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synced 2025-03-01 12:47:24 +00:00

# Which Problems Are Solved - Lack of documentation on integrating the Pylon framework with ZITADEL # How the Problems Are Solved - Adds examples to the ZITADEL documentation on how to integrate with the Pylon framework. - Provides clear, step-by-step instructions and code snippets for seamless integration. # Additional Changes - Updates some formatting related issues. This includes changes to trailing semicolons and array newlines in two or three instances without significantly altering the previous formatting. 5b23416a8c898b9ac561bbca14a6ad72fdbeffdd # Additional Context Add the pylon framework to the ZITADEL documentation examples as previously discussed with @fforootd. - [Pylon](https://github.com/getcronit/pylon) - [Pylon Documentation](https://pylon.cronit.io) --------- Co-authored-by: Tim Möhlmann <tim+github@zitadel.com>
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