoch)
res.PMP = true
c.pmpPubIP = pres.PublicAddr
c.pmpPubIPTime = time.Now()
c.pmpLastEpoch = pres.SecondsSinceEpoch
c.logf("unexpected PMP probe response: %+v", pres)
const (
pcpVersion = 2
pcpPort = 5351
pcpCodeOK = 0
pcpCodeNotAuthorized = 2
pcpOpReply = 0x80 // OR'd into request's op code on response
pcpOpAnnounce = 0
pcpOpMap = 1
// pcpAnnounceRequest generates a PCP packet with an ANNOUNCE opcode.
func pcpAnnounceRequest(myIP netaddr.IP) []byte {
// See https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc6887#section-7.1
pkt := make([]byte, 24)
pkt[0] = pcpVersion // version
pkt[1] = pcpOpAnnounce
myIP16 := myIP.As16()
copy(pkt[8:], myIP16[:])
return pkt
// pcpMapRequest generates a PCP packet with a MAP opcode.
func pcpMapRequest(myIP netaddr.IP, mapToLocalPort int, delete bool) []byte {
const udpProtoNumber = 17
lifetimeSeconds := uint32(1)
if delete {
lifetimeSeconds = 0
const opMap = 1
// 24 byte header + 36 byte map opcode
pkt := make([]byte, (32+32+128)/8+(96+8+24+16+16+128)/8)
// The header (https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc6887#section-7.1)
pkt[0] = 2 // version
pkt[1] = opMap
binary.BigEndian.PutUint32(pkt[4:8], lifetimeSeconds)
myIP16 := myIP.As16()
copy(pkt[8:], myIP16[:])
// The map opcode body (https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc6887#section-11.1)
mapOp := pkt[24:]
rand.Read(mapOp[:12]) // 96 bit mappping nonce
mapOp[12] = udpProtoNumber
binary.BigEndian.PutUint16(mapOp[16:], uint16(mapToLocalPort))
v4unspec := netaddr.MustParseIP("")
v4unspec16 := v4unspec.As16()
copy(mapOp[20:], v4unspec16[:])
return pkt
type pcpResponse struct {
OpCode uint8
ResultCode uint8
Lifetime uint32
Epoch uint32
func parsePCPResponse(b []byte) (res pcpResponse, ok bool) {
if len(b) < 24 || b[0] != pcpVersion {
res.OpCode = b[1]
res.ResultCode = b[3]
res.Lifetime = binary.BigEndian.Uint32(b[4:])
res.Epoch = binary.BigEndian.Uint32(b[8:])
return res, true
var pmpReqExternalAddrPacket = []byte{0, 0} // version 0, opcode 0 = "Public address request"