* core(docs): correct `iss` claim of jwt profile * fix: correct master after merges again (#1230)
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title |
OpenID Connect 1.0 & OAuth 2.0 |
Endpoints and Domains
This chapter documents the OpenID Connect 1.0 and OAuth 2.0 features provided by ZITADEL.
Under normal circumstances ZITADEL need four domain names to operate properly.
Domain Name | Example | Description |
issuer | issuer.zitadel.ch |
Provides the OpenID Connect 1.0 Discovery Endpoint |
api | api.zitadel.ch |
All ZITADEL API's are located under this domain see API explanation for details |
login | accounts.zitadel.ch |
The accounts.* page provides server renderer pages like login and register and as well the authorization_endpoint for OpenID Connect |
console | console.zitadel.ch |
With the console.* domain we serve the assets for the management gui |
OpenID Connect 1.0 Discovery
The OpenID Connect Discovery Endpoint is located within the issuer domain. For example with zitadel.ch this would be the domain issuer.zitadel.ch. This would give us https://issuer.zitadel.ch/.well-known/openid-configuration.
Link to spec. OpenID Connect Discovery 1.0 incorporating errata set 1
The authorization_endpoint is located with the login page, due to the need of accessing the same cookie domain
The end_session_endpoint is located with the login page, due to the need of accessing the same cookie domain
Be aware that these keys can be rotated without any prior notice. We will however make sure that a proper
is set with each key!
OAuth 2.0 Metadata
ZITADEL does not yet provide a OAuth 2.0 Metadata endpoint but instead provides a OpenID Connect Discovery Endpoint.
ZITADEL supports the usage of scopes as way of requesting information from the IAM and also instruct ZITADEL to do certain operations.
Standard Scopes
Scopes | Example | Description |
openid | openid |
When using openid connect this is a mandatory scope |
profile | profile |
Optional scope to request the profile of the subject |
email |
Optional scope to request the email of the subject | |
address | address |
Optional scope to request the address of the subject |
Custom Scopes
This feature is not yet released
Reserved Scopes
In addition to the standard compliant scopes we utilize the following scopes.
Scopes | Example | Description |
urn:zitadel:iam:org:project:role:{rolename} | urn:zitadel:iam:org:project:role:user |
By using this scope a client can request the claim urn:zitadel:iam:roles:rolename} to be asserted when possible. As an alternative approach you can enable all roles to be asserted from the project a client belongs to. See details here |
urn:zitadel:iam:org:domain:primary:{domainname} | urn:zitadel:iam:org:domain:primary:acme.ch |
When requesting this scope ZITADEL will enforce that the user is a member of the selected organization. If the organization does not exist a failure is displayed |
urn:zitadel:iam:role:{rolename} | ||
urn:zitadel:iam:org:project🆔{projectid}:aud | ZITADEL's Project id is urn:zitadel:iam:org:project:id:69234237810729019:aud |
By adding this scope, the requested projectid will be added to the audience of the access and id token |
If access to ZITADEL's API's is needed with a service user the scope
needs to be used with the JWT Profile request
ZITADEL asserts claims on different places according to the corresponding specifications or project and clients settings. Please check below the matrix for an overview where which scope is asserted.
Claims | Userinfo | ID Token | Access Token |
acr | Yes | Yes | No |
address | Yes when requested | Yes only when response type id_token |
No |
amr | Yes | Yes | No |
aud | No | Yes | Yes when JWT |
auth_time | Yes | Yes | No |
azp | No | Yes | Yes when JWT |
Yes when requested | Yes only when response type id_token |
No | |
email_verified | Yes when requested | Yes only when response type id_token |
No |
exp | No | Yes | Yes when JWT |
family_name | Yes when requested | Yes when requested | No |
gender | Yes when requested | Yes when requested | No |
given_name | Yes when requested | Yes when requested | No |
iat | No | Yes | Yes when JWT |
iss | No | Yes | Yes when JWT |
locale | Yes when requested | Yes when requested | No |
name | Yes when requested | Yes when requested | No |
nonce | No | Yes | No |
phone | Yes when requested | Yes only when response type id_token |
No |
preferred_username | Yes when requested | Yes | No |
sub | Yes | Yes | Yes when JWT |
urn:zitadel:iam:org:domain:primary:{domainname} | Yes when requested | Yes when requested | Yes when JWT and requested |
urn:zitadel:iam:org:project:roles:{rolename} | Yes when requested | Yes when requested or configured | Yes when JWT and requested or configured |
Standard Claims
Claims | Example | Description |
acr | TBA | TBA |
address | Teufener Strasse 19, 9000 St. Gallen |
amr | pwd mfa |
Authentication Method References as defined in RFC8176 |
aud | 69234237810729019 |
By default all client id's and the project id is included |
auth_time | 1311280969 |
Unix time of the authentication |
azp | 69234237810729234 |
Client id of the client who requested the token |
road.runner@acme.ch |
Email Address of the subject | |
email_verified | true |
Boolean if the email was verified by ZITADEL |
exp | 1311281970 |
Time the token expires as unix time |
family_name | Runner |
The subjects family name |
gender | other |
Gender of the subject |
given_name | Road |
Given name of the subject |
iat | 1311280970 |
Issued at time of the token as unix time |
iss | https://issuer.zitadel.ch |
Issuing domain of a token |
locale | en |
Language from the subject |
name | Road Runner |
The subjects full name |
nonce | blQtVEJHNTF0WHhFQmhqZ0RqeHJsdzdkd2d... |
The nonce provided by the client |
phone | +41 79 XXX XX XX |
Phone number provided by the user |
preferred_username | road.runner@acme.caos.ch |
ZITADEL's login name of the user. Consist of username@primarydomain |
sub | 77776025198584418 |
Subject ID of the user |
Custom Claims
This feature is not yet released
Reserved Claims
ZITADEL reserves some claims to assert certain data.
Claims | Example | Description |
urn:zitadel:iam:org:domain:primary:{domainname} | {"urn:zitadel:iam:org:domain:primary": "acme.ch"} |
This claim represents the primary domain of the organization the user belongs to. |
urn:zitadel:iam:org:project:roles:{rolename} | {"urn:zitadel:iam:org:project:roles": [ {"user": {"id1": "acme.zitade.ch", "id2": "caos.ch"} } ] } |
When roles are asserted, ZITADEL does this by providing the id and primaryDomain below the role. This gives you the option to check in which organization a user has the role. |
urn:zitadel:iam:roles:{rolename} | TBA | TBA |
Grant Types
For a list of supported or unsupported Grant Types
please have a look at the table below.
Grant Type | Supported |
Authorization Code | yes |
Authorization Code with PKCE | yes |
Client Credentials | yes |
Device Authorization | under consideration |
Implicit | yes |
JSON Web Token (JWT) Profile | partially |
Refresh Token | work in progress |
Resource Owner Password Credentials | no |
Security Assertion Markup Language (SAML) 2.0 Profile | no |
Token Exchange | work in progress |
Authorization Code
Link to spec. The OAuth 2.0 Authorization Framework Section 1.3.1
Proof Key for Code Exchange
Link to spec. Proof Key for Code Exchange by OAuth Public Clients
Link to spec. The OAuth 2.0 Authorization Framework Section 1.3.2
Client Credentials
Link to spec. The OAuth 2.0 Authorization Framework Section 1.3.4
Refresh Token
Link to spec. The OAuth 2.0 Authorization Framework Section 1.5
JSON Web Token (JWT) Profile
Link to spec. JSON Web Token (JWT) Profile for OAuth 2.0 Client Authentication and Authorization Grants
Using JWTs as Authorization Grants
Our service user work with the JWT profile to authenticate them against ZITADEL.
- Create or use an existing service user
- Create a new key and download it
- Generate a JWT with the structure below and sing it with the downloaded key
- Send the JWT Base64 encoded to ZITADEL's token endpoint
- Use the received access token
Key | Example | Description |
type | "serviceaccount" |
The type of account, right now only serviceaccount is valid |
keyId | "81693565968772648" |
This is unique ID of the key |
key | "-----BEGIN RSA PRIVATE KEY-----...-----END RSA PRIVATE KEY-----" |
The private key generated by ZITADEL, this can not be regenerated! |
userId | 78366401571647008 |
The service users ID, this is the same as the subject from tokens |
"type": "serviceaccount",
"keyId": "81693565968772648",
"key": "-----BEGIN RSA PRIVATE KEY-----...-----END RSA PRIVATE KEY-----",
"userId": "78366401571647008"
Claim | Example | Description |
aud | "https://issuer.zitadel.ch" |
String or Array of intended audiences MUST include ZITADEL's issuing domain |
exp | 1605183582 |
Unix timestamp of the expiry, MUST NOT be longer than 1h |
iat | 1605179982 |
Unix timestamp of the creation singing time of the JWT |
iss | "77479219772321307" |
String which represents the requesting party (owner of the key), normally the userId from the json key file |
sub | "77479219772321307" |
The subject ID of the service user, normally the userId from the json key file |
"iss": "77479219772321307",
"sub": "77479219772321307",
"aud": "https://issuer.zitadel.ch",
"exp": 1605183582,
"iat": 1605179982
Access Token Request
Parameter | Example | Description |
Content-Type | application/x-www-form-urlencoded |
grant_type | urn:ietf:params:oauth:grant-type:jwt-bearer |
Using JWTs as Authorization Grants |
assertion | eyJhbGciOiJSUzI1Ni... |
The base64 encoded JWT created above |
scope | openid profile email urn:zitadel:iam:org:project:id:69234237810729019:aud |
Scopes you would like to request from ZITADEL |
curl --request POST \
--url https://api.zitadel.ch/oauth/v2/token \
--header 'Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded' \
--data grant_type=urn:ietf:params:oauth:grant-type:jwt-bearer \
--data assertion=eyJhbGciOiJSUzI1Ni...
--data scope=openid profile email address
Using JWTs for Client Authentication
Not yet supported
Token Exchange
Link to spec. OAuth 2.0 Token Exchange
Device Authorization
Link to spec. OAuth 2.0 Device Authorization Grant
Not Supported Grant Types
Resource Owner Password Credentials
Due to growing security concerns we do not support this grant type. With OAuth 2.1 it looks like this grant will be removed.
Link to spec. OThe OAuth 2.0 Authorization Framework Section 1.3.3
Security Assertion Markup Language (SAML) 2.0 Profile
Link to spec. Security Assertion Markup Language (SAML) 2.0 Profile for OAuth 2.0 Client Authentication and Authorization Grants