* docs: describe linting in the dev process avoids forgetting to lint the code * also lint e2e when developing console * fix instruction sentence
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Contributing to ZITADEL
Thank you for your interest about how to contribute! As you might know there is more than code to contribute. You can find all information needed to start contributing here.
Please give us and our community the chance to get rid of security vulnerabilities by responsibly disclose this kind of issues by contacting security@zitadel.com.
The strongest part of a community is the possibility to share thoughts. That's why we try to react as soon as possible to your ideas, thoughts and feedback. We love to discuss as much as possible in an open space like in the issues and discussions section here or in our chat, but we understand your doubts and provide further contact options here.
If you want to give an answer or be part of discussions please be kind. Treat others like you want to be treated. Read more about our code of conduct here.
What can I contribute?
For people who are new to ZITADEL: We flag issues which are a good starting point to start contributing. You find them here
Make ZITADEL more popular and give it a ⭐
Help shaping the future of ZITADEL:
- Join our chat and discuss with us or others.
- Ask or answer questions in the issues section
- Share your thoughts and ideas in the discussions section
- Contribute code
- If you found a mistake on our docs page or something is missing please read the docs section
- Translate and improve texts
Follow @zitadel on twitter
How to contribute
We strongly recommend to talk to us before you start contributing to streamline our and your work.
We accept contributions through pull requests. You need a github account for that. If you are unfamiliar with git have a look at Github's documentation on creating forks and creating pull requests. Please draft the pull request as soon as possible. Go through the following checklist before you submit the final pull request:
Submit a Pull Request (PR)
Fork the zitadel/zitadel repository on GitHub
On your fork, commit your changes to a new branch
git checkout -b my-fix-branch main
Make your changes following the guidelines in this guide. Make sure that all tests pass.
Commit the changes on the new branch
git commit --all
Merge the latest commit of the
-branch -
Push the changes to your branch on Github
git push origin my-fix-branch
Use Semantic Release commit messages to simplify creation of release notes. In the title of the pull request correct tagging is required and will be requested by the reviewers.
On GitHub, send a pull request to
. Request review from one of the maintainers.
Reviewing a Pull Request
The reviewers will provide you feedback and approve your changes as soon as they are satisfied. If we ask you for changes in the code, you can follow the GitHub Guide to incorporate feedback in your pull request.
Commit Messages
Make sure you use semantic release messages format.
<type>(<scope>): <short summary>
Must be one of the following:
- feat: New Feature
- fix: Bug Fix
- docs: Documentation
This is optional to indicate which component is affected. In doubt, leave blank (<type>: <short summary>
Short Summary
Provide a brief description of the change.
The code consists of the following parts:
name | description | language | where to find |
backend | Service that serves the grpc(-web) and RESTful API | go | API implementation |
console | Frontend the user interacts with after he is logged in | Angular, Typescript | ./console |
login | Server side rendered frontend the user interacts with during login | go, go templates | ./internal/api/ui/login |
API definitions | Specifications of the API | Protobuf | ./proto/zitadel |
docs | Project documentation made with docusaurus | Docusaurus | ./docs |
Please validate and test the code before you contribute.
We add the label "good first issue" for problems we think are a good starting point to contribute to ZITADEL.
Backend / Login
By executing the commands from this section, you run everything you need to develop the ZITADEL backend locally. Using Docker Compose, you run a CockroachDB on your local machine. With goreleaser, you build a debuggable ZITADEL binary and run it using delve. Then, you test your changes via the console your binary is serving at http://localhost:8080 and by verifying the database. Once you are happy with your changes, you run end-to-end tests and tear everything down.
ZITADEL uses golangci-lint for code quality checks. Please use this configuration when running golangci-lint
. We recommend to set golangci-lint as linter in your IDE.
The commands in this section are tested against the following software versions:
Make some changes to the source code, then run the database locally.
# You just need the db service to develop the backend against.
docker compose --file ./e2e/docker-compose.yaml up --detach db
Build the binary. This takes some minutes, but you can speed up rebuilds.
# You just need goreleasers build part (--snapshot) and you just need to target your current platform (--single-target)
goreleaser build --id dev --snapshot --single-target --rm-dist --output .artifacts/zitadel/zitadel
Note: With this command, several steps are executed. For speeding up rebuilds, you can reexecute only specific steps you think are necessary based on your changes.
Generating gRPC stubs:DOCKER_BUILDKIT=1 docker build -f build/zitadel/Dockerfile . --target go-copy -o .
Running unit tests:DOCKER_BUILDKIT=1 docker build -f build/zitadel/Dockerfile . --target go-codecov
Generating the console:DOCKER_BUILDKIT=1 docker build -f build/console/Dockerfile . --target angular-export -o internal/api/ui/console/static/
Build the binary:goreleaser build --id dev --snapshot --single-target --rm-dist --output .artifacts/zitadel/zitadel --skip-before
You can now run and debug the binary in .artifacts/zitadel/zitadel using your favourite IDE, for example GoLand.
You can test if ZITADEL does what you expect by using the UI at http://localhost:8080/ui/console.
Also, you can verify the data by running cockroach sql --database zitadel --insecure
and running SQL queries.
As soon as you are ready to battle test your changes, run the end-to-end tests.
# Build the production binary (unit tests are executed, too)
goreleaser build --id prod --snapshot --single-target --rm-dist --output .artifacts/zitadel/zitadel
# Pack the binary into a docker image
DOCKER_BUILDKIT=1 docker build --file build/Dockerfile .artifacts/zitadel -t zitadel:local
# If you made changes in the e2e directory, make sure you reformat the files
(cd ./e2e && npm run lint:fix)
# Run the tests
ZITADEL_IMAGE=zitadel:local docker compose --file ./e2e/docker-compose.yaml run e2e
When you are happy with your changes, you can cleanup your environment.
# Stop and remove the docker containers for zitadel and the database
docker compose --file ./e2e/docker-compose.yaml down
By executing the commands from this section, you run everything you need to develop the console locally. Using Docker Compose, you run CockroachDB and the latest release of ZITADEL on your local machine. You use the ZITADEL container as backend for your console. The console is run in your Node environment using a local development server for Angular, so you have fast feedback about your changes.
We use angular-eslint/Prettier for linting/formatting, so please run npm run lint:fix
before committing. (VSCode users, check out this ESLint extension and this Prettier extension to fix lint and formatting issues in development)
Once you are happy with your changes, you run end-to-end tests and tear everything down.
The commands in this section are tested against the following software versions:
- Docker version 20.10.17
- Node version v16.17.0
- npm version 8.18.0
- Cypress runtime dependencies
- curl version 7.58.0
Note for WSL2 on Windows 10
Following the suggestions here subsequently here may need to XLaunch and configure your DISPLAY variable. Use at your own risk.- Install
VcXsrv Windows X Server
- Set the target of your shortcut to
"C:\Program Files\VcXsrv\xlaunch.exe" -ac
- In WSL2 run
export DISPLAY=$(cat /etc/resolv.conf | grep nameserver | awk '{print $2}'):0
to set your DISPLAY variable - When starting XLaunch, make sure to disable access control
Run the database and the latest backend locally.
# Change to the console directory
cd ./console
# You just need the db and the zitadel services to develop the console against.
docker compose --file ../e2e/docker-compose.yaml up --detach db zitadel
When the backend is ready, you have the latest zitadel exposed at http://localhost:8080. You can now run a local development server with live code reloading at http://localhost:4200. To allow console access via http://localhost:4200, you have to configure the ZITADEL backend.
- Navigate to http://localhost:8080/ui/console/projects.
- When prompted, login with zitadel-admin@zitadel.localhost and Password1!
- Select the ZITADEL project.
- Select the Console application.
- Select Redirect Settings
- Add http://localhost:4200/auth/callback to the Redirect URIs
- Add http://localhost:4200/signedout to the Post Logout URIs
- Select the Save button
You can run the local console development server now.
# Console loads its target environment from the file console/src/assets/environment.json.
# Load it from the backend.
curl http://localhost:8080/ui/console/assets/environment.json > ./src/assets/environment.json
# Generate source files from Protos
npm run generate
# Install npm dependencies
npm install
# Start the server
npm start
Navigate to http://localhost:4200/. Make some changes to the source code and see how the browser is automatically updated. After making changes to the code, you should run the end-to-end-tests. Open another shell.
# Reformat your console code
npm run lint:fix
# Change to the e2e directory
cd .. && cd e2e/
# If you made changes in the e2e directory, make sure you reformat the files here too
npm run lint:fix
# Install npm dependencies
npm install
# Run all tests in a headless browser
npm run e2e:dev
You can also open the test suite interactively for fast success feedback on specific tests.
# Run all tests in a headless browser
npm run open:dev
When you are happy with your changes, you can format your code and cleanup your environment
# Stop and remove the docker containers for zitadel and the database
docker compose down
Contribute Docs
Project documentation is made with docusaurus and is located under ./docs. Please refer to the README for more information and local testing.
When making a pull request use docs(<scope>): <short summary>
as title for the semantic release.
Scope can be left empty (omit the brackets) or refer to the top navigation sections.
Contribute Internationalization
ZITADEL loads translations from four files:
- Console texts
- Login interface
- Email notification
- Common texts for success or error toasts
You may edit the texts in these files or create a new file for additional language support. Make sure you set the locale (ISO 639-1 code) as the name of the new language file.
Want to start ZITADEL?
You can find an installation guide for all the different environments here: https://zitadel.com/docs/self-hosting/deploy/overview
Did you find a security flaw?
- Please read Security Policy.
Product Management
The ZITADEL Team works with an agile product management methodology. You can find all the issues prioritized and ordered in the product board.
Every two weeks the team goes through all the new issues and decided about the priority, effort and if it is ready to start or in the backlog. If it is something critical or urgent we will have a look at it earlier. To show the community the needed information, each issue gets labels.
About the Labels
There are a few general labels that don't belong to a specific category.
- good first issue: This label shows contibuters, that it is an easy entry point to start developing on ZITADEL.
- help wanted: The author is seeking help on this topic, this may be from an internal ZITADEL team member or external contributors.
Priority shows you the priority the ZITADEL team has given this issue. In general the more customers want a feature the higher the priority gets.
- priority: critical: This is a security issue or something that has to be fixed urgently, because customers can't work anymore.
- priority: high: These are the issues the ZITADEL Team is currently focusing on and will be implemented as soon as possible.
- priority: medium: After all the high issues are done these will be next.
- priority: low: This is low in priority and will probably not be implemented in the next time or just if someone has some time in between.
The state should reflect the progress of the issue and what is going on right now.
- state: triage: Each issue gets this state automatically on creating and it means the ZITADEL team should have a look at it, prioritize and sort into categories or ask for more information if needed.
- state: tbd: If the issue has the state tbd (to be defined) it means the team does need more information either from the author or internal.
- state: backlog: If an issue is in the backlog, it is not currently being worked on. These are recorded so that they can be processed in the future. Issues with this state do not have to be completely defined yet.
- state: ready: An issue with the state ready is ready to implement. This means the developer can find all the relevant information and acceptance criteria in the issue.
- state: in progress: Someone is working on this issue right now.
- state: waiting: For some reason, this issue will have to wait. This can be a feedback that is being waited for, a dependent issue or anything else.
- state: duplicate: The same issue already exists. This issue will probably be closed with a reference to the other issue.
The category shows which part of ZITADEL is affected.
- category: backend: The backend includes the APIs, event store, command and query side. This is developed in golang.
- category: ci: ci is all about continues integration and pipelines.
- category: design: All about the ux/ui of ZITADEL
- category: docs: Adjustments or new documentations, this can be found in the docs folder.
- category: frontend: The frontend concerns on the one hand the ZITADEL management console (Angular) and on the other hand the login (gohtml)
- category: infra: Infrastructure does include many different parts. E.g Terraform-provider, docker, metrics, etc.
- category: translation: Everything concerning translations or new languages
The language shows you in which programming language the affected part is written
- lang: angular
- lang: go
- lang: javascript
The effort should give you an indication how much work it takes. This is based on a rough estimation. Everything that is higher than 8 should be split in smaller parts.
- effort: 1
- effort: 2
- effort: 3
- effort: 5
- effort: 8